Imagination Quotes
Text Quotes
Half the interest of a garden is the constant exercise of the imagination. You are always living three, or indeed six, months hence. I believe that people entirely devoid of imagination never can be really good gardeners. To be content with the present, and not striving about the future, is fatal (Imagination Quotes)
Trouble shots are surprisingly easy if you activate your imagination. You simply must be able to imagine exactly what flight the ball will take before you can play any shot well (Imagination Quotes)
All great scientists have, in a certain sense, been great artists; the man with no imagination may collect facts, but he cannot make great discoveries (Imagination Quotes)
Imagination is like a lofty building reared to meet the sky; whereas fancy is a balloon that soars at the wind’s will (Imagination Quotes)
Women are not as sentimental as men, and are not so easily touched with the unspoken poetry of nature, being less poetical, and having less imagination; they are more fitted for practical affairs, and would make fewer failures in business (Imagination Quotes)
If you turn the imagination loose like a hunting dog, it will often return with the bird in its mouth (Imagination Quotes)
There is no map that can show you how to leap. The map for this is somewhere in our own imagination (Imagination Quotes)
Nothing drives progress like the imagination. The idea precedes the deed. The only exceptions are accidents and natural selection (Imagination Quotes)
Though the parallel is not complete, it is safe to say that science will never touch them unaided by its practical applications. Its wonders may be catalogued for purposes of education, they may be illustrated by arresting experiments, by numbers and magnitudes which startle or fatigue the imagination but they will form no familiar portion of the intellectual furniture of ordinary men unless they be connected, however remotely, with the conduct of ordinary life (Imagination Quotes)
The creative universe begins with its essentiality, and, whatever path the imagination takes, ends with its purity (Imagination Quotes)
The foolhardy are not necessarily stupid, for fools simply follow their imagination whereas the stupid have none (Imagination Quotes)
Where faith commences, science ends. Both these arts of the human mind must be strictly kept apart from each other. Faith has its origin in the poetic imagination; knowledge, on the other hand, originates in the reasoning intelligence of man. Science has to pluck the blessed fruits from the tree of knowledge, unconcerned whether these conquests trench upon the poetical imaginings of faith or not (Imagination Quotes)
The lack of imagination or invention most people display in naming pussies is almost beyond credence (Imagination Quotes)
The future is not there waiting for us. We create it by the power of imagination (Imagination Quotes)
Your imagination has much to do with your life... It is for you to decide how you want your imagination to serve you (Imagination Quotes)
I paint ideas, not things. My intention is less to paint works that are pleasing to the eye than to suggest great thoughts which will speak to the imagination and the heart and will arouse all that is noblest and best in man (Imagination Quotes)
Philosophers, if they have much imagination, are apt to let it loose as well as other people, and in such cases are sometimes led to mistake a fancy for a fact. Geologists, in particular, have very frequently amused themselves in this way, and it is not a little amusing to follow them in their fancies and their waking dreams. Geology, indeed, in this view, may be called a romantic science (Imagination Quotes)
Many who have never had an opportunity of knowing any more about mathematics confound it with arithmetic, and consider it an arid science. In reality, however, it is a science which requires a great amount of imagination (Imagination Quotes)
The power of a dream is that it frees up your imagination to think about the best possible scenario for your life (Imagination Quotes)
I shall discuss the broad patterns of hominoid evolution, an exercise made enjoyable by the need to integrate diverse kinds of information, and use that as a vehicle to speculate about hominoid origins, an event for which there is no recognized fossil record. Hence, an opportunity to exercise some imagination (Imagination Quotes)
Not only did he teach by accomplishment, but he taught by the inspiration of a marvelous imagination that refused to accept the permanence of what appeared to others to be insuperable difficulties: an imagination of the goals of which, in a number of instances, are still in the realms of speculation (Imagination Quotes)
In the end, the key ingredient for public life is imagination. You imagine something better, you try to bring the people with you (Imagination Quotes)
This fact was something I also learned from this first novel that I needed personal experience to invent, to fantasize, to create fiction, but at the same time I needed some distance, some perspective on this experience in order to feel free enough to manipulate it and to transform it into fiction. If the experience is very close, I feel inhibited. I have never been able to write fiction about something that has happened to me recently. If the closeness of the real reality, of living reality, is to have a persuasive effect on my imagination, I need a distance, a distance in time and in space (Imagination Quotes)
Both desire and imagination are stored in the mind of the individual and when stretched, both have the potential to position a person for greatness (Imagination Quotes)
The child awakens to a universe. The mind of the child to a world of meaning. Imagination to a world of beauty. Emotions to a world of intimacy. It takes a universe to make a child both in outer form and inner spirit. It takes a universe to educate a child. A universe to fulfill a child (Imagination Quotes)
If you do not have an alert and curious interest in character and dramatic situation, if you have no visual imagination and are unable to distinguish between honest emotional reactions and sentimental approaches to life, you will never write a competent short story (Imagination Quotes)
I like density, not volume. I like to leave something to the imagination. The reader must fit the pieces together, with the author’s discreet help (Imagination Quotes)
Writing, in any sense that matters, cannot be taught. It can only be learned by each separate one of us in his own way, by the use of his own powers of imagination and perception, the ability to learn the lessons he has set for himself (Imagination Quotes)
Chess can never reach its height by following in the path of science... Let us, therefore, make a new effort and with the help of our imagination turn the struggle of technique into a battle of ideas (Imagination Quotes)
For spiritual companions I have had the many artists who have relied on nature to help shape their imagination. And their most elaborate equipment was a deep reverence for the world through which they passed. Photographers share something with these artists. We seek only to see and to describe with our own voices, and, though we are seldom heard as soloists, we cannot photograph the world in any other way (Imagination Quotes)