Imagination Quotes
Text Quotes
A fly rod extends a fly fisher’s being as surely as do imagination, empathy or prayer (Imagination Quotes)
At every level the greatest obstacle to transforming the world is that we lack the clarity and imagination to conceive that it could be different (Imagination Quotes)
I dare to be great. The man without imagination stands unhurt and hath no wings. This is my credo, this is my forte (Imagination Quotes)
If you don’t daydream and kind of plan things out in your imagination, you never get there. So you have to start someplace (Imagination Quotes)
To write a song you must have an imagination, to have an imagination you must be free (Imagination Quotes)
Just as one’s imagination is stirred by a girl’s smile, so is one’s imagination stirred by the possibilities of chess (Imagination Quotes)
Human history, like all great movements, was cyclical, and returned to the point of beginning. The idea of indefinite progress in a right line was a chimera of the imagination, with no analogue in nature. The parabola of a comet was perhaps a yet better illustration of the career of humanity. Tending upward and sunward from the aphelion of barbarism, the race attained the perihelion of civilization only to plunge downward once more to its nether goal in the regions of chaos (Imagination Quotes)
Try drawing or painting a scene you’re working on. Often this will help free up you imagination (Imagination Quotes)
Fertility of imagination and abundance of guesses at the truth are among the first requisites of discovery (Imagination Quotes)
Creativity is more than mere imagination. It is imagination inseparably coupled with both intent and effort (Imagination Quotes)
Even though you get a little twinge every now and again with the years marching on and become aware of your own mortality, you realise you’re only limited by your imagination (Imagination Quotes)
It is so rare... to find a complete person, with a soul, a heart and an imagination; so rare for characters as ardent and restless as ours to meet and to be matched together, that I hardly know how to tell you what happiness it gives me to know you (Imagination Quotes)
Man’s body is faulty, his mind untrustworthy, but his imagination has made him remarkable (Imagination Quotes)
The disclosure of a new fact, the leap forward, the conquest over yesterday’s ignorance, is an act not of reason but of imagination, of intuition (Imagination Quotes)
The planning stage of a cruise is often just as enjoyable as the voyage itself, letting one’s imagination loose on all kinds of possibilities. Yet translating dreams into reality means a lot of practical questions have to be answered (Imagination Quotes)
The meaning of spirituality is to be healthy and happy; to be physically, emotionally and mentally strong. We can’t find this with imagination. We must practice (Imagination Quotes)
Your imagination is the single most important asset you possess. Your imagination is your power to create mental pictures of things that don’t exist yet and that you want to bring into being. Your imagination is what you use to shape your future. And so in your own way, you are a prophet. You generate countless predictions every day. Your imagination is the source,tirelessly churning out mental pictures of what you’ll be doing in the future (Imagination Quotes)
Imagination must first be filled to the point of saturation with life of every kind before the moment arrives when the friction of free sociability electrifies it to such an extent that the most gentle stimulus of friendly or hostile contact elicits from it lightning sparks, luminous flashes, or shattering blows (Imagination Quotes)
Sentiment and nostalgia are fatal for fiction. One must go into the territory of the imagination with sure feet, hot fainting with glorious misery (Imagination Quotes)
I believe that teaching is a creative art in which evidence based knowledge is applied toward meeting the learning goals of learners. I believe that effective teaching is often the spark that ignites the imagination, possibility, and promise for learners, including the teacher (Imagination Quotes)
If you can capture a womans imagination, then you will have her. But imagination is a strange creature. It needs time and distance to function properly (Imagination Quotes)
Reading is dreaming. Reading is entering a world of imagination shared between reader and author. Reading is getting beyond the words to the story or meaning underneath (Imagination Quotes)
To enter a theatre for a performance is to be inducted into a magical space, to be ushered into the sacred arena of the imagination (Imagination Quotes)
Storytelling strengthens the imagination. To imagine is to envision, to see with the inward eye. This ability to imagine is the basis of all creativity. Creativity is being able to see beyond what is readily apparent. It is seeing a new answer to an old problem (Imagination Quotes)
Stabilizing the climate is not about saving the human species... Stabilizing the climate is a precious opportunity to pass on to all future human beings gifts of immense value, gifts that, once gone, will be beyond the imagination and skill of humanity to recreate (Imagination Quotes)
The key to life is imagination. If you don’t have that, no mater what you have, it’s meaningless. If you do have imagination... you can make feast of straw (Imagination Quotes)
So with imagination, ingenuity and audacity, explore, discover, change the world. And have fun while you’re at it. Always take time out to love and to live. You’re going to be busy, but never forget family and friends (Imagination Quotes)
Hip hop is expression.. our roots and culture.. Its your duty to contribute uniqueness to this artform. Desire of bringing somethin new, improved, witty and soul touching is what bein an m.c. is all about. I wanted my intelligence to be heard in my lyrics.. I wanted the pain to be felt... and the happiness I encountered. Bein an m.c. takes originality, style, imagination, delivery, intelligence and presence (Imagination Quotes)
The arts can open the door to the imagination, pushing the envelope of how peace can be created. It takes courage to take this kind of risk, and courage is what we all need to create a better world (Imagination Quotes)
If you can’t play all the instruments in the orchestra of story, no matter what music may be in your imagination, you’re condemned to hum the same old tune (Imagination Quotes)