Imagine Quotes

Text Quotes
A lot of stuff you hear on the radio is like instant hooky pop, but I can’t imagine it being covered in the future by other artists. It’s really for themselves (Imagine Quotes)
Trying to film a movie on a diet is hard enough, I can’t imagine how it would be on drugs (Imagine Quotes)
I couldn’t imagine, you know, God having a plan for my life. I thought I planned my life out (Imagine Quotes)
Now, there’s just so much imagery. Imagine what our grandkids are going to be able to see of us? (Imagine Quotes)
It’s even hard for people to imagine today that telephones were wired, and they certainly were and you went to the end of a wire to make a phone call (Imagine Quotes)
There are a lot of things that I’d do differently. But I can’t imagine being more fortunate than I have been (Imagine Quotes)
If you have perfect virtual reality eventually, where you’re be able to simulate everything that a human can experience or imagine experiencing, it’s hard to imagine where you go from there (Imagine Quotes)
Ideas come from everywhere - they come from what you see and hear and imagine (Imagine Quotes)
The one I can’t imagine anyone taking seriously, but was one of my favorites, was the mesh football jersey top, paired with a really short pair of athletic shorts (Imagine Quotes)
I imagine, like all his predecessors, Barak Obama would like to achieve greatness in bringing peace in the Middle East. I hope it will not be at the expense of Israel (Imagine Quotes)
It’s easier to see children as mini adults than it is to imagine or to remember what it is to be a child again (Imagine Quotes)
The Iranian acquisition of nuclear weapons would be infinitely more costly than any scenario you can imagine to stop it (Imagine Quotes)
It bums me out tremendously what the church has become, and if it’s got me bummed, imagine what Jesus Christ must be feeling (Imagine Quotes)
Can’t you just imagine digging up the King, begging him to sing about those heavenly mansions Jesus mentioned (Imagine Quotes)
If you think the ocean isn’t important, imagine Earth without it. Mars comes to mind. No ocean, no life support system (Imagine Quotes)
Family is more than DNA, more than who we used to be, more than we can imagine we will become (Imagine Quotes)
I’d like to imagine I won’t end up in Hell, but I think I’ve done too much acid and listened to too much death metal to sit on a cloud next to God with angels floating above my head (Imagine Quotes)
It’s not until recently that I could even imagine myself as an adult. But these kids today, they look at me like I’m Neil Young. Nirvana is the band their parents listen to (Imagine Quotes)
I feel like I keep getting hurt because I keep taking chances, but I couldn’t imagine living without taking them (Imagine Quotes)
Those who imagine that a politician would make a better figurehead than a hereditary monarch might perhaps make the acquaintance of more politicians (Imagine Quotes)
I believe novels can have secrets from their author, a notion I imagine would appall Nabokov (Imagine Quotes)
The best way to appreciate someone is to imagine your life without them (Imagine Quotes)
To imagine the world without gods and religion is reasonable enough; to imagine mankind without them is an entirely different matter (Imagine Quotes)
What we call imagination is actually the universal library of what’s real. You couldn’t imagine it if it weren’t real somewhere, sometime (Imagine Quotes)
If a man can’t stick to something as simple as his word, imagine what else he can’t stick to (Imagine Quotes)
There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you (Imagine Quotes)
Sometimes we forgive someone because we can’t imagine not having them in our life (Imagine Quotes)
The big bang, the most cataclysmic event we can imagine, on closer inspection appears finely orchestrated (Imagine Quotes)
The universe and the observer exist as a pair. I cannot imagine a consistent theory of the universe that ignores consciousness (Imagine Quotes)
You’re the type of girl I imagine myself imagining myself with every night (Imagine Quotes)