Imagined Quotes

Text Quotes
Before your eyes rises the hero of Gogol's story who, in a fit of aberration, imagined that he was the King of Spain. Such is the fate of all megalomaniacs (Imagined Quotes)
Before going back to sleep I imagined (I saw) a plastic universe, changeable, full of wondrous chance, an elastic sky, a sun that suddenly is missing or remains fixed or changes its shape (Imagined Quotes)
Pretending is not just play. Pretending is imagined possibility. Pretending, or acting, is a very valuable life skill and we do it all the time (Imagined Quotes)
I always knew there was power in the earth, but it must be much stronger than I imagined to resist such a relentless foe, day after day, night after night, year after year (Imagined Quotes)
Do we secretly idolize our imagined opposites, yearning to become the role models for others we know we could never be for ourselves? (Imagined Quotes)
When we wallow in guilt, remorse, and shame over real or imagined sins of the past, we are disdaining God's gift of grace (Imagined Quotes)
I could never have imagined that firing 67 people on national television would actually make me more popular, especially with the younger generation (Imagined Quotes)
I have learned, that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours (Imagined Quotes)
Everything tends to make us believe that there exists a certain point of the mind at which life and death, the real and the imagined, past and future, the communicable and the incommunicable, high and low, cease to be perceived as contradictions (Imagined Quotes)
I suppose I'm proudest of my novels for what's imagined in them. I think the world of my imagination is a richer and more interesting place than my personal biography (Imagined Quotes)
All the characters in my books are imagined, but all have a bit of who I am in them - much like the characters in your dreams are all formed by who you are (Imagined Quotes)
Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives (Imagined Quotes)
Never continue in a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined (Imagined Quotes)
The loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or imagined, from abroad (Imagined Quotes)
The tendency has always been strong to believe that whatever received a name must be an entity or being, having an independent existence of it's own. And if no real entity answering to the name could be found, men did not for that reason suppose that none existed, but imagined that it was something peculiarly abstruse and mysterious (Imagined Quotes)
One can love a real woman after having loved her imagined counterpart. Similarly, one can adapt oneself to a society which, previously, one held in contempt (Imagined Quotes)
It's subjunctive history. You know, the subjunctive? The mood used when something may or may not have happened. When it is imagined (Imagined Quotes)
There can hardly, I believe, be imagined a more desirable pleasure than that of praise unmixed with any possibility of flattery (Imagined Quotes)
I always had boyfriends, but I never imagined a proposal or a wedding. To me, that was like having a ball and chain round your neck (Imagined Quotes)
Sometimes not having any idea where we’re going works out better than we could possibly have imagined (Imagined Quotes)
It isn’t hard to find evil in this world. Evil is always more easily imagined than good, somehow (Imagined Quotes)
What the world needs is not dogma but an attitude of scientific inquiry combined with a belief that the torture of millions is not desirable, whether inflicted by Stalin or by a Deity imagined in the likeness of the believer (Imagined Quotes)
Changing my body has given me the ability to do all these amazing things that I never in a million years imagined I could do (Imagined Quotes)
I think the new generation is much more demanding about respect for the environment than we have ever imagined (Imagined Quotes)
Now that I look back on it, having retired from being a reporter, it was kind of romantic. It was a wonderful way to live one’s life, just as I imagined it would be when I was 6 or 7 (Imagined Quotes)
When we started making electronic music I imagined that the reaction we got from the rock musicians must have been similar to the one the beat groups got from people like my dad (Imagined Quotes)
I never imagined it wouldn’t work out for me. I had that absolute certainty in myself that has seen me through, I think, and my parents were absolutely behind me all the way (Imagined Quotes)
Terrorism is in good part an effective government propaganda; it serves to deflect attention from governmental abuse toward a mostly imagined, highly dangerous outside enemy (Imagined Quotes)
An object is not first imagined or thought about and then expected or willed, but in being actively expected it is imagined as future and in being willed it is thought (Imagined Quotes)
I find myself enjoying a deeper love than I ever imagined was possible in the form of my daughter and certainly in the union with my wife. It makes everything else, including work, which is one of the things I’m most passionate about, pale by comparison (Imagined Quotes)