Immediately Quotes

Text Quotes
It was the first honest emotional connection I’d had in a while. So I immediately panicked and had to leave (Immediately Quotes)
I hate knowing about illness. Whenever I read a medical book, I immediately start to get all the symptoms (Immediately Quotes)
She let him finish, scratching his head with the tips of her fingers, and without his having revealed that he was weeping from love, she recognized immediately the oldest sobs in the history of man (Immediately Quotes)
Bring the mind into sharp focus and make it alert so that it can immediately intuit truth, which is everywhere. The mind must be emancipated from old habits, prejudices, restrictive thought processes and even ordinary thought itself (Immediately Quotes)
All goal setting must be immediately followed by both the development of a plan, and massive and consistent action toward its fulfillment (Immediately Quotes)
I firmly believe that when you die you will enter immediately into another life. They who have gone before us are alive in one form of life and we in another (Immediately Quotes)
When you become aware of silence, immediately there is that state of inner still alertness. You are present. You have stepped out of thousands of years of collective human conditioning (Immediately Quotes)
How easy it is to repel and release every impression which is troublesome and immediately to be tranquil (Immediately Quotes)
Admiration is a very short lived passion that immediately decays upon growing familiar with its object, unless it still be fed with fresh discoveries, and kept alive by a new perpetual succession of miracles rising up to its view (Immediately Quotes)
All our philosophy is as dry as dust if it is not immediately translated into some act of living service (Immediately Quotes)
Do not wish to jump immediately from the streams to the sea, because one has to go through easier things to the more difficult (Immediately Quotes)
Let’s not only provide a jumpstart to the economy and immediately or save 3 million jobs, but let’s also put a down payment on some of the structural problems that we have in our economy (Immediately Quotes)
If a man sits down to think, he is immediately asked if he has a headache (Immediately Quotes)
If we replaced all of our guns with chicken sandwiches it would end all war immediately (Immediately Quotes)
You will make a difference in the world, but not immediately. Your first obligation is to find something you like doing, because if you like doing it, you’ll do it well (Immediately Quotes)
Words do not express thoughts very well; every thing immediately becomes a little different, a little distorted, a little foolish. And yet it also pleases me and seems right that what is of value and wisdom of one man seems nonsense to another (Immediately Quotes)
Imagination is an almost divine faculty which, without recourse to any philosophical method, immediately perceives everything: the secret and intimate connections between things, correspondences and analogies (Immediately Quotes)
Among the lower classes of mankind there will be found very little desire of any other knowledge than what may contribute immediately to the relief of some pressing uneasiness, or the attainment of some near advantage (Immediately Quotes)
A good hypothesis in science must have other properties than those of the phenomenon it is immediately invoked to explain, otherwise it is not prolific enough (Immediately Quotes)
You don’t see the plug connected to the environment, so it looks like we’re free, wandering around. Take the oxygen away, we all die immediately. Take plant life away, we die. And without the sun, all the plants die. So we are connected (Immediately Quotes)
Cramming seeks to stamp things in by intense application immediately before the ordeal. But a thing thus learned can form but few associations (Immediately Quotes)
Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Do not despair if the answers don’t come immediately. Some answers are only revealed with the passage of time (Immediately Quotes)
The moment you resolve to be victorious, every nerve and fiber in your being will immediately orient itself toward your success (Immediately Quotes)
To this day, even when I hear about problems, as you’ve probably noticed, I tend to call them challenges. I don’t dwell on them, and I immediately focus on how I can convert the challenge into an opportunity (Immediately Quotes)
As soon as you give your heart to something new you will immediately be able to think in a way that is new (Immediately Quotes)
Bless everything in existence with your entire being and immediately you recognise your inner state of completeness and harmony (Immediately Quotes)
More immediately, by waxing soulful you will have granted yourself the possibility of ecstatic participation in what the ancients considered a divinely animated universe. And on a day to day basis, folks, it doesn’t get any better than that (Immediately Quotes)
How is it possible that suffering that is neither my own nor of my concern should immediately affect me as though it were my own, and with such force that is moves me to action? (Immediately Quotes)
Albert is a very poor student. He is mentally slow, unsociable and is always daydreaming. He is spoiling it for the rest of the class. It would be in the best interests of all if he were removed from school immediately (Immediately Quotes)
As soon as we react, we become slaves. A man blames me, and I immediately react in the form of anger. A little vibration which he created made me a slave (Immediately Quotes)