Immigration Quotes

Text Quotes
Building new roads and bridges creates jobs. Growing our exports creates jobs. Reforming our outdated tax system and our broken immigration system creates jobs. (Immigration Quotes)
Because of the long, long history of British shipping, immigration, trade, empire, missionaries, you can have a better shot at telling a worldwide story in the British Museum’s collection than any other. Britain has been more connected with the rest of the world than any other country, for longer. (Immigration Quotes)
We must promote upward mobility, starting with solutions that speak to our broken education system, broken immigration policy, and broken safety-net programs that foster dependency instead of helping people get back on their feet. (Immigration Quotes)
When it comes to immigration reform, now is the time ... I’ve never seen a better political environment ... I’m not doing immigration reform to solve the Republican Party’s political problem. I’m trying to save our nation from, I think, a shortage of labor and a catastrophic broken system. (Immigration Quotes)
I don’t think it’s good for economy to have a broken immigration system (Immigration Quotes)
Our immigration system is not broken. We don’t need, and Congress shouldn’t enact, amnesty. (Immigration Quotes)
Only Congress has the authority to adequately and holistically address our broken immigration system. (Immigration Quotes)
I’m for immigration reform. I think the system’s horribly broken, and we need to do something about it. (Immigration Quotes)
I think everybody could agree that our immigration system is broken. We have not told the truth about it. (Immigration Quotes)
It is so difficult to, day in and day out, hear these incredibly painful stories of the destructive nature of our broken immigration system. (Immigration Quotes)
By holding down natural wage growth in labor-intensive industries, immigration serves as a subsidy for low-wage, low-productivity ways of doing business, retarding technological progress and productivity growth. (Immigration Quotes)
But it’s more an up-versus-down issue because the research has shown that opinion leaders, whether they’re elected officials, journalists, business leaders - it’s academics, religious leaders - they have dramatically different views on immigration. A (Immigration Quotes)
The Republican Party looks at massive immigration, legal and illegal, as a source of cheap labor, satisfying a very important constituency. (Immigration Quotes)
Why I call Barack Obama a petulant child. He’s doing it on guns. He did it on immigration. He’s done it on Obama care. (Immigration Quotes)
When it comes to the big issues like immigration, everyone has a role. The government has a role. The church has a role. Every Christian has a role. (Immigration Quotes)
I think the key to getting rid of illegal immigration, no matter where its coming from, is that you need to have a good legal apparatus for immigration. (Immigration Quotes)
A lot of conservatives, a big part of the Republican base don’t like his position on common core, don’t like his position on immigration. (Immigration Quotes)
I think comprehensive immigration reform while securing your border and dealing rationale with 11 million is the only way we’re going to solve this problem. (Immigration Quotes)
We need to decouple the movement for comprehensive immigration reform and justice for immigrants from the legislative process and from the Democratic Party process. They are too linked. (Immigration Quotes)
Our immigration law sucks, and we need to redo the whole thing, comprehensive immigration reform. And what that’s gonna be is anybody who wants to come and vote Democrat, we’re gonna send ‘em a limousine and bring ‘em in. (Immigration Quotes)
Laws are getting passed in states like Alabama that basically would punish American citizens who are ‘harboring’ people. Since the federal government hasn’t been able to muster or to get comprehensive immigration reform passed, states are taking it upon themselves to police and enforce laws. (Immigration Quotes)
Conservatism has always been about reforming government and solving problems, and that’s why the conservative movement should lead on immigration reform. (Immigration Quotes)
Britain’s an island; it’s always had a constant ebb and flow of immigration - it makes it a better place. (Immigration Quotes)
Our country was founded on immigration. We are all occupying Native American land here. At what point do we say ‘It’s our land, and nobody else can come here.’ (Immigration Quotes)
I’m a child of immigrants. That is the history of this country. Immigration is good and important for our country. Legal immigration needs to really be modernized. (Immigration Quotes)
This is what everybody’s forgetting about [Barak] Obama and his immigration law and his executive action and his amnesty on it, the Supreme Court decision. Immigration law is settled. (Immigration Quotes)
Immigration is an organized replacement of our population. This threatens our very survival. We don’t have the means to integrate those who are already here. The result is endless cultural conflict. (Immigration Quotes)
Now, some of the most dangerous places for women to be in the world are modern, Western, rich European countries. Why? One reason. Islamic immigration - it’s got to stop. (Immigration Quotes)
Countries around the world have their own immigration laws and methods of dealing with a recurring theme: desperate people searching for peace from volatile parts of the world. And nations everywhere thrive and prosper from the contributions of immigrants and the children of immigrants - including right here in the U.S. (Immigration Quotes)
If you have a solution to immigration, it is possible to come home and defend it (Immigration Quotes)