Immortal Quotes

Text Quotes
Sound waves do not die out. They travel forever and forever. All our sentences are immortal. Our useless bleatings circle the universe for all eternity (Immortal Quotes)
Gazing at the typewriter in moments of desperation I console myself with three thoughts. Alcohol at six, dinner at eight, and to be immortal you’ve got to be dead (Immortal Quotes)
People say great art is immortal. I say there’s something mortal in it. It carries a glimpse of death (Immortal Quotes)
All art is immortal. For emotion for the sake of emotion is the aim of art, and emotion for the sake of action is the aim of life (Immortal Quotes)
The soul then, as being immortal, and having been born again many times, and having seen all things that exist, whether in this world or in the world below, has knowledge of them all... all enquiry and all learning is but recollection (Immortal Quotes)
If your souls were not immortal, and you in danger of losing them, I would not thus speak unto you; but the love of your souls constrains me to speak: methinks this would constrain me to speak unto you forever (Immortal Quotes)
It is this admirable and immortal instinct for beauty which causes us to regard the earth and its spectacles as a glimpse, a correspondence of the beyond (Immortal Quotes)
It is the custom of the immortal gods to grant temporary prosperity and a fairly long period of impunity to those whom they plan to punish for their crimes, so that they may feel it all the more keenly as a result of the change in their fortunes (Immortal Quotes)
If human beings are immortal, so are animals. If matter has the ability to remember, it also has the ability to think (Immortal Quotes)
It was built against the will of the immortal gods, and so it did not last for long (Immortal Quotes)
Im not a person who wants to die with my shoes on. I do not think I can be immortal. Maybe my deeds will be immortal. Not me (Immortal Quotes)
Immortal is the moment when I engendered the recurrence. For the sake of this moment I bear the recurrence (Immortal Quotes)
One meets and wakes you to vivid life in an immortal hour. Thousands could not do it through eternity (Immortal Quotes)
If our minds could get hold of one abstract truth, they would be immortal so far as that truth is concerned. My trouble is to find out how we can get hold of the truth at all (Immortal Quotes)
You blame me for weeping, but how can I help it when you will not weep for yourselves, though your immortal souls are on the verge of destruction (Immortal Quotes)
If we are immortal it is a fact in nature, and we are not indebted to priests for it, nor to bibles for it, and it cannot be destroyed by unbelief (Immortal Quotes)
We mortals with immortal minds are only born for sufferings and joys, and one could almost say that the most excellent receive joy through sufferings (Immortal Quotes)
All forms of government symbolize an immortal government, common to all dynasties and independent of numbers, perfect where two men exist, perfect where there is only one man (Immortal Quotes)
The thinker dies, but his thoughts are beyond the reach of destruction. Men are mortal; but ideas are immortal (Immortal Quotes)
My undertaking is not difficult, essentially. I should only have to be immortal to carry it out (Immortal Quotes)
The truth is that we live out our lives putting off all that can be put off; perhaps we all know deep down that we are immortal and that sooner or later all men will do and know all things (Immortal Quotes)
Real love is the love that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure: if it does, it is immortal; the other kind inevitably goes stale, for it lies in mere fantasy (Immortal Quotes)
The history of our race, and each individual’s experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal (Immortal Quotes)
Fate is never too generous even to its favorites. Rarely do the gods grant a mortal more than one immortal deed (Immortal Quotes)
Society is immoral and immortal; it can afford to commit any kind of folly, and indulge in any sort of vice; it cannot be killed, and the fragments that survive can always laugh at the dead (Immortal Quotes)
We were put here as witnesses to the miracle of life. We see the stars, and we want them. We are beholden to give back to the universe... If we make landfall on another star system, we become immortal (Immortal Quotes)
I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary, but slinks out of the race where that immortal garland is to be run for, not without dust and heat (Immortal Quotes)
The definition of genius is that it acts unconsciously, and those who have produced immortal works have done so without knowing how or why (Immortal Quotes)
Pure good soon grows insipid, wants variety and spirit. Pain is a bittersweet, which never surfeits. Love turns, with a little indulgence, to indifference or disgust. Hatred alone is immortal (Immortal Quotes)
The mortal nature is seeking as far as is possible to be everlasting and immortal: and this is only to be attained by generation, because the new is always left in the place of the old (Immortal Quotes)