Impact Quotes

Text Quotes
A person’s shadow stood for his legacy, his impact on the world. Some people cast hardly any shadow at all. Some cast long, deep shadows that endured for centuries. (Impact Quotes)
It’s kind of hard to articulate, but, like, this notion of mercy, forgiveness, was very appealing for me. It was very profound. And it had a deep impact, and I think it still does. (Impact Quotes)
As an artist you’re looking for universal triggers. You want it both ways. You want it to have an immediate impact, and you want it to have deep meanings as well. I’m striving for both. But I hate it when people write things that sound like they’ve swallowed a f... dictionary. (Impact Quotes)
When you love people and have the desire to make a profound, positive impact upon the world, then will you have accomplished the meaning to live. (Impact Quotes)
(The city is being) destroyed by thugs who in a very senseless way are trying to tear down what so many have fought for, tearing down businesses, tearing down or destroying property, things that we know will impact our community for years. (Impact Quotes)
You have no control over your growth or development. But you have a control on the direction of your growth and development! Go, grow towards impact directions! (Impact Quotes)
Christian, non-Christian, we’re going to miss the mark. We’re going to make mistakes. How you handle those mistakes and get more fundamentally sound spiritually in dealing with those mistakes I think have a direct impact - not only on your spiritual life, but those around you. (Impact Quotes)
No matter what you do, if you’re trying to create something new, your environment has a massive impact on you. (Impact Quotes)
We need to have a purpose in this life. I’m pleading with you, I’m begging with you to do the right thing. And do it not for the sake of how it will impact your own lives, but only for the sake of doing the right thing. (Impact Quotes)
Considering their impact, you might expect mosquitoes to get more attention than they do. Sharks kill fewer than a dozen people every year, and in the U.S. they get a week dedicated to them on TV every year. (Impact Quotes)
A little time can help you to make a great impact, therefore you should never despise few minutes. Do it till it’s done and done well! (Impact Quotes)
To be memorable and to have dramatic impact, informational detail must function actively within the dynamic of a story. (Impact Quotes)
We began to connect literacy and learning and the lively effects of biblical knowledge and preaching pretty early. That was a tremendous impact. (Impact Quotes)
I think when I was in my early twenties and middle twenties I didn’t even know I wasn’t living up to my potential. A couple of friends told me I wasn’t and told me to get my act together, and it made a huge impact on me. (Impact Quotes)
When you’re seventeen to early twenties, that’s the time you’re trying to work out who you are. If you’re trying to make some kind of artistic or creative impact, that’s the age when you start to figure out how to do that. (Impact Quotes)
I definitely wanted to earn my freedom. But the primary motivation wasn’t making money, but making an impact. (Impact Quotes)
There’s no how-to guide for how to change the world. But it’s easy to get hung up by misconceptions about what it takes to make an impact. (Impact Quotes)
If you look at the people who have high impact, they have pretty general knowledge. They don’t have a really narrowly focused education. (Impact Quotes)
The evidence would suggest that there are some great alternative certification programmes and some lousy ones. There are some wonderful traditional education schools, and some that aren’t so effective. What’s important is less the pathway than the impact on students. (Impact Quotes)
Everybody does good things, but I’m talking about making major changes in the educational system that would impact an entire race. I’m talking about stopping these young gang members from killing one another. I’m talking about keeping prisons from overflowing. (Impact Quotes)
Well, I think the American people have to understand that the Mexican government is committed, in a very substantial way, to eradicating the effect of the impact of the cartels on Mexico. We have - what are called vetted units down there. Units that have been vetted by our law enforcement people there, the people with whom we deal - primarily. (Impact Quotes)
We all know the place you’re in has a big impact on how you feel. How you feel has an impact on the quality of work. Why wouldn’t we put a lot of effort into making the place we work as efficient and productive and pleasant as possible? (Impact Quotes)
Future strong strives for simplicity for all:Least amount of individual effort, energy and time to create maximum impact by each person. (Impact Quotes)
I didn’t expect to feel pathos for the villains in our show. I feel quite moved in several of our episodes; I never realized that a show like ‘Motive,’ which aims for a broad appeal, could have that sort of emotional impact. (Impact Quotes)
Of course, giving is deeply emotional. But supplementing emotion with research makes it more likely that a gift can have a bigger impact. It’s like any investment. After all, you wouldn’t put funds into stocks or bonds without understanding the potential return. Why wouldn’t you do the same when investing in society? (Impact Quotes)
It’s a fine line between writing something with genuine emotional impact and turning into little idiots feeling sorry for ourselves and playing stadium rock. (Impact Quotes)
Behavioral psychologists have observed that wanting something has a much stronger emotional impact than the pleasure that comes once you have it, or the memory of having had it. (Impact Quotes)
When determining appropriate levels of compensation, management must determine if the employee turnover rate is too low, too high, or just right. If turnover rate is high enough to adversely impact the entity’s performance, then employee compensation is probably too low. (Impact Quotes)
People who make great impact are well remembered due to the empty seats that remain after their death. It takes time to fill the empty seats that are left unoccupied by people who walked great in great footprints. (Impact Quotes)
I think the way you build a company for the future has to include social impact; it has to be part of the fabric of your company. I think when you do that, you invariably end up with much better outcomes, even in the short-term. (Impact Quotes)