Imperfect Quotes

Text Quotes
Because our expression is imperfect we need friendship to fill up the imperfections (Imperfect Quotes)
I like telling stories of imperfect people because most people are imperfect (Imperfect Quotes)
All general judgments are loose and imperfect (Imperfect Quotes)
Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person (Imperfect Quotes)
Imperfect action beats perfect inaction every time (Imperfect Quotes)
You can root for someone who’s imperfect (Imperfect Quotes)
Grieving doesn’t make you imperfect. It makes you human. (Imperfect Quotes)
Imperfect men have no right to judge other imperfect men (Imperfect Quotes)
People are imperfect, but that doesn’t mean they spoil like milk (Imperfect Quotes)
Your eyes, ears and mind are imperfect in front of magic (Imperfect Quotes)
We love the imperfect shapes in nature and in the works of art, look for an intentional error as a sign of the golden key and sincerity found in true mastery (Imperfect Quotes)
There is something perfect to be found in the imperfect: the law keeps balance through the juxtaposition of beauty, which gains perfection through nurtured imperfection (Imperfect Quotes)
You many have noticed I have a temper... but when I calmed down, I realized that this world, blighted and imperfect as it is, would be better with you in it (Imperfect Quotes)
Why do people resist [engines, bridges, and cities] so? They are symbols and products of the imagination, which is the force that ensures justice and historical momentum in an imperfect world, because without imagination we would not have the wherewithal to challenge certainty, and we could never rise above ourselves (Imperfect Quotes)
Teach us, O God, that nothing is necessary to Thee. Were anything necessary to Thee that thing would be the measure of Thine imperfection: and how could we worship one who is imperfect? If nothing is necessary to Thee, then no one is necessary, and if no one, then not we. Thou dost seek us though Thou does not need us. We seek Thee because we need Thee, for in Thee we live and move and have our being. Amen (Imperfect Quotes)
A "perfect marriage" is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other (Imperfect Quotes)
The law is only one of several imperfect and more or less external ways of defending what is better in life against what is worse. By itself, the law can never create anything better. Establishing respect for the law does not automatically ensure a better life for that, after all, is a job for people and not for laws and institutions (Imperfect Quotes)
To sit in judgment of those things which you perceive to be wrong or imperfect is to be one more person who is part of judgment, evil or imperfection (Imperfect Quotes)
Our opponent...Is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough, that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country (Imperfect Quotes)
Like bones to the human body, the axle to the wheel, the wing to the bird, and the air to the wing, so is liberty the essence of life. Whatever is done without it is imperfect (Imperfect Quotes)
Relationships are not about finding the perfect partner, but learning to see your imperfect partner perfectly (Imperfect Quotes)
And in life, at least in her new life, chances were the best she could hope for. They were like her rocks. Imperfect and surprising and maybe better in the long run than certainties (Imperfect Quotes)
They wanted to rock, they wanted to roll, they wanted to feel the peculiarly human feeling of having a perfect night in an imperfect world (Imperfect Quotes)
Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn't change the truth that I am also brave and worthy of love and belonging (Imperfect Quotes)
Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self acceptance (Imperfect Quotes)
If nature be not improved by instruction, it is blind; if instruction be not assisted by nature, it is maimed; and if exercise fail of the assistance of both, it is imperfect (Imperfect Quotes)
There are historic situations in which refusal to defend the inheritance of a civilization, however imperfect, against tyranny and aggression may result in consequences even worse than war (Imperfect Quotes)
The interesting thing about advertising is that the things that annoy us sometimes about it are really human. It's us looking at ourselves - and like all human endeavors it's imperfect (Imperfect Quotes)
The men and women who are truly filled with light are those who have gazed deeply into the darkness of their own imperfect existence (Imperfect Quotes)
Surely it's better to love others, however messy and imperfect the involvement, than to allow one's capacity for love to harden (Imperfect Quotes)