Importance Quotes

Text Quotes
Importance of technology is increasing every day, we must not deprive our children of technology, if we do then it’s a social crime. (Importance Quotes)
Although I do not have a family, I have eyes, ears and imagination, and know, as most people know, that the importance of one’s children is paramount. (Importance Quotes)
The Chinese Government and I myself have always attached great importance to China-U.S. relations. In the new historic era, I look forward to working together with you to continuously strengthen dialogue and exchanges between our two countries. (Importance Quotes)
The Chinese government attaches importance to, and protects, human rights. We have incorporated these lines into the Chinese constitution, and we also implement the stipulation in real earnest. I think for any government, what is most important is to ensure that its people enjoy each and every right given to them by the constitution. (Importance Quotes)
Satan always hates Christian fellowship; it is his policy to keep Christians apart. Anything which can divide saints from one another he delights in. He attaches far more importance to godly intercourse than we do. Since union is strength, he does his best to promote separation. (Importance Quotes)
The Ethical Society, therefore, is like a Church in maintaining, and emphasizing the importance of maintaining the custom of public assemblies on Sunday. (Importance Quotes)
Women’s propaganda must touch upon all those questions which are of great importance to the general proletarian movement. The main task is, indeed, to awaken the women’s class consciousness and to incorporate them into the class struggle. (Importance Quotes)
Popularity gets up people’s noses. But I understand the importance and the function of popular music. There is an artistic purpose. Popular music helps people to develop a curiosity and leads them towards classical music. (Importance Quotes)
If you’re not comfortable with public speaking - and nobody starts out comfortable; you have to learn how to be comfortable - practice. I cannot overstate the importance of practicing. Get some close friends or family members to help evaluate you, or somebody at work that you trust. (Importance Quotes)
Our national myths often exaggerate the role of the individual heroes and understate the importance of collective effort. (Importance Quotes)
One of the most treasured books that I own is Donald Allen’s ‘The New American Poetry, 1945-1960.’ It was a totem of great importance and potency to my group of writer friends in college from 1960 to 1964. (Importance Quotes)
You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own. (Importance Quotes)
A novelist must preserve a childlike belief in the importance of things which common sense considers of no great consequence. (Importance Quotes)
By emphasizing the importance of a common language, we safeguard a proud legacy and help to ensure that America’s future will be as great as her past. (Importance Quotes)
To succeed, you will soon learn, as I did, the importance of a solid foundation in the basics of education - literacy, both verbal and numerical, and communication skills. (Importance Quotes)
There are broader and narrower definitions of the new economy. The narrow version defines the new economy in terms of two principal developments: first, an increase in the economy’s maximum sustainable growth rate and, second, the spread and increasing importance of information and communications technology. (Importance Quotes)
In the Communist era, excrement took on political importance, because Party policy decided excrement was essential for the Great Agricultural Leap Forward. (Importance Quotes)
In community work, you reach some people, but in writing, I can reach many more people, not only in exploring issues of domestic violence, but also by showing the importance of strong women in communities. (Importance Quotes)
It’s of more importance to community that innocence should be protected than it is that guilt should be punished (Importance Quotes)
The arts community still has a long lasting cynicism of the importance, or the artistic value, of comedy. Comedy is just farting about for money. (Importance Quotes)
By far, the most determining factor of any brand is the product or the service the company produces. Branding companies have very rarely any significant influence on that, but it is, of course, in their interest to amplify their importance. (Importance Quotes)
Growing up, I had a sense of the importance of commerce and trade to everyday life. Our family lived in several countries, and I was fascinated by the free exchange of goods and services between individuals and companies - the way both parties could benefit. (Importance Quotes)
The Trail of Tears should teach all of us the importance of respect for others who are different from ourselves and compassion for those who have difficulties. (Importance Quotes)
My intention still is to write a play to commemorate, possibly rather skeptically, the 50th anniversary of the Russian revolution. I started it at the beginning of 1966, but confronted with the enormous importance and reality of that revolution, I absolutely boggle. I don’t know what to do about it. (Importance Quotes)
Confusion and mistakes come when we forget the importance of God’s word as our unwavering guide. (Importance Quotes)
Is making a movie true love if you’re a creative person? It could be. But in my world, the importance of being a father and having kids and knowing that connection is true love. Making a movie is love. (Importance Quotes)
I made a conscious decision when I was about 17 years old to strive towards mediocrity. I completely abandoned the idea of grandeur and importance, and I wanted to be mediocre. (Importance Quotes)
I cannot stress a greater importance than to teach the young generation about the risks of unhealthy eating. A great way to pique their interest in nutrition is to involve them more in the cooking process. They not only will learn to cook for themselves, but also develop a lifetime of healthy habits. (Importance Quotes)
Any Democratic statement of core beliefs about the importance of families must include all our families, gay and straight. Our party has a long tradition of leading the charge on important questions of justice. (Importance Quotes)
When I started out as a model, I took things for granted. Because I bagged work thanks to my looks, I didn’t give my body any importance. I was a couch potato who’d eat anything. Then, in 2005, a tabloid ran a story calling me fat. I thought, ‘I’m famous. How can I be fat?’ It was a slap. I decided to get fit. (Importance Quotes)