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Thus, statesmanlike, I’ll saucily impose, And safe from action, valiantly advise; Sheltered in impotence, urge you to blows, And being good for nothing else, be wise. (Impose Quotes)
God loves us and believes in us and has done and will do anything he can to help us, but he will not impose on our free agency. (Impose Quotes)
So at last the communists who piled out of the Berlin Wall and into the environmental movement and took over Greenpeace so that my friends who founded it left within a year because they’d captured it. Now the apotheosis is at hand. They are about to impose a communist world government on the world. (Impose Quotes)
We need a much better understanding of the climate before making policy choices that would impose substantial economic costs on our Nation. (Impose Quotes)
We must delve deep into history the better to engage a true dialogue of civilisations. Fear of the present can impose upon the past its own biased vision. (Impose Quotes)
With the world’s human population now at seven billion and growing, and the demand for technology and modern conveniences increasing, we can’t control all our negative impacts. But we have to find better ways to live within the limits nature and its cycles impose. (Impose Quotes)
The construction industry likes nothing more than a blank canvas onto which they can impose a brand new building, because that way they can make more money. (Impose Quotes)
By the law of Christ, every man is bound to love his neighbour as himself; but every servant is a neighbour of every civil lord; therefore every civil lord must love any of his servants as himself; but by natural instinct, every lord abhors slavery; therefore, by the law of charity, he is bound not to impose slavery on any brother in Christ. (Impose Quotes)
During the 1990s the United States sought to impose the ‘Washington Consensus’ on Latin American governments. It embodied what Latin Americans call ‘neo-liberal’ principles: budget cuts, privatization, deregulation of business, and incentives for foreign companies. This campaign sparked bitter resistance and ultimately collapsed. (Impose Quotes)
Neoconservatism had the philosophy that you go in with a supply-led approach to impose democratic values from the top down. Whereas Islamists and far-right organizations, for decades, have been building demand for their ideology on the grassroots. (Impose Quotes)
We have been spending beyond our means, we are going to focus on the projects that we committed to in the election but importantly if there is additional projects or new things that come up they have to have a business case, they have to work and they can’t impose financial stress on families and private individuals and businesses. (Impose Quotes)
The Business Profits Tax, which is imposed on in-state businesses, we need to impose the same thing on out-of-state businesses, because the way the Business Profits Tax is calculated, it is highly dependent on how much sales and profits are generated in-state. (Impose Quotes)
The human brain has evolved the capacity to impose a narrative, complete with chronology and cause-and-effect logic, on whatever it encounters, no matter how apparently random. (Impose Quotes)
Our determination to defend our values and way of life is greater than their (terrorists) determination to cause death and destruction to innocent people in a desire to impose extremism upon the world. (Impose Quotes)
I am always suspicious of those who impose ‘rules’ on child rearing. Every child is different in terms of temperament and learning, and every parent responds to a particular child, not some generalized infant or youngster. (Impose Quotes)
There are those who believe that the value of a children’s book can be measured only in terms of the moral lessons it tries to impose or the perfect role models it offers. Personally, I happen to think that a book is of extraordinary value if it gives the reader nothing more than a smile or two. In fact, I happen to think that’s huge. (Impose Quotes)
The army is the only order of men sufficiently united to concur in the same sentiments, and powerful enough to impose them on the rest of their fellow-citizens; but the temper of soldiers, habituated at once to violence and to slavery, renders them very unfit guardians of a legal, or even a civil constitution. (Impose Quotes)
If other countries don’t impose a cost on carbon, then we will be at a disadvantage...we would look at considering perhaps duties that would offset that cost. (Impose Quotes)
I don’t think you can impose limits on science because the very nature of homo sapiens is that he - she - is an inquisitive species. You can’t control science. You have to control the effects of science. (Impose Quotes)
Why should the court impose a judgment in a case in which the SEC alleges a serious securities fraud, but the defendant neither admits nor denies wrongdoing? (Impose Quotes)
Back in 1948, a monomaniac called Korczak resolved to impose Crazy Horse’s likeness upon a mountain. It took 50 years to complete the head, which measures 90ft from crown to chin. By comparison, the four presidents at Mt Rushmore seem modest. (Impose Quotes)
If you want to be a crazy person, go for it. But don’t impose it on your kids. (Impose Quotes)
As borrowers, we may feel guilty about running up debt, anxious about making payments, and resentful of the constraints that old obligations (and old credit records) impose on our current choices. We may find it too easy to buy things we may later regret. (Impose Quotes)
Software patents are dangerous to software developers because they impose monopolies on software ideas. (Impose Quotes)
Family is such a fundamental part of Islam, and women run the family. I had to force myself not to impose my own definition of political and social freedom on women in Islam, and approach each story objectively. (Impose Quotes)
Kids have been let down by adults - we’ve tried to give them too much, we’ve tried not to impose discipline. We’ve tried to make their lives easier and, in doing so, we’ve taken something away from them. Kids like boundaries, they also like to be pushed, need to learn what failure is all about, need guidance. (Impose Quotes)
If it’s OK to register cars and license drivers, why is it not OK to impose similar legal responsibilities on gun owners? (Impose Quotes)
It’s much more effective to allow solutions to problems to emerge from the people close to the problem rather than to impose them from higher up. (Impose Quotes)
But at the same time, I think we recognize we can’t impose democracy from without, particularly American-style democracy. We need to work with those elements in the region that are moving towards a reformed process and there are a number of them. (Impose Quotes)
Emotional damage is never easy to measure, but mothers who are alive but psychically absent impose filial burdens which knot their children’s feelings in a way biologic orphans are spared. (Impose Quotes)