Impossible Quotes

Text Quotes
I do believe in living out your own time, unless it’s absolutely impossible, which it is for some people (Impossible Quotes)
As to the evil which results from a censorship, it is impossible to measure it, for it is impossible to tell where it ends (Impossible Quotes)
The war imbued my tin soldiers with quite a new interest. It was impossible to have boxes enough of them (Impossible Quotes)
Individual effort is almost relatively impossible to cope with the big problem of poverty as we see it (Impossible Quotes)
To express to you in mere words, our personal feelings on this occasion you must know to be impossible, and particularly so for one who normally has to describe only things outside himself (Impossible Quotes)
There was a lot of great writing couples, but I try to do it all myself. And it was practically impossible, but I still managed to be ahead of my time (Impossible Quotes)
Just an observation: it is impossible to be both grateful and depressed. Those with a grateful mindset tend to see the message in the mess. And even though life may knock them down, the grateful find reasons, if even small ones, to get up (Impossible Quotes)
When she became very ill with heart trouble, I saw that it would be impossible for my parents to provide for my studies, and I obtained their permission to go to sea to make a career for myself there (Impossible Quotes)
If my name had not been cleared, it would have been difficult, perhaps impossible, to continue as a journalist (Impossible Quotes)
I’ve been asked a great deal about the influence I’ve had with my work and it’s impossible to say, you know (Impossible Quotes)
How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? (Impossible Quotes)
Infatuated, half through conceit, half through love of my art, I achieve the impossible working as no one else ever works (Impossible Quotes)
I use a wide selection of colours. It is impossible to produce work like mine using only the primary colours as they only mix a certain range of colour (Impossible Quotes)
It was hard enough to drive those heavy old cars back then under normal circumstances, but with a crazed monkey clawing you at the same time, it becomes nearly impossible! (Impossible Quotes)
At several such places we landed, but always found the ascent to the interior so covered with large loose rocks that it would have been impossible to have disembarked stores or stock on any (Impossible Quotes)
To sleep after sunrise was impossible on account of the number of flies which kept buzzing about the face (Impossible Quotes)
It is impossible to strive for the heroic life. The title of hero is bestowed by the survivors upon the fallen, who themselves know nothing of heroism (Impossible Quotes)
All my life I believed I became an athlete through my own determination, but it’s impossible to think that being descended from slaves hasn’t left an imprint through the generations (Impossible Quotes)
Times might be tough, your head and thoughts might be spinning, but I find it’s physically impossible to do that spiral thing when your mind is focused on giving and creating opportunity (Impossible Quotes)
The benefit of this kind of outlining is that you discover a story’s flaws before you invest a lot of time writing the first draft, and it’s almost impossible to get stuck at a difficult chapter, because you’ve already done the work to push through those kinds of blocks (Impossible Quotes)
We were all so different, temperamentally from one another, it’s impossible to believe that we were together for so long. The cast and crew. How could we be more different from one another? It’s difficult to imagine. But something lovely came of it (Impossible Quotes)
To this day, I do not believe that five million were killed. I consider it technically impossible that could have happened. I do not believe it. I have not received proof of that up until now (Impossible Quotes)
It’s sometimes impossible to fit in all the music we want to fit in, in an hour and 45 minute show (Impossible Quotes)
It’s impossible to explain what I felt in that moment, just very, very happy to win this title. For me, it is a dream to play in this tournament. But to win, I never imagined something like this (Impossible Quotes)
My father taught me to understand that not much was impossible, if you had a mind to go after it. What seems beyond you is only unreachable if that’s what you believe (Impossible Quotes)
We should not write so that it is possible for to understand us, but so that it is impossible for him to misunderstand us (Impossible Quotes)
It’s worth repeating here, though, because we are talking about mechanisms for resolving conflict and many people don’t realize it’s impossible to devise a foolproof scheme (Impossible Quotes)
The outstanding feature of behavior is that it is often quite easy to recognize but extremely difficult or impossible to describe with precision (Impossible Quotes)
... It is impossible I could have been in two places at once, unless I were a bird (Impossible Quotes)
I am an artist, I trade in uncertainty and superstition and cant. I invent dark visions of impossible situations that can never be resolved (Impossible Quotes)