Impress Quotes

Text Quotes
So it is in poetry. All we ask is that the mood recorded shall impress us as having been of the kind that exhausts the imaginative capacity; if it fails to do this the failure will announce itself either in prose or in insignificant verse (Impress Quotes)
As a guitar player, it’s harder for me to impress somebody than it is to write a song that they like (Impress Quotes)
I’ve reached a point in life where it’s no longer necessary to try to impress. If they like me the way I am, that’s good. If they don’t, that’s too bad (Impress Quotes)
To me, if you’re trying to impress a girl, get a date, they’re gonna like that more because you’re a confident guy. That’s what it comes down to (Impress Quotes)
I loved performing; I was always trying to impress my siblings by being a clown. I think that came from being the runt of the litter (Impress Quotes)
A scientist in his laboratory is not a mere technician: he is also a child confronting natural phenomena that impress him as though they were fairy tales (Impress Quotes)
Every time I went into the studio some engineer tried to impress me with how they’re going to capture my sound with all kinds of tricks. But they limited the sound and never allowed me to play how I felt (Impress Quotes)
The academy gave me a grounding in discipline and hard work that has sustained me throughout my life, and the lessons I learned there I now try to impress on young people (Impress Quotes)
I am among those who think that science has great beauty. A scientist in his laboratory is not only a technician: he is also a child placed before natural phenomena which impress him like a fairy tale. We should not allow it to be believed that all scientific progress can be reduced to mechanisms, machines, gearings, even though such machinery has its own beauty (Impress Quotes)
When the mind has once begun to yield to the weakness of superstition, trifles impress it with the force of conviction (Impress Quotes)
Loud dress becomes offensive to people of taste, as evincing an undue desire to reach and impress the untrained sensibilities of the vulgar (Impress Quotes)
To impress others we must be earnest; to amuse them, it is only necessary to be kindly and fanciful (Impress Quotes)
You need to impress me, outwit me, compete with me? Go ahead, knock yourself out, I have no problem with that at all (Impress Quotes)
I was fascinated with jeans, because you can impress your life upon the jeans you wear. The way you sit imprints on the jeans (Impress Quotes)
I can’t impress enough upon people that if you tell an honest story that people relate to and people believe and invest in, you can do anything (Impress Quotes)
I’ve learned not to let it be the end of the world if a boy doesn’t like you. I used to put so much effort into boys. I started playing guitar because I wanted to impress this boy. Then, I ended up in love with guitar and I didn’t care about the boy anymore (Impress Quotes)
I try to keep in my mind the simple question: Am I trying to do good or make myself look good? Too many of our responsibilities get added to our plate when we are trying to please people, impress people, prove ourselves, acquire power, increase our prestige. All those motivations are about looking good more than doing good (Impress Quotes)
This cell belongs to a brain, and it is my brain, the brain of me who is writing; and the cell in question, and within it the atom in question, is in charge of my writing, in a gigantic minuscule game which nobody has yet described. It is that which at this instant, issuing out of a labyrinthine tangle of yeses and nos, makes my hand run along a certain path on the paper, mark it with these volutes that are signs: a double snap, up and down, between two levels of energy, guides this hand of mine to impress on the paper this dot, here, this one (Impress Quotes)
When a man likes you, he will be interested in finding out what you like. If he makes you happy, he feels more secure. Everything men do is intended to impress women (Impress Quotes)
I don’t know what a guy needs to do to impress a girl these days (Impress Quotes)
Even fairly good students, when they have obtained the solution of the problem and written down neatly the argument, shut their books and look for something else. Doing so, they miss an important and instructive phase of the work... A good teacher should understand and impress on his students the view that no problem whatever is completely exhausted (Impress Quotes)
Where should I start? Start from the statement of the problem... What can I do? Visualize the problem as a whole as clearly and as vividly as you can... What can I gain by doing so? You should understand the problem, familiarize yourself with it, impress its purpose on your mind (Impress Quotes)
The fundamental characteristic of the scientific method is honesty. In dealing with any question, science asks no favors... I believe that constant use of the scientific method must in the end leave its impress upon him who uses it... A life spent in accordance with scientific teachings would be of a high order. It would practically conform to the teachings of the highest types of religion. The motives would be different, but so far as conduct is concerned the results would be practically identical (Impress Quotes)
The true leader serves. Serves people. Serves their best interests, and in doing so will not always be popular, may not always impress. But because true leaders are motivated by loving concern than a desire for personal glory, they are willing to pay the price (Impress Quotes)
He who influences the thought of his times, influences all the times that follow. He has made his impress on eternity (Impress Quotes)
We wanted to impress the crowd so much. The city has done so much for us and welcomed us right in, and we just wanted to give them a good show and show them that we’re going to play for them. I think guys just had a little bit of jitters (Impress Quotes)
When I was young, I spent my days and nights trying to impress future generations. I spent them. They’re gone. All because I was deathly afraid of being forgotten. And then came the regret. The worst things of all worst things (Impress Quotes)
I have a suggestion for all of those award seekers and blue ribbon hunters. Spend your efforts on making art that connects with people. Awards impress the grandkids but they don’t move the gauge on selling your product. Art needs to touch the emotions of the buyer (Impress Quotes)
Dancing was my sport when I was younger. So I chose that over everything. And then, I just had to keep going because it became a competitive thing. But I’m not trying to impress anyone anymore. Dancing is more like my art, now (Impress Quotes)
It is psychological law that whatever we desire to accomplish we must impress upon the subjective or subconscious mind (Impress Quotes)