Impression Quotes

Text Quotes
Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confound, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish and are generally perfectly capable of contriving to give one an utterly unambiguous impression of their future course of action while in fact intending to do exactly the opposite, but they never lie. Perish the thought (Impression Quotes)
Emma dropped the paper. Her first impression was of a weak feeling in her stomach and in her knees; then of blind guilt, of unreality, of coldness, of fear; then she wished that it were already the next day. Immediately afterwards she realized that that wish was futile because the death of her father was the only thing that had happened in the world, and it would go on happening endlessly (Impression Quotes)
Woe betide him, and her too, when it comes to things of consequence, when they are placed in circumstances requiring fortitude and strength of mind, if she have not resolution enough to resist idle interference... It is the worst evil of too yielding and indecisive a character, that no influence over it can be depended on. You are never sure of a good impression being durable; everybody may sway it. Let those who would be happy be firm (Impression Quotes)
Yes, there is no denying it, any longer, it is not you who are dead, but all the others. So you get up and go to your mother, who thinks she is alive. That’s my impression. But now I shall have to get myself out of this ditch. How joyfully I would vanish here, sinking deeper and deeper under the rains (Impression Quotes)
The mind which is created quick to love, is responsive to everything that is pleasing, soon as by pleasure it is awakened into activity. Your apprehensive faculty draws an impression from a real object, and unfolds it within you, so that it makes the mind turn thereto. And if, being turned, it inclines towards it, that inclination is love; that is nature, which through pleasure is bound anew within you (Impression Quotes)
My whole life I’ve been a fraud. I’m not exaggerating. Pretty much all I’ve ever done all the time is try to create a certain impression of me in other people. Mostly to be liked or admired. It’s a little more complicated than that, maybe. But when you come right down to it it’s to be liked, loved. Admired, approved of, applauded, whatever. You get the idea (Impression Quotes)
For what we suppose to be our love or our jealousy is never a single, continuous and indivisible passion. It is composed of an infinity of successive loves, of different jealousies, each of which is ephemeral, although by their uninterrupted multiplicity they give us the impression of continuity, the illusion of unity (Impression Quotes)
As he stared back, he altered... as if a shield slid away fro his eyes, revealing a scorching force of will that sucked the air from my lungs. The intense magnetism he exuded grew in strength, becoming a near tangible impression of vibrant and unrelenting power (Impression Quotes)
This last chapter.. may have given the impression that somehow man is the ultimate triumph of evolution, that all these millions of years of development have had no purpose other than to put him on earth. There is no scientific evidence whatever to support such a view and no reason to suppose that our stay here will be any more permanent than that of the dinosaur (Impression Quotes)
That prince is highly esteemed who conveys this impression of himself, and he who is highly esteemed is not easily conspired against; for, provided it is well known that he is an excellent man and revered by his people, he can only be attacked with difficulty (Impression Quotes)
The majority of people are timid by nature, and that is why they constantly exaggerate danger. all influences on the military leader, therefore, combine to give him a false impression of his opponent’s strength, and from this arises a new source of indecision (Impression Quotes)
It’s heavy duty to try to do everything and please everybody... My job was to go out there and play the game of basketball as best I can,... People may not agree with that... I can’t live with what everyone’s impression of what I should or what I shouldn’t do (Impression Quotes)
A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises is, the more different kinds of things it relates, and the more extended is its area of applicability. Therefore the deep impression which classical thermodynamics made upon me. It is the only physical theory of universal content concerning which I am convinced that within the framework of the applicability of its basic concepts, it will never be overthrown (Impression Quotes)
Sublime in the highest style of intellectual beauty, intellect without effort, without suffering... not a feature is correct – but the whole effect is more expressive of spiritual grandeur than anything I could have imagined. It makes the impression upon one that thousands of voices do, uniting in one unanimous simultaneous feeling of enthusiasm or emotion, which is said to overcome the strongest man (Impression Quotes)
When you want to do a big thing, get the mental pattern, make it perfect, know just what it means, enlarge your thought, keep it to yourself, pass it over to the creative power behind all things, wait and listen, and when the impression comes, follow it with assurance. Don’t talk to anyone about it. Never listen to negative talk or pay attention to it and you will succeed where all others fail (Impression Quotes)
Though I leave the house as little as possible, I have the impression that someone is disturbing my papers. More than once I have discovered that some pages were missing from my manuscripts. A few days afterward I would find the pages in their place again. But often I no longer recognize my manuscripts, as if I had forgotten what I had written, or as if overnight I were so changed that no longer recognized myself in the self of yesterday (Impression Quotes)
I would be remiss if I left the impression that my life has been totally preoccupied with scholarly research (Impression Quotes)
The majority of them give the impression of being men who have been drafted into the job during a period of martial law and are only waiting for the end of the emergency to get back to a really congenial occupation such as slum demolition or debt collecting (Impression Quotes)
They see us interacting with people, they see us doing serious interviews, they see us having fun, and when you’re conversing with someone, you get a much clearer impression of who that person is than if they are just reading into a news piece (Impression Quotes)
My impression was, he’s walking as though he’s made of glass, and if you should touch him he would just shatter apart. I don’t know if it was an act or what, but it sure was effective (Impression Quotes)
You can create a good impression on yourself by being right, he realizes, but for creating a good impression on others there’s nothing to beat being totally and catastrophically wrong (Impression Quotes)
Nothing ought to be said or done which could create the impression that unbiased reconsideration of the most elementary premises of philosophy is a merely academic or historical affair (Impression Quotes)
Art is something given, not reproduced... The painter paints what he sees with his innermost senses, the expression of his being.. Every other impression becomes, for him, an inner expression (Impression Quotes)
The events in the square, of course, made a deep impression on me and many other parents (Impression Quotes)
To grow up under really simple circumstances, and to understand that certain things were ornamental... That made an impression on me as a child and is something I use (Impression Quotes)
This new art made a deep impression on me, and I began to study it ardently (Impression Quotes)
If you look at his portraits they always give you an indelible impression of his great height. So does his life. Height of purpose, height of ideal, height of character, height of intelligence (Impression Quotes)
A stunning first impression was not the same thing as love at first sight. But surely it was an invitation to consider the matter (Impression Quotes)
Each of us is full of too many wheels, screws and valves to permit us to judge one another on a first impression or by two or three external signs (Impression Quotes)
Instead of trying to still his fears, he encouraged them, with that superstitious impression which clings to us all, that if we expect evil very strongly it is the less likely to come (Impression Quotes)