Impressions Quotes
Text Quotes
We don’t know where our first impressions come from or precisely what they mean, so we don’t always appreciate their fragility. (Impressions Quotes)
If judging people on first impressions were an Olympic sport, they’d suspect me of using steroids. (Impressions Quotes)
America is so large and so diverse that it is overwhelming, but my first impressions are favorable (Impressions Quotes)
I can prolly teach you lessons There’s so much more that meets the eye upon your first impressions. (Impressions Quotes)
I remembered Grandmere Catherine used to tell me your first impressions about people usually prove to be the truest because your heart is the first to react. (Impressions Quotes)
I think the problem I have is that first impressions are the ones that stick with people. And people’s first impressions of me are obviously from the film, from ‘Gregory’s Girl.’ (Impressions Quotes)
When I was in my 20s in the 1970s, I read all of Jean Rhys. I have reread very little since because the first impressions were so powerful they have stayed with me. (Impressions Quotes)
There are moments, particularly in times of stress, when haste does not make waste, when our snap judgments and first impressions can offer a much better means of making sense of the world. (Impressions Quotes)
When I write notes in my journal, I’m just trying to scribble down as much as possible. Later on, I decide whether to follow some of those first impressions or whether to abandon them. (Impressions Quotes)
We all have too many wheels, screws and valves to judge each other on first impressions or one or two pointers. I don’t understand you, you don’t understand me and we don’t understand ourselves. (Impressions Quotes)
Had I been able to formulate my first impressions of the United States, I might have said that there was a place in America called Kansas, where people could find a magic land at the heart of a cyclone. (Impressions Quotes)
There’s no first impressions anymore. You go to a job interview, and they’ll probably Google you. It’s a shame - people should play it a little closer to the chest as far as what information they release to the world. If I’m angry about something, I’m not going to take to my Twitter. (Impressions Quotes)
First impressions matter more in basketball than in any other sport, and they can be savored only in person. Players can’t hide behind pads or helmets, so we can stare at them, evaluate every move they make: running, jumping, walking, even ogling the cheerleaders. We can see every ripple and tattoo. If they’re lazy, we can tell. (Impressions Quotes)
First group impressions can mask a lot of individual variations in the members (Impressions Quotes)
First impressions are rarely worth preserving. Men typically fall short of our expectations. (Impressions Quotes)
The first year of marriage is like wet cement - the impressions made in it are much harder to change once it has set. (Impressions Quotes)
Memories, impressions and emotions from the first 20 years on earth are most writers’ main material; little that comes afterward is quite so rich and resonant. (Impressions Quotes)
Growing up and living in England, I’m surrounded by grey skies and sarcasm, so when I came to America, my first impressions were bright, hopeful, cheerful. (Impressions Quotes)
People see my impressions as a great skill and I am flattered, but there are things I can’t do that everyone else can. I can do funny voices and funny faces but I can’t drive. (Impressions Quotes)
When I was a kid I did impressions and funny voices a lot. When I was telling a story I would use the voices to make it more entertaining. (Impressions Quotes)
Anyone who thinks impressions of old movie actors is funny absolutely cannot be trusted. I think it’s like a law of nature. (Impressions Quotes)
I have never been good at doing impressions of women. Which is understandable. There’s a gender issue. (Impressions Quotes)
An author never has a vacation. He’s a walking sponge, sopping up impressions till he’s saturated, then going to his desk and squeezing them out on paper. (Impressions Quotes)
I am not good at first or second impressions, and you have to spend some time with me to know me. Also, I don’t want to put my best foot forward and prove something, as that is not me. I would rather be me and have you like me for who I am, instead of being someone else. (Impressions Quotes)
It’s stressful to keep doing audition after audition after audition. You finish one and go to the next one, and you have to learn lines. For me, I have to work on my accent, so I was getting accent coaching and acting coaching. I wanted to make good impressions. (Impressions Quotes)
Do you know that all great spurts in...progress came just after some unorthodox ideas or exotic impressions had penetrated into a closed system? (Impressions Quotes)
You have to think of a restaurant as a series of impressions. But what makes my job so great is there’s no one answer that’s right for every restaurant. (Impressions Quotes)
Generate great impressions. This is a direct result of setting higher standards for yourself in your speech, dress, living environment, grooming, etiquette, study, research and commitment. (Impressions Quotes)