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What I learned from my work as a physician is that even with the most complicated patients, the most complicated problems, you’ve got to look hard to find every piece of data and evidence that you can to improve your decision-making. Medicine has taught me to be very much evidence-based and data-driven in making decisions.  (Improve Quotes) I’m a computer scientist by training. I’m also the author of three books, all of which endorse the use of biotechnology to improve the human condition. In the most recent of these, ‘The Infinite Resource,’ I talk about the power of innovation to save the world.  (Improve Quotes) I believe that I improve with every book I write - most writers will probably tell you the same thing. I’m still learning my craft and will be until the day I drop dead at my computer. In my opinion, art isn’t something that can be perfected. There’s always room for improvement.  (Improve Quotes) They improve greatly, and sometimes I go and see the performances they do and I am consciously aware that there isn’t enough work for the good dancers.  (Improve Quotes) Every time my cameras go out on a movie, we learn something new and then we take what we learn and we put it into the next generation of the cameras so we’re constantly improving. It’s kind of like building a race car, racing it, then running back to the shop and working on the engine some more and tinkering with it to improve it.  (Improve Quotes) You want continual improvement? Then I challenge every employee in an organization to discard the status quo and ask themselves everyday, How can I improve my job?, then find a way to make it happen.  (Improve Quotes) Technology continues to bring us wondrous advances in filmmaking to improve how we view movies  (Improve Quotes) Energy has become a national security issue and as technology continues to improve, there will be more debates like the one on Keystone.  (Improve Quotes) There’s huge opportunities to continue to improve efficiency in the way the government operates and improve the way government provides services to its citizens.  (Improve Quotes) In my view, it is important that our national government exercise leadership to improve the resiliency of the entire nation in the face of continuing extreme weather.  (Improve Quotes) Improv training allows you to get out of your head a little bit and take more risks, which is something I would like to continue to improve upon.  (Improve Quotes) There will come a time when the public will tire of me and let me know it. That’s when I retire. But so far, I’ve continued to grow. I keep pushing myself to improve.  (Improve Quotes) Hopefully my books are improving. One of the ways I find motivation to improve is looking at someone who is already at a high level and continues to get better with each book. That’s really what you want to emulate.  (Improve Quotes) I wanted to just come out and continue to improve my game, continue to improve my mental capacity to play well in tournaments. I’ve had a slow year compared to last year, but I’ve been pleased because I felt like I was getting better.  (Improve Quotes) It is impossible to improve any process until it is standardized. If the process is shifting from here to there, then any improvement will just be one more variation that is occasionally used and mostly ignored. One must standardize, and thus stabilize the process, before continuous improvement can be made.  (Improve Quotes) Ideas are the engines of progress. They improve people’s lives by creating better ways to do things. They build and grow successful organizations and keep them healthy and prosperous. Without the ability to get new ideas, an organization stagnates and declines and will eventually be eliminated by competitors who do have fresh ideas.  (Improve Quotes) Be purposeful in your actions. Be mindful to keep your behavior in alignment with your goals. Remember, you can refine, improve, and enhance yourself; all other control is illusory.  (Improve Quotes) The corporate world has the resources to improve the world. It’s where people live and work.  (Improve Quotes) Fundamentally, I believe that the U.S. can improve its international standing and its national security by expanding trade and strengthening its relationships with moderate Muslim countries.  (Improve Quotes) Best part of my job is fulfillment. When I see that, that we’re creating value, that we’re helping improve people’s lives, and we benefit from it, so it’s a system of mutual benefit. Our philosophy’s working. That’s what turns me on. That’s what keeps me going.  (Improve Quotes) By being discontented, the spirit searches for ways to improve its condition and for a better channel for expressing itself. This sense of discontent is the engine that drives all creativity and innovation... Our blue moments are a necessary part of our human evolution.  (Improve Quotes) It’s critical that states improve how teachers are trained, recruited, evaluated, compensated, advanced, and retained.  (Improve Quotes) If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve man, but deteriorate the cat  (Improve Quotes) I’ve made some films for the military that are teaching things like cultural awareness and leadership issues, that sort of stuff. And try to, in essence, look at what training they’re doing and say, ‘This is how you can improve the training from a humanistic point of view.’  (Improve Quotes) Invest time in languages and intercultural awareness. Focus on becoming part of global citizenry. In exchange for the opportunity to participate everywhere/anywhere in the world you have the obligation to do something productive, which will improve the world. Develop a personal mission, a desire to leave personal legacy.  (Improve Quotes) But there’s still so much you can do with technology to improve the customer experience. And that’s the sense in which I believe it’s still Day One, and that it’s early in the day. If anything, the rate of change is accelerating.  (Improve Quotes) By providing memorable social media customer service, companies not only create deeper connections with consumers, but they glean valuable insights on how to improve their products or services.  (Improve Quotes) If we have 99% [market] share of Ford Company, the question to us is ‘How do we improve the customer satisfaction in order to get that additional 1% share?  (Improve Quotes) No longer is science asked to understand the world, or to improve any part of it. It is asked instead to immediately justify everything that happens....spectacular domination has cut down the vast tree of scientific knowledge in order to make itself a truncheon.  (Improve Quotes) America’s economic strength depends on industry’s ability to improve productivity and quality and to remain on the cutting edge of technology, and that’s why the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is so important.  (Improve Quotes)
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