In art the best is good enough

Art QuotesThe Best QuotesGood Enough QuotesBest Art QuotesGood Art QuotesJohann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes
In art the best is good enough
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a German writer, poet, and philosopher, is often credited with the quote, "In art the best is good enough." This statement encapsulates Goethe's belief in the importance of striving for excellence and perfection in artistic endeavors. Throughout his life, Goethe was a passionate advocate for the arts and believed that art had the power to elevate the human spirit and enrich society.For Goethe, art was not simply a means of self-expression, but a way to connect with the world and communicate profound truths. He believed that art had the ability to transcend language and cultural barriers, allowing individuals to experience beauty and truth on a universal level. In his own works, such as "Faust" and "The Sorrows of Young Werther," Goethe sought to explore the complexities of human nature and the human experience through the medium of literature.
Goethe's commitment to excellence in art can be seen in his meticulous attention to detail and his dedication to honing his craft. He was known for his rigorous work ethic and his relentless pursuit of perfection in his writing. Goethe believed that art should be a reflection of the artist's innermost thoughts and emotions, and that only by striving for the highest standards could an artist truly capture the essence of their subject.