In hell, sinners shall forever lay all the blame on their own wills. Hell is a rational torment by conscience

In hell, sinners shall forever lay all the blame on their own wills. Hell is a rational torment by conscience
Richard Baxter, a prominent English Puritan theologian and preacher, believed in the concept of hell as a place where sinners would be tormented by their own conscience for eternity. He argued that in hell, sinners would have no one to blame but themselves, as they had freely chosen to reject God and live a life of sin.Baxter believed that the torment of hell was not inflicted by external forces, but rather by the sinner's own conscience. He saw hell as a rational punishment, where sinners would be constantly reminded of their sins and the choices they made that led them to damnation. In his view, the torment of hell was not physical, but rather a spiritual and psychological suffering caused by the realization of one's own guilt and the consequences of one's actions.
Baxter's belief in the rational torment of hell by conscience was rooted in his understanding of human nature and the importance of free will. He believed that humans were rational beings capable of making moral choices, and that they would be held accountable for those choices in the afterlife. For Baxter, hell was not a place of arbitrary punishment, but rather a logical consequence of the choices made by sinners during their earthly lives.
Baxter's teachings on hell and the role of conscience in tormenting sinners were meant to serve as a warning to his followers and to encourage them to live a righteous and virtuous life. He believed that by understanding the consequences of sin and the torment of hell, individuals would be motivated to repent and turn away from their sinful ways.