In human hearts what bolder thoughts can rise, than man's presumption on tomorrow's dawn! Where is tomorrow?

In human hearts what bolder thoughts can rise, than man's presumption on tomorrow's dawn! Where is tomorrow?
Edward Young was an English poet known for his work in the 18th century, particularly his famous poem "Night Thoughts." In this poem, Young explores themes of mortality, the passage of time, and the uncertainty of the future. One of the most striking lines from "Night Thoughts" is, "In human hearts what bolder thoughts can rise, than man's presumption on tomorrow's dawn! Where is tomorrow?"This line speaks to the inherent arrogance and folly of human beings in assuming that they have control over the future. Young is questioning the audacity of mankind in thinking that they can predict or manipulate what will happen tomorrow. He suggests that this presumption is a dangerous one, as it can lead to complacency, hubris, and a lack of appreciation for the present moment.
Young's words are a reminder that the future is always uncertain and that we should not take it for granted. Tomorrow is not a guarantee, and we should not be so quick to assume that we will have the luxury of another day. Instead, we should focus on living in the present, cherishing the moments we have, and being grateful for the blessings we have today.
The line also speaks to the fleeting nature of time and the impermanence of life. Young is urging us to be mindful of the passage of time and to make the most of the moments we have, rather than constantly looking ahead to an uncertain future. By fixating on tomorrow, we risk missing out on the beauty and richness of the present.
Overall, Young's words serve as a powerful reminder to live in the moment, appreciate the blessings we have today, and not take the future for granted. We should be humble in the face of the unknown and embrace the uncertainty of tomorrow with grace and gratitude.