In Life Quotes

Text Quotes
I sometimes think that it's not our enemies that we resent in life, but rather friends we have who stood quietly by and did nothing (In Life Quotes)
And in life, at least in her new life, chances were the best she could hope for. They were like her rocks. Imperfect and surprising and maybe better in the long run than certainties (In Life Quotes)
I'll be ready for it to happen and that way it won't happen. It's a burden, being able to control situations with my hyper - vigilance, but it's my lot in life (In Life Quotes)
No other formula gives your baby a better start in life except that stuff that comes out of you for free (In Life Quotes)
A wasteland of embarrassment and social upheaval can be neatly avoided by following a single precept in life: Do not lie (In Life Quotes)
And it was as if fate had betrayed the soldier. In death it exposed to his enemies that poverty which in life he had perhaps concealed from his friends (In Life Quotes)
There is only one good thing in life, and that is love. And how you misunderstand it! How you spoil it! You treat it as something solemn like a sacrament, or something to be bought, like a dress (In Life Quotes)
Maybe there came a point in life where you had to quit categorizing whole groups of people by a few bad experiences (In Life Quotes)
Yes, this is the only good thing in life: love! To hold a woman you love in your arms! That is the ultimate in human happiness (In Life Quotes)
What can we take on trust in this uncertain life? Happiness, greatness, pride - nothing is secure, nothing keeps (In Life Quotes)
Align yourself with people that you can learn from, people who want more out of life, people who are stretching and searching and seeking some higher ground in life (In Life Quotes)
Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit (In Life Quotes)
What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead (In Life Quotes)
Mother, who has an absolute belief that it is not the cards that one is dealt in life, it is how one plays them, is, by far, the highest card I was dealt (In Life Quotes)
You have to learn to love the small things in life, like a hot bath. You have to love the small things, when you have nothing else (In Life Quotes)
Life is fighting. In life, it's the look ahead that counts. We are all born equally far from the sun. There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love (In Life Quotes)
But seriously, I think overall in the scheme of things winning an Emmy is not important. Let's get our priorities straight. I think we all know what's really important in life - winning an Oscar (In Life Quotes)
When we feel anger toward someone, we can consider that he or she is a being just like us, who has faced much suffering in life (In Life Quotes)
For, of course, being a girl, one's whole dignity and meaning in life consisted in the achievement of an absolute, a perfect, a pure and noble freedom. What else did a girl's life mean? (In Life Quotes)
There is no going back in life, no return, no second chance. I cannot call back the spoken word or the accomplished deed (In Life Quotes)
Most often people seek in life occasions for persisting in their opinions rather than for educating themselves (In Life Quotes)
Never have I been able to settle in life. Always seated askew, as if on the arm of a chair; ready to get up, to leave (In Life Quotes)
In life u will make mistakes and people will try and tear u down... but u gotta stay positive. Stay strong.. and learn to be better.. and.. always live to serve others and The Lord (In Life Quotes)
Theres gonna be times in life when people tell you that you can't, thats when you just gotta turn around and say watch me (In Life Quotes)
Drama is very important in life: You have to come on with a bang. You never want to go out with a whimper. Everything can have drama if it's done right. Even a pancake (In Life Quotes)
The waiters carried themselves with a quiet joy, as if their entire mission in life was to make their customers feel comfortable and well tended (In Life Quotes)
My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her (In Life Quotes)
The enduring attraction of war is this: Even with its destruction and carnage it can give us what we long for in life. It can give us purpose, meaning, a reason for living (In Life Quotes)
If you want guarantees in life, then you don't want life. You want rehearsals for a script that's already been written. Life by its nature cannot have guarantees, or its whole purpose is thwarted (In Life Quotes)
All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination, imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth (In Life Quotes)