In Life Quotes

Text Quotes
Sports ideally teach discipline and commitment. They challenge you and build character for everything you do in life (In Life Quotes)
There are too many false things in the world, and I don’t want to be a part of them. If you say what you think, you’re called cocky or conceited. But if you have an objective in life, you shouldn’t be afraid to stand up and say it. In the second grade, they asked us what we wanted to be. I said I wanted to be a ball player and they laughed. In the eighth grade, they asked the same question, and I said a ball player and they laughed a little more. By the eleventh grade, no one was laughing (In Life Quotes)
When there is no room for individualism in ballparks, then there will be no room for individualism in life (In Life Quotes)
I was always willing to take a great deal of the burden of getting along in life on my own shoulders, but I wasn’t willing to give myself a pat on the back. I was always looking to somebody else to give me that... That was all wrong (In Life Quotes)
The cabin of a small yacht is truly a wonderful thing; not only will it shelter you from a tempest, but from the other troubles in life, it is a safe retreat (In Life Quotes)
In life, we choose whether or not we want to be a winner or a loser. To be a winner, we must devote time and hard work. To be a loser you do nothing, and that’s exactly what you will get, nothing (In Life Quotes)
If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life; it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth (In Life Quotes)
I find the love of garden grows upon me as I grow older more and more. Shrubs and flowers and such small gay things, that bloom and please and fade and wither and are gone and we care not for them, are refreshing interests, in life, and if we cannot say never fading pleasures, we may say unreproved pleasures and never grieving losses (In Life Quotes)
It doesn’t matter how you get knocked down in life, because that’s going to happen. All that matters is that you gotta get up (In Life Quotes)
Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others (In Life Quotes)
You cannot tell whether a person is good or bad by his vicissitudes in life. Good and bad fortune are matters of fate (In Life Quotes)
So it was a thing that my mother always taught me to go for your goals and never give up no matter what they are, and I started believing that later on in life (In Life Quotes)
You have to pay the price. You will find that everything in life exacts a price, and you will have to decide whether the price is worth the prize (In Life Quotes)
I just want to be happy. And I find that people that have the least in life are sometimes the happiest. And I don’t have the least in life. I have enough in life. And I won’t sacrifice my health for that (In Life Quotes)
I learned early that if I wanted to achieve anything in life, I’d have to do it myself. I learned that I had to be accountable (In Life Quotes)
We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy! (In Life Quotes)
In playing ball, and in life, a person occasionally gets the opportunity to do something great. When that time comes, only two things matter: being prepared to seize the moment and having the courage to take your best swing (In Life Quotes)
I have the chance to do for a living what I like the most in life, and that’s playing football. I can make people happy and enjoy myself at the same time (In Life Quotes)
There are strange moments in life when the mind rests without any kind of worries. When our mind is quiet, when our mind is in silence, then the new arrives (In Life Quotes)
Gymnastics is not only a good thing to live by, but it is important to understand how it does help you in life (In Life Quotes)
Everything starts with faith. Faith causes us to see good things in the future, and because of this we develop a vision of success and prosperity in life (In Life Quotes)
First class in life has nothing to do with the clothes you wear, the car you drive or the house you live in. First class is and always will be about the content of your character, the quality of your ideas and the kindness in your heart (In Life Quotes)
You will fall many times in life, but you will pick yourself up and become stronger and wiser for each trouble you pass (In Life Quotes)
It is the greatest of all mistakes to begin life with the expectation that it is going to be easy, or with the wish to have it so (In Life Quotes)
There is indeed no such thing in life as absolute darkness; one’s eyes revolt and hasten to fill the vacuum by floating in sparks, dream patterns, figures whimsical and figures grotesque, shifting and clad in complementary colors, to appease the indignant cups and rods of the retina (In Life Quotes)
Bad things are always going to happen in life; People will eventually hurt you, but you can’t use that as an excuse to hurt someone back (In Life Quotes)
I was a skinny, scrawny guy. I stuttered horrendously, couldn’t speak at all. I was a very shy, reserved player and a very shy, reserved person. I found a safe place in life in basketball (In Life Quotes)
We must strive to move forward in life, by acknowledging the forces that are thrusted upon ourselves by means of fear, and relinquish them by our ways of hope (In Life Quotes)
Human behaviour reveals uniformities which constitute natural laws. If these uniformities did not exist, then there would be neither social science nor political economy, and even the study of history would largely be useless. In effect, if the future actions of men having nothing in common with their past actions, our knowledge of them, although possibly satisfying our curiosity by way of an interesting story, would be entirely useless to us as a guide in life (In Life Quotes)
Take a look at those two open hands of yours. They are tools with which to serve, make friends, and reach out for the best in life. Open hands open the way to achievement put them to work today (In Life Quotes)