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In Love Quotes

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When you fall in love with golf, you seldom fall easy. It?s obsession at first sight  (In Love Quotes) I am of this mind, that might and malice, deceit and treachery perjury and impiety may lawfully be committed in love; which is lawless  (In Love Quotes) An agreement is never reached in love. The life of a wife and husband who love each other is never at rest. Whether the marriage is true or false, the marriage portion is the same: elemental discord  (In Love Quotes) Before men can find peace and harmony within themselves they must first fall in love with their country  (In Love Quotes) I am in love, and he’s the one. Obviously I thought the one before him was the one and the one before that was the one, too. Frankly, I’m so much into the idea of being in love that anyone out of about 3 million could be the one. But no, this one now is definitely the one, the very one  (In Love Quotes) It’s two people that are in love with one another. What’s the issue?  (In Love Quotes) I’m the fortieth ugliest man in this bar. But so what! So what!... Isn’t this how people used to fall in love?  (In Love Quotes) May all that is not love within us and without be healed. May all that is love within us and without us be revealed. May every day of our lives be lived in love  (In Love Quotes) Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child  (In Love Quotes) I must’ve got whacked on the head.He presented a totally false person for me to fall in love with  (In Love Quotes) If you must have a rule to follow, I would suggest cultivating a dialogue with your inner voice... If you listen to the clues your own images offer, the resulting work will be fresh, and authentic. Fall in love with your world  (In Love Quotes) One wears one’s mind out in study, and yet has more mind with which to study. One gives away one’s heart in love and yet has more heart to give away. One perishes out of pity for a suffering world, and is stronger therefore. So, too, it is possible at one and the same time to hold on to life and let go  (In Love Quotes) Falling in love was simple; one had only to yield. Digesting another person, however, and sustaining love, was bloody work, and not a soft job  (In Love Quotes) Dreamers are those who have achieved in love and life, because it is a dream that got them there  (In Love Quotes) You know what’s the most terrifying thing about admitting that you’re in love? You’re just naked. You put yourself in harm’s way and you lay down all your defences. No clothes, no weapons. Nowhere to hide, completely vulnerable. The only thing that makes it tolerable is to believe the other person loves you back and you can trust him not to hurt you  (In Love Quotes) If I knew that, I’d fall in love over and over again. Hearts aren’t supposed to be mended. If you fall in love and it doesn’t work out, you get a broken heart. What comes out of that will make you a better lover and partner next time  (In Love Quotes) Writing is rewriting. A writer must learn to deepen characters, trim writing, intensify scenes. To fall in love with the first draft to the point where one cannot change it is to greatly enhance the prospects of never publishing  (In Love Quotes) Once upon a time I was falling in love, now I’m only falling apart  (In Love Quotes) Falling in love is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. Its a feeling that you cannot resist and a feeling that you can almost never forget. Being touched by the feeling of love is the most memorable of all  (In Love Quotes) The rhythm of the ride carried them on and on, and she knew that the horse was as eager as she, as much in love with the speed and air and freedom  (In Love Quotes) What’s interesting about songs where the writer is genuinely in love with words is that it’s easy to read the lyrics like a poem  (In Love Quotes) If you loveach other, whatever happens you can deal with it, you can work it out. Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that it’s really not much fun having an adventure with someone you’re not in love with  (In Love Quotes) Indeed, the most vivid travel experiences usually find you by accident, and the qualities that will make you fall in love with a place are rarely the features that took you there  (In Love Quotes) Falling in love was like falling off a cliff. It felt pretty much like flying until you hit the ground  (In Love Quotes) I longed to return to that bloody riverbank, to throw myself in the path of the final arrow, to die ignorant, and so, in love. Better to be killed by an arrow than by the words of the one I most trusted  (In Love Quotes) It was a standard fantasy when you fell in love to imagine you could go back in time and find your beloved growing up, appear there, save him or her, get together as adolescents, by magic, and go on together, fighting for one another, into old age, never wavering  (In Love Quotes) Yea there ain’t nothing not affected when two hearts get connected. All that is will be or ever was; every single choice we make; every breath we get to take is all because two people fell in love  (In Love Quotes) If you fall in love with somebody, then you’re not even worried about your bills. Love can take your mind off of anything  (In Love Quotes) Some comedians love their characters. I don’t fall in love with mine. In fact, I get tired of them very fast. You have to be willing to throw it all away  (In Love Quotes) I fall in love with myself, and I want someone to share it with me. And I want someone to share me, with me  (In Love Quotes)
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