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In Love Quotes

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I’m not afraid to live. I’m not afraid to fail. I’m not afraid to succeed. I’m not afraid to fall in love. I’m not afraid to be alone. I’m just afraid I might have to stop talking about myself for five minutes  (In Love Quotes) To be tempted and indulged by the city’s most brilliant chefs. It’s the dream of every one of us in love with food  (In Love Quotes) Imagine a man besottedly in love: he won’t waste time speculating whether other women equally merit his affection  (In Love Quotes) Some people fall in love and touch the sky. Some people fall in love and find quicksand. I hover somewhere in between, I swear, I can’t make up my mind  (In Love Quotes) Not knowing that we can be loved for who we truly are prevents us from trusting in love itself, and this in turn causes us to turn away from life and doubt its benevolence  (In Love Quotes) I am a bit of a hopeless romantic. I really do have a faith and a belief in love, and when I love, I love hard  (In Love Quotes) Security is when I’m very much in love with somebody extraordinary who loves me back  (In Love Quotes) I want it to be less about sexuality and more about being comfortable in who you fall in love with. If I meet someone and I like them, I don’t care if they’re a boy or a girl. You should never, ever apologize for anything that makes you happy  (In Love Quotes) To act, you must know pain. You must know what it means to be in love, what it means to be rejected  (In Love Quotes) I liked you because you could make me smile. I fell in love with you because you made me want to be a better person. Now that you’re leaving me, what am I supposed to do?  (In Love Quotes) It is a great help for a man to be in love with himself. For an actor, however, it is absolutely essential  (In Love Quotes) I wish I never fell so deep in love with you and now it ain’t no way we can be friends  (In Love Quotes) Sometimes when we fall in love there simply is no going back. There’s not turning back to the people we once were or simply falling in love with someone else. When we truly fall in love and find the person we’re going to spend the rest of our lives with there’s no falling in love with someone else. It simply isn’t possible. You don’t have your heart to give anymore  (In Love Quotes) Falling in love for the first time, and then the heartbreak of having it end, is difficult, but I don’t think it would ever hurt as much as when my mother was killed in the boating accident. I feel a part of my heart has already been broken, and that place is reserved for mother  (In Love Quotes) We fell in love quickly. We got married very quickly. It didn’t work out the way we wanted it to. There’s nothing more to it  (In Love Quotes) I’m in love with mary jane. she’s my main thing. she makes me feel alright. she makes my heart sing. and when I’m feeling low, she comes as no suprise. turns me on with her love, takes me to paradiiiiise do you love me mary jane, yeah now do you think you love me mary jane don’t you play no game  (In Love Quotes) I think that one of the things that you do learn is that falling in love and being in love with someone is a rarity. That you don’t fall in love as many times as you think you’re going to. And then when you do, it’s really special; it’s really important  (In Love Quotes) Being in love is the best feeling on the planet. I really believe that love makes the world go round  (In Love Quotes) When I look at her, it’s like when I was in seventh grade and fell in love for the first time, where it’s debilitating. That’s available 24/7 if I want, which is amazing  (In Love Quotes) They aren’t common, but enormously interesting. How can it be that you’ve been together that long and you’re still intensely in love with them?  (In Love Quotes) You don’t fall in love with a gender, you fall in love with a person  (In Love Quotes) I wanted to know what it was like to be a drug addict, and have an eating disorder, and have a loved one die, and fall in love. I saw my friends going through these things, I saw the world going through these things, and I needed to understand them. I needed to make sense of them. Books didn’t make me wallow in darkness, darkness made me wallow in books, and it was books that showed me there is light at the end of the tunnel  (In Love Quotes) Only think about the people you enjoy. Only read the books you enjoy, that make you happy to be human. Only go to the events that actually make you laugh or fall in love. Only deal with the people who love you back, who are winners and want you to win too  (In Love Quotes) A bird painted not with beauty but with all the dirt and wounds collected in a long hard life, in battle, in love, with torn feathers and a busted leg and a chipped beak and one of its eyes half closed; and yet a bird of deeper loveliness for all of that  (In Love Quotes) I’m not the only kid who grew up this way. Surrounded by people who used to say that rhyme about sticks and stones. As if broken bones hurt more than the names we got called, and we got called them all. So we grew up believing no one would ever fall in love with us. That we’d be lonely forever. That we’d never meet someone to make us feel like the sun was something they built for us in their tool shed. So broken heart strings bled the blues as we tried to empty ourselves so we would feel nothing. Don’t tell me that hurts less than a broken bone  (In Love Quotes) I was saying yes because when you’re in love, the world is full of possibilities, and when you’re in love, you want to take every single one of them  (In Love Quotes) I don’t fall in love very easily. It takes a long time, and then, when I have fallen in love, I’m still not sure. I’m suspicious of myself. What if tomorrow I don’t feel the same? I have to wait, to be sure. And I wait and wait  (In Love Quotes) I get a lot of dramas, but I’d like to do a romantic comedy type of movie; that’d be a nice step for me. No more screaming or running or shooting... for one movie where I can just be in love with a boy  (In Love Quotes) It’s my experience that you first feel the impulse to write in your chest. It’s like falling in love, only more so. It feels like something criminal. It feels like unspeakably wild sex. So, think: When you feel the overpowering need to go out and find some unspeakably wild sex, do you rush to tell your mom about it?  (In Love Quotes) From the time we began to build houses and cities, since we invented the wheel, we have not advanced one step toward happiness. We have always been in halves. As long as we invent and progress in mechanical things and not in love, we shall not achieve happiness  (In Love Quotes)
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