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In Love Quotes

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How terrible when people are led to believe, or left to believe, that once they are in love they have nothing to do but live happily ever after, they have nothing further to learn  (In Love Quotes) The union of the family lies in love; and love is the only reconciliation of authority and liberty  (In Love Quotes) I’ve fallen in love with my horse. It’s a safer bet. We all know from my illustrious past that I should be sticking to men with four legs  (In Love Quotes) O, how easy it would appear to be to live in simplicity and love, and yet how difficult it is for our corrupt hearts to live in love!  (In Love Quotes) Start out by celebrating the best in the situation because it allows us to fall in love with it, which connects us to our passion and emancipates the energy  (In Love Quotes) You are worthy of love and you deserve to be happy. You have these beautiful qualities and many more because you are living the gift of a human incarnation. My hope is that you will embrace these truths and your birthright to live a life abundant in love, joy, and celebration  (In Love Quotes) Creative activity is one of the few self rewarding activities. Being creative is like being in love!  (In Love Quotes) It is your birthright to live a life abundant in love. Make the commitment today to open your heart and let your love flow  (In Love Quotes) Loving a person is loving everything but the person. Being in love with that person is loving everything and that person  (In Love Quotes) If we only fell in love with people who were perfect for us... then there wouldn’t be so much fuss about love in the first place  (In Love Quotes) Don’t you get it? It’s the end of the world! That’s exactly when you fall in love. When else?  (In Love Quotes) Oh, sunshine, I whisper and smile gently. Haven’t you figured out that I’m completely in love with you?  (In Love Quotes) Be bold, and try not to fall in love with your faults. Don’t be so afraid of giving yourself away, either, for if yo write, you must. And if you can’t face that, better not write  (In Love Quotes) There’s nothing better than discovering, to your own astonishment, what you’re meant to do. It’s like falling in love  (In Love Quotes) Am I in love? Absolutely. I’m in love with ancient philosophers, foreign painters, classic authors, and musicians who have died long ago. I’m a passionate lover. I fawn over these people. I have given them my heart and my soul. The trouble is, I’m unable to love anyone tangible. I have sacrificed a physical bond, for a metaphysical relationship. I am the ultimate idealistic lover  (In Love Quotes) The impact of falling in love for the first time has a special place in our arhitecture  (In Love Quotes) Love and marriage are wonderful arenas in which to place a character. We are most likely to risk our morals and beliefs while in love. Betrayal gives tremendous insights into a character as well  (In Love Quotes) It is very hard to be in love with someone who no longer loves you, but it is far worse to be loved by someone with whom you are no longer in love  (In Love Quotes) Ever since a small boy, I have loved just to look at the mountains, to see them in different lights and from different angles, to feel their rough rock under my fingers and the breath of the winds against my feet... I am in love with the mountains  (In Love Quotes) To be secure everywhere is the mark of sophistication, to be unshakable is the mark of courage, to be permanently in love with every person is the mark of masculinity or femininity, to forgive is the mark of strength, to govern our senses and passions is the mark of freedom  (In Love Quotes) I’m romantic. I fall in love every day. Not with people but with situations. The other day, I saw a tramp polishing his shoes. That just gripped my heart  (In Love Quotes) We shall awaken from our dullness and rise vigorously toward justice. If we fall in love with creation deeper and deeper, we will respond to its endangerment with passion  (In Love Quotes) My evolution into becoming a photojournalist started with falling in love with literature when I was a teenager, falling in love with novels and imagining a life of being a storyteller  (In Love Quotes) Falling in love is like eating mushrooms, you never know if it’s the real thing until it’s too late  (In Love Quotes) People fall in love in mysterious ways. Maybe it’s all part of a plan  (In Love Quotes) It’s not true that you fall in love only once in your life. But it is true that you only fall in love a certain way, with a certain absoluteness, once  (In Love Quotes) In love longing I listen to the monk’s bell. I will never forget you even for an interval short as those between the bell notes  (In Love Quotes) I work for men that I would love to meet, somebody who I could fall in love with, someone who intrigues me  (In Love Quotes) I’ve never been in love with fashion, actually; trends and catwalks don’t interest me. I love clothes; I love them historically and currently. They represent a spirit of the times and the zeitgeist  (In Love Quotes) Sometimes, you need to stop taking your medicine to let your body heal itself. Sometimes, you need to pause so you can move forward. Sometimes, you need to turn away from something so you can see why you fell in love in the first place  (In Love Quotes)
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