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In Love Quotes

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You can’t make yourself fall in love, just as you can’t choose who you fall in love with  (In Love Quotes) Kalki is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am madly in love with her  (In Love Quotes) He who falls in love in bars doesn’t need a woman all his own. He can always find one on loan  (In Love Quotes) Many women I know think the ideal of happiness is to be in love with a great man, or to be the wife of a great public success; to share his triumph! They forget you share the man as well!  (In Love Quotes) It’s not that women don’t feel things, we do. We fall in love, we get our hearts broken, we’re disappointed and sad, but we’ve also been taught that you must always have your pride. Above all  (In Love Quotes) When I started designing in school, I discovered that I had a knack for it. I fell completely in love with architecture, and I remain in love with it  (In Love Quotes) Deception is a sort of seduction. In love and war, adultery and espionage, deceit can only succeed if the deceived party is willing, in some way, to be deceived  (In Love Quotes) I’ve always said in the press, I can fall in love with a man. I can fall in love with a woman. And I’ve always said that I have no shame in that  (In Love Quotes) So our task as stewards of the word begins and ends in love. Loving language means cherishing it for its beauty, precision, power to enhance understanding, power to name, power to heal. And it means using words as instruments of love  (In Love Quotes) Love is illogical. You fall into it like a manhole. Then you’re just stuck. You die in love more than you live in love  (In Love Quotes) There is no such thing, as far as I’m concerned, as ownership in love  (In Love Quotes) Le bonheur est dans l’amour un e tat anormal. In love, happiness is abnormal  (In Love Quotes) Of course {I’m bisexual}. If I fell in love with a woman tomorrow, would I feel that it’s okay to want to kiss and touch her? If I fell in love with her? Absolutely! Yes!  (In Love Quotes) The most exciting thing is not doing it. If you fall in love with someone and never do it, it’s much more exciting  (In Love Quotes) Just because you’re good in something doesn’t mean you’ll necessarily be good in something else. You just try and chase opportunities that you fall in love with or that inspire you and keep doing the work  (In Love Quotes) The problem with being passionately in love... is that it deprives you of too much sleep  (In Love Quotes) Total surrender to the demands of the human spirit: be attentive, be intelligent, be reasonable, be responsible, be in love  (In Love Quotes) Just as our taste in lovers is far more revealing than our choice of friends, the object of an artist’s obsession can open up doors to their soul that might otherwise remain shut tight  (In Love Quotes) Everyone is having sex until they fall in love. When you fall in love, then it’s making love  (In Love Quotes) Sex is all that it can and should be only when it is surrounded by and wrapped in love  (In Love Quotes) You can’t easily break out of this cycle of love. It’s always here and there up and down.. pain and joy, this wonderful feeling of being in love, which will come to an end later, is so dominating through your entire life. And you cannot escape it  (In Love Quotes) So I’m in love. That crazy, forget to eat, float around in a daze, talk on the phone all night and bounce out of bed every morning hoping to see him kind of love  (In Love Quotes) I just want to be there in love and in justice and in truth and in commitment to others, so that we can make of this old world a new world  (In Love Quotes) Pretending you are not in love with someone only delays the time of you getting over them  (In Love Quotes) I feel like I’m back visiting an old grandmother. She’s crotchety and eccentric, but also elegant, and anyone who doesn’t fall in love with her has no imagination  (In Love Quotes) I was very fortunate, and have always been, that the women I met and fell in love with were exceptional, from my first girlfriend to the woman I married when I was 21, to all the remarkable women I have known as either friends or lovers  (In Love Quotes) I often get myself in love trouble because I’m so passionate; I love so much and so deep  (In Love Quotes) I think if you meet the right person in life and you fall in love, that is a miracle. My husband saw me on the subway. That is a miracle!  (In Love Quotes) You can’t be a creative person and not fall in love with everything. Every movie I’ve made there’s a complicated, twisted love affair with  (In Love Quotes) So I am praying while not knowing how to pray. I am resting while feeling restless, at peace while tempted, safe while still anxious, surrounded by a cloud of light while still in darkness, in love while still doubting  (In Love Quotes)
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