In My Heart Quotes

Text Quotes
In my mind and in my heart, I feel okay. I cannot complain that I haven’t lived long enough, but I’d like to live longer (In My Heart Quotes)
There’s a lot of pain in my heart because what I accomplished was second to none. I’m not losing any sleep, but I do pay attention every year at this time (In My Heart Quotes)
My songs form a kind of biography or diary of my life as they are about people I have loved and people I only knew in my heart, places I have seen only for a moment and places I have lived all my life (In My Heart Quotes)
If I don’t believe it, then they don’t need me on the court. I’ve just got to believe that in my heart (In My Heart Quotes)
The circumstance is the incredible part, but I always knew in my heart that something was going to be out there, just for the world to notice me. It sounds so cocky, but it’s happening (In My Heart Quotes)
I still find that a kind of stricture of the heart happens when I see any form of bigoted or racist behaviour. I get an actual pain in my heart (In My Heart Quotes)
I grieve for you, how I mourn for you, who are so very dear to me, but again I can rejoice within my heart, not for nothing have I labored, neither has my exile been in vain (In My Heart Quotes)
Oft when the white, still dawn lifted the skies and pushed the hills apart, I have felt it like a glory in my heart (In My Heart Quotes)
I thought to be feminine was to give in to straight culture, or the beauty standard, but in my heart I had a flair for fashion and style. They were passions I kept secret because I didn’t understand I could love clothes and hair and makeup and still like girls (In My Heart Quotes)
I feel like for me the lyric writing really comes from just what’s going on in my heart and that’s what consumes me; think a lot of our heart is relationships. Not just with boyfriend or girlfriend but all your relationships in your life with other people and our interactions with other humans (In My Heart Quotes)
I want to be able to say what’s on my mind and in my heart and what I think is helpful and useful without somebody getting angry, some special interest group deciding this is the time to silence a voice of dissent and attack affiliates, attack sponsors. I’m sort of done with that (In My Heart Quotes)
In my heart of hearts my motivation would always have been to be the best, and I think that athletics is probably what I was built for (In My Heart Quotes)
You are always in my thoughts. When you were little, I knew your whereabouts at any given moment. Now that you are... off on your own, I still always know where you are, because I keep you in my heart (In My Heart Quotes)
I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they are turned to loving, they will find that we are turned to hating (In My Heart Quotes)
We are trying to communicate that which lies in our deepest heart, which has no words, which can only be hinted at through the means of a story. And somehow, miraculously, a story that comes from deep in my heart calls from a reader that which is deepest in his or her heart, and together from our secret hidden selves we create a story that neither of us could have told alone (In My Heart Quotes)
We sit there, our eyes locked on one another, for several seconds. I know in my heart we’re both thinking the same thing. Jacob leans forward over the candle, the shadow of the flame dancing against his bottom lip. I lean forward to meet him as well. It’s a kiss full of promise, of trust, and of all that is magic (In My Heart Quotes)
Looking about me, listening and recalling what the day had been like, I suddenly felt a secret unease in my heart and raised my eyes to the sky, but even in the sky there seemed to be no tranquillity. Dotted with stars, it constantly quivered and danced and shivered (In My Heart Quotes)
I’m sure the red fern has grown and has completely covered the two little mounds. I know it is still there, hiding its secret beneath those long, red leaves, but it wouldn’t be hidden from me for part of my life is buried there, too. Yes, I know it is still there, for in my heart I believe the legend of the sacred red fern (In My Heart Quotes)
Within my heart a garden grows, wild with violets and fragrant rose. bright daffodils line the narrow path, my footsteps silent as I pass. sweet tulips nod their heads in rest; I kneel in prayer to seek gods best. for round my garden a fence stands firm to guard my heart so I can learn who should enter, and who should wait on the other side of my locked gate. I clasp the key around my neck and wonder if the time is yet. if I unlocked the gate today, would you come in? or run away? (In My Heart Quotes)
I had given up my seat before, but this day, I was especially tired. Tired from my work as a seamstress, and tired from the ache in my heart (In My Heart Quotes)
A family can be the bane of one’s existence. A family can also be most of the meaning of one’s existence. I don’t know whether my family is bane or meaning, but they have surely gone away and left a large hole in my heart (In My Heart Quotes)
There was something dead in my heart. I tried to figure out what it was by the strength of the smell. I knew that it was not a lion or a sheep or a dog. Using logical deduction, I came to the conclusion that it was a mouse. I had a dead mouse in my heart (In My Heart Quotes)
I planted a seed of hatred in my heart. I swore it would grow to be a massive tree whose roots would strangle them all (In My Heart Quotes)
She belongs to the winter that is past, to the darkness that is over, and has no part or lot in the life I shall lead for the next six months. Oh, I could dance and sing for joy that the spring is here! What a ressurection of beauty there is in my garden, and of brightest hope in my heart (In My Heart Quotes)
You are the sunshine of my life, you take the clouds away and make me a rainbow every day. You’re in my heart where you’ll forever stay. I love you, sweetheart (In My Heart Quotes)
And if it all falls apart, I will know deep in my heart, the only dream that mattered had come true. In this life, I was loved by you (In My Heart Quotes)
He was so dominant. Bobby was the greatest defenseman who ever played the game as far as I’m concerned. I believe in my heart he changed the face of the game (In My Heart Quotes)
Here in my heart, that is where you will be; you will be with me, here in my heart. No distance can keep us apart, long as you are here in my heart (In My Heart Quotes)
Goodbye, my friend, goodbye. My dear, you are in my heart. Predestined separation promises a future meeting (In My Heart Quotes)
I know in my heart the dream will be realized. I choose to believe. And choosing is a powerful thing. It’s available to you at every moment. You can choose understanding over anger, believing over nonbelieving, action over inaction. It gives meaning to every choice we make (In My Heart Quotes)