In this world of change, nought which comes stays, and nought which goes is lost
In this world of change, nought which comes stays, and nought which goes is lost
Anne Sophie Swetchine, a Russian-French writer and thinker of the 19th century, understood the transient nature of life and the inevitability of change. Her quote, "In this world of change, nought which comes stays, and nought which goes is lost," encapsulates her profound insight into the impermanence of all things.Swetchine's words remind us that everything in life is in a constant state of flux. People come and go, relationships evolve, and circumstances change. Nothing remains static or unchanged. This understanding can be both liberating and unsettling. It teaches us to embrace change and let go of attachments to things that are fleeting. It also reminds us to appreciate the present moment and not take anything for granted.
Swetchine's quote also speaks to the interconnectedness of all things. As one thing leaves, another thing enters. The cycle of life continues, and nothing is truly lost. Even when something or someone is no longer physically present, their impact and influence remain. Memories, lessons learned, and experiences shared continue to shape our lives long after they have passed.