In youth and beauty, wisdom is but rare!

In youth and beauty, wisdom is but rare!
In Homer's epic poems, youth and beauty are often portrayed as highly valued traits, particularly among the gods and goddesses who are immortal and eternally youthful. However, despite their physical perfection, wisdom is not always a guarantee for these immortal beings. In fact, many of the gods and goddesses in Homer's works are depicted as being impulsive, petty, and prone to making mistakes.One of the most famous examples of this is the goddess Athena, who is often portrayed as wise and strategic in battle. However, even she is not immune to making errors in judgment. In the Iliad, Athena convinces Achilles to let go of his anger and rejoin the battle against the Trojans. While her intentions may have been noble, her actions ultimately lead to the death of Achilles, as he is killed by Paris with the help of Apollo.
Similarly, the goddess Aphrodite is often associated with beauty and love, but she is also depicted as being vain and manipulative. In the Iliad, Aphrodite intervenes in the Trojan War to protect Paris from harm, leading to further bloodshed and destruction. Her actions are driven by her desire to protect her own interests, rather than any sense of wisdom or foresight.
Even among mortal characters in Homer's works, youth and beauty do not always equate to wisdom. Characters like Helen of Troy and Paris are often described as being physically attractive, but their actions lead to disastrous consequences for themselves and those around them. Helen's beauty is the catalyst for the Trojan War, while Paris's infatuation with her ultimately leads to the downfall of Troy.
Overall, Homer's works suggest that youth and beauty may be fleeting and superficial qualities, while wisdom is a rare and valuable trait that is not always associated with physical appearance. In the world of the gods and mortals, it is often those who possess wisdom and foresight who are able to navigate the complexities of life and avoid the pitfalls of vanity and impulsiveness.