Incapable Quotes

Text Quotes
Iron till it be thoroughly heated is incapable to be wrought; so God sees good to cast some men into the furnace of affliction, and then beats them on His anvil into what frame He desires (Incapable Quotes)
The Court made an exception, however, in the case of candidates contributing to their own campaigns because of the rather reasonable presumption that a candidate is incapable of corrupting himself (Incapable Quotes)
Those who constantly qualify everything and have no opinions of their own are ultimately just as incapable of tolerance (Incapable Quotes)
Let us now speak according to natural lights. If there is a God, He is infinitely incomprehensible. . . . We are then incapable of knowing of either what He is or if He is. . . (Incapable Quotes)
I think all writers are a bit crazy; Damaged souls, incapable of doing anything else (Incapable Quotes)
If trusting in Christ is the only way to be saved one has to wonder about infants, small children, and those who are child-like who are incapable of exercising faith in Christ (Incapable Quotes)
I think I have this disorder where I’m completely incapable of making the right decision (Incapable Quotes)
Charles was constitutionally incapable of being a constitutional monarch (Incapable Quotes)
The truth is that I’m constitutionally incapable of doing an ordinary job (Incapable Quotes)
I join you therefore in branding as cowardly the idea that the human mind is incapable of further advances (Incapable Quotes)
A sane mind should not be guilty of a logical fallacy, yet there are very fine minds incapable of following mathematical demonstrations (Incapable Quotes)
Consumer: A person who is capable of choosing a president but incapable of choosing a bicycle without help from a government agency (Incapable Quotes)
When a government is arrived to that degree of corruption as to be incapable of reforming itself, it would not lose much by being new moulded (Incapable Quotes)
There has been in our time a lack of reliance on language and a lack of experimentation which are frightening to anyone who sees them as symptoms. We know the phenomenon of stage-fright: it holds the player shivering, incapable of speech or action. Perhaps there is an audience-fright which the play can feel, which leaves him with these incapacities (Incapable Quotes)
The Democrats are incapable of even being accused of violating political correctness, so they don’t even worry about it. The Democrats have really grown accustomed, however, to Republicans not attacking, not criticizing them (Incapable Quotes)
In abandoning the understanding that things - services, goods, wars, and houses - have costs, we risk becoming infantilised, incapable of making decisions about government or finance, and perhaps above all about the environment, the wellbeing of the planet upon which we depend and which our children will inherit from us (Incapable Quotes)
Then turn your eyes back on me,and tell me that Cathy and I are still children to be treated with condescension, and are incapable of understanding adult subjects. (Incapable Quotes)
Time is so fleeting that if we do not remember God in our youth, age may find us incapable of thinking of him. (Incapable Quotes)
Today’s voguish threats, including climate change, population growth, massive war, and resource depletion, are all amenable to a fix if we act prudently. And even if we don’t, these problems are incapable of obliterating all of humanity, let alone destroying the Earth. No, the real End of Days will happen slowly, as the Sun ages. (Incapable Quotes)
We are all equal not because we partake in some peculiar nature or because we share in the same credo of unreasoned beliefs, but because we take it that no thinking being is incapable of seeing reason. (Incapable Quotes)
The American system itself is incapable. It’s, it is as incapable of producing freedom for the Afro-American as a, as the system of a chicken is of producing a duck egg. (Incapable Quotes)
My intention is not to define a perfect life and then cause an unhappy analysis of what you are not doing correctly or are incapable of doing. (Incapable Quotes)
China, slavishly dedicated to ancient scholars, incapable of generating within herself sufficient rulers to continue, without bloodshed, a nation. (Incapable Quotes)
People become dons because they are incapable of doing anything else in life (Incapable Quotes)
Every argument is incapable of helping unless it is singular and addressed to a single person. Therefore, one who discourses in any other way presumably does so from love of reputation. (Incapable Quotes)
Almost without being aware of it, we end up being incapable of feeling compassion at the outcry of the poor, weeping for other people’s pain, and feeling a need to help them, as though all this were someone else’s responsibility and not our own. (Incapable Quotes)
Being with a man incapable of telling a lie ” a whole lot of awesome. Being with a man who could taste when you lied ” sucked the big one. (Incapable Quotes)
Macroeconomics, even with all of our computers and with all of our information. is not an exact science and is incapable of being an exact science. (Incapable Quotes)
A worker’s capital is inexhaustible, incapable of being stolen, and bound to pay him a generous dividend all the time. (Incapable Quotes)
If you see yourself as entitled to a resource, and if you’re not willing or incapable of seeing this other as a being with whom you can and should be in relation with, then you’re going to take the resource. (Incapable Quotes)