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Horsemanship should be fun. By learning how to control your horse in any situation, your confidence will greatly increase. When you’re confident, you can relax and enjoy your partnership (Increase Quotes)
Voices surround us, always telling us to move faster. It may be our boss, our pastor, our parents, our wives, our husbands, our politicians, or, sadly, even ourselves. So we comply. We increase the speed. We live life in the fast lane because we have no slow lanes anymore. Every lane is fast, and the only comfort our culture can offer is more lanes and increased speed limits. The result? Too many of us are running as fast as we can, and an alarming number of us are running much faster than we can sustain (Increase Quotes)
If we write our dreams and goals down, we dramatically increase our odds of realization. If we share them with others, they become potent and alive (Increase Quotes)
I’m an economist by training. And I know that what works is a permanent increase in buying power (Increase Quotes)
Rarely do we realize that if we simply take time to marvel at life’s gifts and give thanks for them, we activate stunning opportunities to increase their influence in our lives (Increase Quotes)
When conventional tactics are altered unexpectedly according to the situation, they take on the element of surprise and increase in strategic value (Increase Quotes)
The easiest and most powerful way to increase customer loyalty is really very simple. Make your customers happy (Increase Quotes)
Every time you acquire a new interest, even more, a new accomplishment, you increase your power of life (Increase Quotes)
Concussions is one of these pack journalism issues, frankly. There’s no increase in concussions. The number is relatively small. The problem is, it is a journalist issue (Increase Quotes)
I have never observed even the slightest laceration in a woman who used clitoral stimulation as a relaxation method during birth. Clitoral stimulation seems to increase vaginal engorgement as the baby emerges (Increase Quotes)
The only ones who will see an increase in pay are some of the trial lawyers who bring the cases (Increase Quotes)
These substances function as unspecific amplifiers that increase the energetic niveau in the psyche and make the deep unconscious dynamics available for conscious processing. This unique property of psychedelics makes it possible to study psychological undercurrents that govern our experiences and behaviors to a depth that cannot be matched by any other methods and tools available in modern mainstream science. In emotional and psychosomatic disorders, for positive personality transformation, and consciousness evolution (Increase Quotes)
The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one’s relationship has a glowing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase (Increase Quotes)
Even though your responsibilities increase when you become a manager, you lose some of the rights or freedoms you may have enjoyed in the past (Increase Quotes)
In order to recognize small changes in effort, the effort itself must first be reduced. More delicate and improved control of movement is possible only through the increase of sensitivity, through a greater ability to sense differences (Increase Quotes)
Are you willing to increase the amount of time every day that you feel good inside? (Increase Quotes)
The payroll tax increase was destructive financially, it took what was a close call and made it a bad call (Increase Quotes)
If you invest and don’t diversify, you’re literally throwing out money. People don’t realize that diversification is beneficial even if it reduces your return. Why? Because it reduces your risk even more. Therefore, if you diversify and then use margin to increase your leverage to a risk level equivalent to that of a nondiversified position, your return will probably be greater (Increase Quotes)
When you focus on how people feel about what they are saying, you increase the level of true concern you have for others. You actually start to become the person you thought you were pretending to be: a true leader! (Increase Quotes)
People loose tension when they run. The feeling of self respect will almost always increase. You accept yourself a little more (Increase Quotes)
In my practice as surgeon, I am impressed by the alarming increase of cancer cases brought to my notice; an increase, which in the light of the general hygienic and sanitary improvements of our time, can point to no other cause than the indulgence in certain foodstuffs detrimental to normal life of the body (Increase Quotes)
Cows given genetically modified growth hormones make more milk, but have painful swollen udders, have ulcers, joint pain, miscarriages, deformed calves, infertility, and much shorter life spans. Their milk contains blood, pus, tranquilizers, antibiotics, and an insulin growth factor that can cause a fourfold increase in prostate cancer and sevenfold rise in breast cancer. This is the milk used in our school lunch programs and served to our children. This is the milk that you buy every day. This is the milk used in all cheeses, yogurts, butter, and cream (Increase Quotes)
Many studies have established the fact that there is a high correlation between vocabulary and intelligence and that the ability to increase one’s vocabulary throughout life is a sure reflection of intellectual progress (Increase Quotes)
Imagine what our planet would look like with an increase in temperature of two degrees or four degrees, given that at 0.8 degrees we already have serious problems in the world (Increase Quotes)
To gain paying customers you’ll need to focus on attracting the right followers, and not just on attracting the most. Communicate often with useful information to increase your value, and focus on pitching your product in a genuine way. Make sure you have a professional web presence, and with any luck, you should start noticing your efforts pay off (Increase Quotes)
Misrepresented its own studies and the concerns of physicians suggesting the drug may increase the risk of heart problems (Increase Quotes)
I live in the same house I purchased in 1971 for $22,500. I think we need to increase the minimum wage and so all my neighbors can get an increase in their wages (Increase Quotes)
Kind thoughts increase the flow of vital energy into your body and mind. Do kind acts now. Do not procrastinate. Kindness is like a healing balm. It soothes suffering... Little drops of water make the mighty ocean. Even so, little acts of kindness make an ocean of goodwill (Increase Quotes)
To get rich, one must have but a single idea, one fixed, hard, immutable thought: the desire to make a heap of gold. And in order to increase this heap of gold, one must be inflexible, a usurer, thief, extortionist, and murderer! And one must especially mistreat the small and the weak! And when this mountain of gold has been amassed, one can climb up on it, and from up on the summit, a smile on one’s lips, one can contemplate the valley of poor wretches that one has created (Increase Quotes)
It is the steady and merciless increase of occupations, the augmented speed at which we are always trying to live, the crowding of each day with more work than it can profitably hold, which has cost us, among other things, the undisturbed enjoyment of friends. Friendship takes time, and we have no time to give it (Increase Quotes)