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In my judgment, we have to avoid, at all costs, tax increases. That would be the worst possible thing to do and will make a bad economy even worse. Beyond that, targeted tax relief should be expanded upon (Increases Quotes)
When the remedy you have offered only increases the disease, then leave him who will not be cured, and tell your story to someone who seeks the truth (Increases Quotes)
When the invocation descends into the heart, if there is darkness within, it illuminates it; and if there is already light, the invocation increases the light and intensifies it (Increases Quotes)
In my experience, if you steer clear of dogma and muster up more love than you thought you had to give, then your vitality increases, satisfaction sets in, sweetness surfaces. I believe in the creative power of good feelings. I’m convinced that the desire to be real is everyone’s divine imperative (Increases Quotes)
We’ve got to make sure our younger workers understand that as life expectancy increases, the retirement date for benefits increases also (Increases Quotes)
In a single sentence the moral is: admit that complexity always increases, first from the model you fit to the data, thence to the model you use to think about and plan about the experiment and its analysis, and thence to the true situation (Increases Quotes)
If your bigs rim run at full speed it not only increases the potential for a quick layup, but opens up court for guards (Increases Quotes)
As knowledge increases, the verdict of yesterday must be reversed today, and in the long run the most positive authority is the least to be trusted (Increases Quotes)
It is wonderful how cheered a pilot becomes after he shoots down his first machine; his morale increases by at least 100 percent (Increases Quotes)
Two people working on a relationship with the same energy and passion increases the chances of great results (Increases Quotes)
A liberal education will impart an awareness of the amazing and precious complexity of human relationships. Since those relationships are violated more often out of insensitiveness than out of deliberate intent, whatever increases sensitiveness of perception and understanding humanizes life (Increases Quotes)
House prices have risen by nearly 25 percent over the past two years. Although speculative activity has increased in some areas, at a national level these price increases largely reflect strong economic fundamentals (Increases Quotes)
Focusing on the score attaches you to the result. Focusing on the process lets you access your greatest skill and increases your fun (Increases Quotes)
The likelihood of one individual being right increases in direct proportion to the intensity to which others are trying to prove him wrong (Increases Quotes)
Western governments... will lose the war against dealers unless efforts are switched to prevention and therapy... All penalties for drug users should be dropped... Making drug abuse a crime is useless and even dangerous... Every year we seize more and more drugs and arrest more and more dealers but at the same time the quantity available in our countries still increases... Police are losing the drug battle worldwide (Increases Quotes)
Society thrives on trade simply because trade makes specialization possible, and specialization increases output, and increased output reduces the cost in toil for the satisfactions men live by. That being so, the market place is a most humane institution (Increases Quotes)
Doing good to others is not a duty. It is a joy, for it increases your own health and happiness (Increases Quotes)
Herein lies the real value of education. Advanced education may or may not make men and women more efficient; but it enriches personality, increases the wealth of the mind, and hence brings happiness. It is the finest insurance against old age, against the growth of physical disability, against the lack and loss of animal delights. How essential it is, then, in youth to acquire some intellectual or artistic tastes, in order to furnish the mind, to be able to live inside a mind with attractive and interesting pictures on the walls (Increases Quotes)
The criterion of true beauty is, that it increases in examination; of false, that it lessens. There is something, therefore, in true beauty that corresponds with the right reason, and it is not merely the creature of fancy (Increases Quotes)
The seventeenth century is everywhere a time in which the state’s power over everything individual increases, whether that power be in absolutist hands or may be considered the result of a contract, etc. People begin to dispute the sacred right of the individual ruler or authority without being aware that at the same time they are playing into the hands of a colossal state power (Increases Quotes)
It seems to me that whether it is recognized or not, there is a terrific frustration which increases in intensity and harmfulness as time goes on, when people are always daydreaming of the kind of place in which they would like to live, yet never making the place where they do live into anything artistically satisfying to them. Always to dream of a cottage by a brook while never doing anything to the stuffy house in the city is to waste creativity in this very basic area, and to hinder future creativity by not allowing it to grow and develop through use (Increases Quotes)
Good information architecture makes users less alienated and suppressed by technology. It simultaneously increases human satisfaction and your company’s profits. Very few jobs allow you to do both at the same time, so enjoy (Increases Quotes)
Economic and social misery increases in direct proportion to the size and power of the central government of a nation or state (Increases Quotes)
Travel early and travel often. Live abroad, if you can. Understand cultures other than your own. As your understanding of other cultures increases, your understanding of yourself and your own culture will increase exponentially (Increases Quotes)
The probability of finding a particular book increases in relation to the clarity of the store’s focus, the diligence and shrewdness of the bookseller, and the size of the business (Increases Quotes)
This is the first step toward understanding the process of real, lasting change: simply knowing with certainty that you can do whatever you need to do. This understanding has a dual edge: On the one hand it increases your confidence and dignity. On the other hand, it places full responsibility on you if you fail to make the change you set out to make. But this is a good thing, not a guilt trip (Increases Quotes)
On the relationship side, if you teach people to respond actively and constructively when someone they care about has a victory, it increases love and friendship and decreases the probability of depression (Increases Quotes)
My market value increases with every outside critisism. Therefore, the frequently raised contention that I am the most highly critisized mountaineer does not disturb me in the slightest (Increases Quotes)
The more we control our mind, the more our inner peace increases and the happier we become (Increases Quotes)
The ability to see our lives as stories rather than unrelated, random events increases the possibility for significant and purposeful action (Increases Quotes)