Incredible Quotes

Text Quotes
Love, the beauty of it, the joy of it and yes, even the pain of it, is the most incredible gift to give and to receive as a human being. And we deserve to experience love fully, equally, without shame and without compromise (Incredible Quotes)
When I dance, it’s incredible. I can’t describe it, there’s no words. You just tap into your mojo and you just go (Incredible Quotes)
The bandstand is an incredible space. It is really a sacred space. One of the things that is really sacred about it is that you have no opportunity to think about the future, or the past (Incredible Quotes)
Aging allows us to drop the baggage. It is only through life experiences that our incredible power can be brought forward in all its glory (Incredible Quotes)
There is no other investment that has the kind of social multiplier effect that early education has. It is an incredible thing to nurture and watch grow and spread (Incredible Quotes)
When freedom prevails, the ingenuity and inventiveness of people creates incredible wealth. This is the source of the natural improvement of the human condition (Incredible Quotes)
It is not at all incredible, that a book which has been so long in the possession of mankind should contain many truths as yet undiscovered (Incredible Quotes)
It’s incredible. Everything you ever thought about love just becomes night and day. I mean, you never thought you could love that much. You rediscover the world, and it’s just a beautiful thing (Incredible Quotes)
The shocking possibility that dumb people don’t exist in sufficient numbers to warrant the millions of careers devoted to tending them will seem incredible to you. Yet that is my central proposition: the mass dumbness which justifies official schooling first had to be dreamed of; it isn’t real (Incredible Quotes)
Too few people in computer science are aware of some of the informational challenges in biology and their implications for the world. We can store an incredible amount of data very cheaply (Incredible Quotes)
The solutions put forth by imperialism are the quintessence of simplicity... When they speak of the problems of population and birth, they are in no way moved by concepts related to the interests of the family or of society... Just when science and technology are making incredible advances in all fields, they resort to technology to suppress revolutions and ask the help of science to prevent population growth. In short, the peoples are not to make revolutions, and women are not to give birth. This sums up the philosophy of imperialism (Incredible Quotes)
What a delight it is to think that you are quietly and philosophically at work in the pursuit of science... rather than fighting amongst the crowd of black passions and motives that seem now a days to urge men every where into action. What incredible scenes every where, what unworthy motives ruled for the moment, under high sounding phrases and at the last what disgusting revolutions (Incredible Quotes)
It is incredible how as soon as a people become subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it, obeying so easily and willingly that one is led to say that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement (Incredible Quotes)
It’s an incredible feeling, 110,000 people energy at that level. What I realized from watching the first day of competition was that athletes that got excited and happy and got the fans into it and clapping, they did better. The athletes that took it too seriously, they didn’t do as well as they’d hoped (Incredible Quotes)
You are one of a kind, one in a billion, an incredible unique individual. The problem is, so is everybody else (Incredible Quotes)
A three billion year old planet floating in the vast universe with mountains, seventy percent seas and oceans, fertile lands, immense forests, rivers and lakes, sea shores and deserts, this is where we humans have the privilege to live, the latest, most advanced newcomers in evolution. What an immense, incredible responsibility we have to be a right, positive element in the further evolution of that planet. That is the big question before us in the new century and millennium (Incredible Quotes)
People can not be separated from their environment. Living consciousness is not an isolated unit. Human consciousness is increasing the order of the rest of the world and has an incredible power to heal ourselves and the world: in a certain sense we make the world as such, as we wish (Incredible Quotes)
There are a lot of things I love about acting and one of the things I love the most is, here you are taking words off a page, working with someone you might have met just a week before, and somehow you’re creating a moment that separates itself from space and time. You feel an incredible rush when you have that moment with another actor. You can feel it bounce off one another. Every take you do can reveal different things that were hiding. And things outside the story get revealed to you, too. It’s an incredible way to work and to experience a story (Incredible Quotes)
It just makes so many other things insignificant. It is the most incredible thing that has happened to me, and I feel so lucky to have found the person I want to be with, and to be prepared and enthusiastic (Incredible Quotes)
It’s not a bad lesson to learn in the bleaker months: how you view a storm is a question of perspective; provided you find the right rock to watch it from, it could be the most incredible thing you’ll ever witness (Incredible Quotes)
Success is about dedication. You may not be where you want to be or do what you want to do when you’re on the journey. But you’ve got to be willing to have vision and foresight that leads you to an incredible end (Incredible Quotes)
I’ve always had an incredible interest in the villains, which are a lot more fun to play (Incredible Quotes)
Architecture is art. I don’t think you should say that too much, but it is art. I mean, architecture is many, many things. Architecture is science, is technology, is geography, is typography, is anthropology, is sociology, is art, is history. You know all this comes together. Architecture is a kind of bouillabaisse, an incredible bouillabaisse. And, by the way, architecture is also a very polluted art in the sense that it’s polluted by life, and by the complexity of things (Incredible Quotes)
I think it’s really important, and it’s a lesson I didn’t learn until my late teens: Whatever bands that you love, go find out what bands they love, and what bands turned them on, and then you really start getting into the human aspect of it because the further back you go in time the less technology you had, and consequently the better records you had. There’s this incredible library of music thank God (Incredible Quotes)
And all of these writers offer me a greater understanding of what it is to be alive, and that is such an incredible thing art can do for other people. It made me want to try and get close to this strange, mysterious thing that people can do with words (Incredible Quotes)
I am very lucky to be surrounded and guided by an incredible support team comprised of my family and agents (Incredible Quotes)
I always carry a camera because it is so important to me to take pictures and document all the incredible things and places I have been able to see through this experience (Incredible Quotes)
We are all inspired by the incredible stories of handicapped people who write novels with their toes, cancer victims who run marathons for cancer research, bereaved parents who set up memorial funds for their lost children. How much easier is it for most of us to be small heroes simply by taking responsibility for our daily lives and transcending our ordinary obstacles? (Incredible Quotes)
The research they do is incredible. I was overwhelmed. They have a great thing going on out there. In reality, this came from one brother’s love for another brother. Seeing the center up in his brother’s behalf, it’s an unbelievable thought (Incredible Quotes)
Singing brings out in me what I can’t normally bring out in everyday life. It’s an incredible feeling to be able to bare your soul to people you’ve never met in a way that can make them understand so clearly what you mean. That’s what I love most about singing... it becomes my truest form of communication (Incredible Quotes)