Individual Quotes

Text Quotes
The chase is among the best of all national pastimes; it cultivates that vigorous manliness for the lack of which in a nation, as in an individual, the possession of no other qualities can possibly atone (Individual Quotes)
I try to deign golf courses that are individual in character and individual in their own standing (Individual Quotes)
The individual man is transitory, but the pulse of life and of growth goes on after he is gone, buried under a wreath of magnolia leaves (Individual Quotes)
We do not accost a physician as we do any mere nobody; nor a magistrate as we do a private individual. We try to get some advantage from the skill of the one and the position of the other. Walk in the sun, and your shadow will follow you, whether you will or not (Individual Quotes)
Nirvana is a step beyond. You dissolve into the universe. The universe dissolves into you until there is no longer a difference. There is no sense of individual self as perceiver (Individual Quotes)
The effort to lift one’s self into perfect enlightenment is a profound thing. It has nothing to do with individual will. It’s a refraction of the cosmos. The cosmos delights in itself (Individual Quotes)
Some souls attain enlightenment. No one knows why. You could say it is individual inclination. I’m not convinced that’s the case (Individual Quotes)
If you have done your homework, then the slightest motion from the teacher can cause you to spin into hundreds of different states of mind. That can only happen for the prepared individual (Individual Quotes)
An enlightened teacher is able to put a tremendous amount of power through a person who seeks knowledge and escalates the evolution of the individual (Individual Quotes)
No one can bring you into higher states of attention permanently. I can take an individual and I can change their awareness. That’s easy. But how long will it last? (Individual Quotes)
We hear wonderful stories about some masters who can walk on water and do all kinds of great things. But the real power of the teacher is to transmit power and knowledge directly to an individual (Individual Quotes)
Success is relative and individual and personal. It is your answer to the problem of making your minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years add up to a great life (Individual Quotes)
The greatest and most inspiring mountain climbing achievements in history are not so much stories of individual achievement, but are stories of the extraordinary power of a unified, talented, prepared team that stays loyally committed to one another and to their shared vision to the end (Individual Quotes)
I do read books. I suppose it’s more or less the same thing, but at least I’m alone and I’m an individual. I can stop anytime I want, which I frequently do (Individual Quotes)
The foundation of the world lies in the nation. The foundation of the nation lies in the family. The foundation of the family lies in the individual (Individual Quotes)
Your dharma is what kind of work you should be doing, what kind of people you should associate with, whether you should have a teacher or not. Dharma encompasses all things and it is specific to the individual (Individual Quotes)
In the course of an individual being’s evolution we will practice each of these yogas. One path is not superior to another (Individual Quotes)
The reason for not going out and sinning all you like is the same as the reason for not going out and putting your nose in a slicing machine: its dumb, stupid, and no fun. Some individual sins may have pleasure still attached to them because of the residual goodness of the realities they are abusing: adultery can indeed be pleasant and tying one on can amuse. But betrayal, jealousy, love grown cold, and the gray dawn of the morning after are nobody’s idea of a good time (Individual Quotes)
There’s people that focus on the game and forget about the art. There’s that specific special individual that can do both (Individual Quotes)
I like coming up with these spectacular extravaganzas that will, hopefully, totally blow people away. But I also like the intimacy of stopping it all and sitting at the edge of the stage and connecting with individual people in the audience (Individual Quotes)
Turning points in my life... the bush, the trails, lakes, waterfalls... moving camp from one wonderful lake to another... the companionship of a great individual, a wonder with canoe, axe and fish line (Individual Quotes)
It is common, and encouraged by many journals, for research to be judged by the impact factor of the journal that publishes it. But as a journal’s score is an average, it says little about the quality of any individual piece of research (Individual Quotes)
The individual who fears the criticism of others is no different from the one who seeks their praise. Both are shadow figures, fading into the landscape, lacking the will to act for themselves (Individual Quotes)
The creative individual not only respects the irrational in himself, but also courts the most promising source of novelty in his own thought (Individual Quotes)
I’m sure everyone feels sorry for the individual who has fallen by the wayside or who can’t keep up in our competitive society, but my own compassion goes beyond that to those millions of unsung men and women, who get up every morning, send the kids to school, go to work, try to keep up the payments on their house, pay exorbitant taxes to make possible compassion for the less fortunate, and as a result have to sacrifice many of their own desires and dreams and hopes. Government owes them something better than always finding a new way to make them share the fruit of their toils with others (Individual Quotes)
If an individual is able to love productively, he loves himself, too; if he can love only others, he cannot love at all (Individual Quotes)
When focusing only on one’s credentials one boasts his own incompetence in his capacity for discernment of the individual (Individual Quotes)
Oftentimes in a society when people of a certain type, whether individual or a group, are subconsciously portrayed by the media as abnormal, they also slowly, subconsciously become enemies of that society due to feelings of cultural guilt. Ultimately by this the inflated media is an enemy of its very own cause (Individual Quotes)
A pure heart does not demean the spirit of an individual, it, instead, compels the individual to examine his spirit (Individual Quotes)
Elements of the heroic exist in almost every individual: it is only the felicitous development of them all in one that is rare (Individual Quotes)