Individual Quotes

Text Quotes
Constantly contemplate the whole of time and the whole of substance, and consider that all individual things as to substance are a grain of a fig, and as to time the turning of a gimlet (Individual Quotes)
To a person in love, the value of the individual is intuitively known. Love needs no logic for its mission. It roots in a bare wisdom that exists in senses more than mind, a wisdom that, in primitive form, evolved the mind which so often overlooks it (Individual Quotes)
Worship is of fundamental significance to the life of the individual and to the corporate life of the church, yet we rarely hear it taught as a discipline or practice in the gathering of believers (Individual Quotes)
People should make distinctions between the office of the presidency and the person who occupies it. You can respect the office even as you lose respect for the individual (Individual Quotes)
To have someone who’s got a strong individual voice that is allowed to be heard is quite increasingly rare. These people need to be cherished (Individual Quotes)
Why is the killing of a million a lesser crime than the killing of an individual? (Individual Quotes)
Any nation or government that deprives an individual of freedom is in that moment committing an act of moral and spiritual murder. Any individual who is not concerned about his freedom commits an act of moral and spiritual suicide (Individual Quotes)
Individual societies begin in harmonious adaptation to the environment and, like individuals, quickly get trapped into nonadaptive, artificial, repetitive sequences (Individual Quotes)
A corporation has all the powers and privileges of an individual: all it lacks is a conscience (Individual Quotes)
Individual experiences being limited and individual spontaneity feeble, we are strengthened and enriched by assimilating the experience of others (Individual Quotes)
The very essence of democracy is the absolute faith that while people must cooperate, the first function of democracy, its peculiar gift, is to develop each individual into everything that he might be (Individual Quotes)
There’s never going to be peace in the world until there’s peace in nations. There’s never going to be peace in nations till there’s peace in communities and families and in individual lives (Individual Quotes)
We’re all unique and individual biochemically, but there are certain rules that if you violate them, you’re going to have disease in the body. If you’re aligned with them, you’re going to have an abundance of energy and vitality and health (Individual Quotes)
I love the success of my teammates more than my individual achievements. I’ve just always cared more about that since I started playing (Individual Quotes)
What’s true for us as individual humans is true for the civilization we create: a sprint culture, seeking ever greater speed and power in all things cannot endure (Individual Quotes)
The revolt against individualism naturally calls artists severely to account, because the artist is of all men the most individual; those who were not have been long forgotten (Individual Quotes)
Like waves, our feelings may continue by repeating themselves, by intermittent rushes; but no emotion any more than a wave can long retain its own individual form (Individual Quotes)
Men are grown mechanical in head and in the heart, as well as in the hand. They have lost faith in individual endeavour, and in natural force of any kind (Individual Quotes)
The health of a church depends not merely on the creed which it professes, not even on the wisdom and holiness of a few great ecclesiastics, but on the faith and virtue of its individual members (Individual Quotes)
The remarkable legion of the unremarked, whose individual opinions are not colorful or different enough to make news, but whose collective opinion, when crystallized, can make history (Individual Quotes)
To attain individual morality in an age demanding social morality, to pride one’s self on the results of personal effort when the time demands social adjustment, is utterly to fail to apprehend the situation (Individual Quotes)
Nothing is more evident, I venture to think, as a result of two or three thousand years of social philosophizing, than that society must live and thrive by way of the native impulses of individual human beings (Individual Quotes)
If you’re a large corporation, you can afford to pay the money to register patents, but if you’re an individual like me, you can’t (Individual Quotes)
To any who know the star field well from one certain reference point, stars are as individual as people. Jump ten parsecs, however, and not even your own sun is recognizable (Individual Quotes)
The wisdom of our parents, grandparents, ancestors. In each individual life, it seems, we must first reject that wisdom, then later come to appreciate it (Individual Quotes)
The pursuit of individual happiness within those limits prescribed by social conditions, is the first requisite to the attainment of the greatest general happiness (Individual Quotes)
What we call the freedom of the individual is not just the luxury of one intellectual to write what he likes to write but his being a voice which can speak for those who are silent (Individual Quotes)
Once it has been perceived that the division of labour is the essence of society, nothing remains of the antithesis between individual and society. The contradiction between individual principle and social principle disappears (Individual Quotes)
In the sphere of natural investigation, as in poetry and painting, the delineation of that which appeals most strongly to the imagination, derives its collective interest from the vivid truthfulness with which the individual features are portrayed (Individual Quotes)
Obedience is the psychological mechanism that links individual action to political purpose. It is the dispositional cement that binds men to systems of authority (Individual Quotes)