Individual Quotes
Text Quotes
My heart and mind were created to work in harmony together. Never has an individual been called upon to commit intellectual suicide in trusting Christ as Savior and Lord. (Individual Quotes)
Because Judaism and Christianity are both covenantal religions, the relationship of the individual Jew or Christian to God is always within covenanted community. (Individual Quotes)
I regard the principle of conscription of life as a flat contradiction of all our cherished ideals of individual freedom, democratic liberty and Christian teaching. (Individual Quotes)
Like fundamentalist Judaism and medieval Christianity, Islam is totalist. That is to say, it makes a total claim on the individual. (Individual Quotes)
No individual has done more to help me pursue a career in science than my wife of forty-five years. I met Enid Cassandra Morgan during the election campaign of 1948 when she was a Sunday school teacher, a leader of the youth organizations of St. Phillips Episcopal Church, and the head of Harlem Youth for the election of Henry Wallace. (Individual Quotes)
As calls come to us for church service by the Lord’s representatives, it is natural for us to wonder why we have been selected. The Lord has made it plain that every individual has been blessed and endowed with certain gifts and talents. And while there are many gifts, yet ‘To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby.’ (D (Individual Quotes)
The challenge for the church is how do we have unity about basic beliefs and yet respect individual differences. (Individual Quotes)
Our mandate is to be a nation of laws. And the Supreme Court is the place where we look to safeguard our civil rights and our individual liberties. (Individual Quotes)
Individual civil disobedience was everybody’s inherent right, like the right of self-defence in normal life. (Individual Quotes)
Individual believers are not to usurp the role of civil government and judge people who are offensive. (Individual Quotes)
The Point, not unlike the Communist Chinese, the ACLU abhors individual religious freedom, and it supports only those civil liberties that fit its narrow political agenda. (Individual Quotes)
The very essence of civil liberty certainly consists in the right of every individual to claim the protection of the laws, whenever he receives an injury. One of the first duties of government is to afford that protection. (Individual Quotes)
In the civil society, the individual is recognized and accepted as more than an abstract statistic or faceless member of some group; rather, he is a unique, spiritual being with a soul and a conscience. (Individual Quotes)
A civilized society is formed when every individual in that society are bound to obey the rules and regulation which is for the benefit of their own society. (Individual Quotes)
If the investor doesn’t have enough time and skill to investigate individual stocks or enough money to diversify a portfolio, the right thing to do is to invest in exchange-traded funds that give you exposure to asset classes. It does make sense for the individual investor to think in terms of holding individual asset classes. (Individual Quotes)
No teacher should be required to accept in a class any individual whose conduct habitually interferes with the teaching of others. (Individual Quotes)
The yogi should meditate on a firm seat, one that is clean - untainted by dirt or unspiritual vibrations of others. The thought or life force emanating from an individual saturates the objects he uses and his dwelling. (Individual Quotes)
Climbing is individual thing, it’s a reflection of yourself. When you put up a route you’re looking at yourself. If you chisel holds, it’s your responsibility, nobody else’s. (Individual Quotes)
When a woman becomes her individual most effective close friend existence is simpler (Individual Quotes)
The two great movements of our century -- towards Liberty of the individual and social co-operation of the whole community -- are summed up in Anarchist-Communism. (Individual Quotes)
I think as far as any kind of pressure on a football team or on an individual in professional sports really depends not only on that individual but the leadership they have on the team and the leadership they have on the coaching staff. A lot of times, they can divert some of those pressures off of the individual and off of the team. (Individual Quotes)
Science is a field which grows continuously with ever expanding frontiers. Further, it is truly international in scope. ... Science is a collaborative effort. The combined results of several people working together is often much more effective than could be that of an individual scientist working alone. (Individual Quotes)
Collectivism means the subjugation of the individual to a group - whether to a race, class or state does not matter. Collectivism holds that man must be chained to collective action and collective thought for the sake of what is called ‘the common good’ (Individual Quotes)
The trade unions are a long-established and essential part of our national life. We take our stand by these pillars of our British society as it has gradually developed and evolved itself, of the right of individual labouring men to adjust their wages and conditions by collective bargaining, including the right to strike. (Individual Quotes)
Individual effort is good but collective effort is better. We need a NETWORK of nation builders (Individual Quotes)
Our national myths often exaggerate the role of the individual heroes and understate the importance of collective effort. (Individual Quotes)
Capitalism is based on individual rights - not on the sacrifice of the individual to the ‘public good’ of the collective. (Individual Quotes)
In Spain, we should have enough intelligence, enough sense of individual and collective responsibility to do for ourselves that which would be imposed upon us by a dictatorship. (Individual Quotes)
There is a way in which the collective knowledge of mankind expresses itself, for the finite individual, through mere daily living . . . a way in which life itself is sheer knowing. (Individual Quotes)
Punishment is now unfashionable... because it creates moral distinctions among men, which, to the democratic mind, are odious. We prefer a meaningless collective guilt to a meaningful individual responsibility. (Individual Quotes)