Individual rights are the means of subordinating society to moral law

Individual rights are the means of subordinating society to moral law
Ayn Rand, a prominent philosopher and novelist, believed strongly in the importance of individual rights as a means of subordinating society to moral law. In her philosophy of Objectivism, Rand argued that the rights of the individual are paramount and should not be sacrificed for the collective good of society. She believed that each individual has the right to pursue their own happiness and that this pursuit is the highest moral purpose.According to Rand, individual rights are the means by which individuals can protect themselves from the tyranny of the majority and the government. She believed that a society that respects individual rights is a society that is based on reason, justice, and freedom. In her novel "Atlas Shrugged," Rand portrays a dystopian society where individual rights are eroded and the government controls every aspect of people's lives. This society is depicted as corrupt, oppressive, and ultimately doomed to fail.
Rand believed that individual rights are not granted by the government or society, but are inherent to each individual by virtue of their existence as a rational being. She argued that the only legitimate role of government is to protect these rights and to ensure that individuals are free to pursue their own goals and values. In this way, individual rights serve as a check on the power of the state and prevent it from infringing on the freedoms of its citizens.