Individuals Quotes

Text Quotes
There is a spirit in every home, a sort of composite spirit composed of the thoughts and feelings of the members of the family as a composite photograph is formed of the features of different individuals (Individuals Quotes)
The individuals who seem to us most outstanding, who are honored with the name of genius, are those who have proposed to enact the fate of all humanity in their personal existences (Individuals Quotes)
Persons not habituated to reason often argue absurdly, because, from particular instances, they deduce general conclusions, and extend the result of their limited experience of individuals indiscriminately to whole classes (Individuals Quotes)
I don’t believe in villains or heroes, only in right or wrong ways that individuals are taken, not by choice, but by necessity or by certain still uncomprehended influences in themselves, their circumstances and their antecedents (Individuals Quotes)
Any play I do, anything I do in the theatre, it’s absolutely essential for me in a sense, to create a family, to put a group of people together who love to share together what they’re doing, rather than be individuals (Individuals Quotes)
It’s important to see your parents as individuals. As a son or as a daughter you don’t stop and think that your parents might have their own expectations, dreams or disappointments (Individuals Quotes)
What we suffer, what we endure, what we muff, what we kill, what we miss, what we are guilty of, is done by us, as individuals, in private (Individuals Quotes)
In various and different circumstances certain objects and individuals are going to turn out to be vital. The wager of survival cannot, by its nature, reveal which, in advance of events (Individuals Quotes)
In the end, it is upon the quality and commitment of individuals that all group movements depend (Individuals Quotes)
The degree to which the opportunity to use power effectively is granted to or withheld from individuals is one operative difference between those companies which stagnate and those which innovate (Individuals Quotes)
Occasionally in my travels I meet people who have pushed too far into the nagual. These individuals are not too balanced but they have made great journeys in the unknown (Individuals Quotes)
Utility is a metaphysical concept of impregnable circularity; utility is the quality in commodities that makes individuals want to buy them, and the fact that individuals want to buy commodities shows that they have utility (Individuals Quotes)
Capitalism is about producing a better product at a better price. As individuals, we have to keep producing better products at a better price, also, or we’re obsolete (Individuals Quotes)
There is something electrifying about individuals with adventuresome spirits. They see life through a different lens. They almost emit electricity because nothing about them is dull or uninteresting or unplugged (Individuals Quotes)
Another merit of home is that it preserves the diversity between individuals. If we were all alike, it might be convenient for the bureaucrat and the statistician, but it would be very dull, and would lead to a very unprogressive society (Individuals Quotes)
Here was a corporation behaving like a monster though the individuals who owned its stock were human cultivated men. A corporation has no soul (Individuals Quotes)
I cannot escape from the conclusion that the great ages of progress have depended upon a small number of individuals of transcendent ability (Individuals Quotes)
The same things are best both for individuals and for states, and these are the things which the legislator ought to implant in the minds of his citizens (Individuals Quotes)
We must build an agenda for speedy yet sustainable economic growth that is inclusive of all, is respectful of individuals, responsive to innovation and responsible towards the future generations (Individuals Quotes)
I don’t know if there is a personal identity. We all imagine that we are absolute individuals. But when we begin to look for where this individuality resides, its very difficult to find (Individuals Quotes)
We can change society, change humanity by changing ourselves as individuals. By cultivating inner values, we can change our own lives and those of our families. This is how we can create a more peaceful world (Individuals Quotes)
We live in an age where revenge seems to be the most important thing for individuals and countries. Why not forgive each other? Decide to accept each other’s differences and move on (Individuals Quotes)
The study of history empowers nations and individuals with an ability to avoid errors of the past and lay foundations for victories in the future (Individuals Quotes)
Classic romantic love is an emotional attraction between two individuals in which they may share a heightened awareness of mutual adoration. Erotic love, traditionally, has been described as shared sexual attraction (Individuals Quotes)
In proportion as the mass of citizens who possess political rights increases, and the number of elected ruler’s increases, the actual power is concentrated and becomes the monopoly of a smaller and smaller group of individuals (Individuals Quotes)
For us, my wife and I and all of my partners believe that corporations have to be corporate citizens, and individuals who benefit from them, or who have built them, need to give back (Individuals Quotes)
There may be a basis in the case of some individuals, as perhaps when a male prostitute uses a condom, where this can be a first step in the direction of a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility (Individuals Quotes)
Even though the world as a whole progresses, youth must always start again from the beginning, and as individuals go through the epochs of the world’s culture (Individuals Quotes)
To those who think that liberty is a good thing, and that it may someday be possible for people to live in a society fit for free, fully human individuals, a thorough education in the nature of language, its uses and abuses, seems indispensable (Individuals Quotes)
Every gain made by individuals or societies is almost instantly taken for granted. The luminous ceiling toward which we raise our longing eyes becomes, when we have climbed to the next floor, a stretch of disregarded linoleum beneath our feet (Individuals Quotes)