Individuals Quotes

Text Quotes
I have a very genuine care for individuals; I have a very genuine sense of the power of individuals to make a difference, a very genuine belief that people matter, a very genuine belief of wanting the very best for individuals. (Individuals Quotes)
We all know that the nation can’t divide more than the people produce, but as individuals we try to get more than our share and that’s how we get ahead. (Individuals Quotes)
If people are not listening to you as individuals, it’s always good to get together and make a stand for something. (Individuals Quotes)
Why are we in this mess, now facing the prospect of economic armageddon? It’s because the prevailing characteristic has been greed, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s individuals living beyond their means or governments living beyond their means or people seeking to get rich quick. (Individuals Quotes)
Anyone who’s lived with companion cats or dogs knows that they are unique individuals with their own personalities. I think animals’ secret to getting along is that they are not burdened by an ego. (Individuals Quotes)
The only people who need to be giving back are thieves, criminals and corrupt individuals that are taking things that are not theirs. (Individuals Quotes)
We have the right as individuals to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right to appropriate a dollar of the public money. (Individuals Quotes)
It’s not that I am against the rich giving money to charities. I’m all for it, and we should think of ways of encouraging more of it. But I also believe that states, rather than individuals, are ultimately a better bet for delivering a fair and just world and reconciling differing interests. (Individuals Quotes)
Besides the devastating impact that the Ryan budget has directly on individuals, it does nothing to support job creation or our global competitiveness. Investments in both are drastically affected through cuts in funding for transportation and infrastructure projects, as well as funding for research and development. (Individuals Quotes)
You can be a model to the masses, but to go to the higher levels of influence, you have to work with individuals. (Individuals Quotes)
I cannot conceive of a personal God who would directly influence the actions of individuals, or would directly sit in judgment on creatures of his own creation. (Individuals Quotes)
Whenever someone has the ability to impact people’s lives, I think that’s one of the greatest things that God gives us as individuals. (Individuals Quotes)
The Nation of Islam provides an antidote in the United States to fundamentalist Islam - which is why individuals from America have to go abroad to find radical teachings. (Individuals Quotes)
The market doesn’t make communities. Markets make networks of self-interested individuals, and they work as long as there’s more than enough to go around. (Individuals Quotes)
Youth is the seed time of good habits, as well in nations as in individuals (Individuals Quotes)
Everything we know about human nature and about government tells us that individuals using their own money will achieve far more good for themselves and far more for others than politicians spending money they didn’t have to work to earn. (Individuals Quotes)
As individuals, we will be judged in our lives by the totality of our actions. Not one thing will stand out. And I think that’s how we get judged by our colleagues and that’s how we get judged by the good lord. (Individuals Quotes)
People today are desperate for leaders, but they want to be influenced only by individuals they can trust, persons of good character. (Individuals Quotes)
Our demand for good looks, expressed in the biting comments that ensue when public figures fall short of perfection, puts enormous pressures on these individuals and may screen out the otherwise qualified. If video killed the radio star, it may also be doing away with the homely politician. (Individuals Quotes)
To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of shallow and callow minded individuals. (Individuals Quotes)
God has, in fact, thought of us from eternity and has loved us as unique individuals. He has called every one of us by name, as the Good Shepherd ‘calls His sheep by name.’ (Individuals Quotes)
I’ve played in bands with A-team players around. But unless they can play together, it doesn’t do any good. And you can take guys who may not stand on their own up against a bunch of individuals they might be compared to, but you put ‘em together, man, and they are unique unto themselves in a way that no one else can touch. (Individuals Quotes)
Remain close to government and away from politics. It means deal more with the authorities. And less with individuals. (Individuals Quotes)
One side of the American psyche wants smaller government, lower taxes, and more choices for individuals, even if those choices increase risk. The other wants a strong social safety net to protect the weakest among us, even if it costs more to minimize risk. (Individuals Quotes)
There is no doubt that the world economy is in trouble. But if governments or individuals use this as an excuse to reduce assistance to the world’s poorest people, they will only multiply the seriousness of the problem for the world as a whole. (Individuals Quotes)
Science, Government, Education, Art, the cultural monolith may be said to exist primarily to exercise a paternal influence, decorously if possible, aggressively if necessary, to enforce certain accepted images upon individuals. (Individuals Quotes)
Besides the healthcare bill being unconstitutional and a great expansion of federal government, I think if it does not respect people’s individual religious views and makes groups or individuals do things that are contrary to their deeply held beliefs, there is going to be a visceral negative reaction. (Individuals Quotes)
From Graham Greene, I learnt how to be an accessible writer who grapples with our doubts as sentient individuals. (Individuals Quotes)
There are some individuals who look at graphic novels as ‘canon,’ and they cannot change in any way, shape or form, and that’s what makes them in some ways good fans. (Individuals Quotes)
No prophet or apostle who ever lived equaled the power of these individuals in this great army of the Lord in these last days. No one ever had it; not even Elijah or Peter or Paul or anyone else enjoyed the power that is going to rest upon this great army. (Individuals Quotes)