Individuals Quotes

Text Quotes
For over two centuries, Americans have grown up in a society that rewards hard work, protects innovation, and allows its citizens to constantly break new barriers. The key element to this success rests on freedom and the ability of individuals to strive toward achieving their dreams and making their children’s futures better than their own. (Individuals Quotes)
Real teams don’t emerge unless individuals on them take risks involving conflict, trust, interdependence and hard work. (Individuals Quotes)
Get a team of like-minded individuals around you. Understand this is hard work. (Individuals Quotes)
Too often, our concern for specific individuals today means neglecting crises that will harm countless people in the future. (Individuals Quotes)
The actions that we take on the counterterrorism front, again, are to take actions against individuals where we believe that the intelligence base is so strong and the nature of the threat is so grave and serious, as well as imminent, that we have no recourse except to take this action that may involve a lethal strike. (Individuals Quotes)
I’m incredibly optimistic about what individuals can do. We have technology that our grandparents would have given their eye teeth for. (Individuals Quotes)
It is not a dream that someday, nations will be able to settle their difficulties without war, just as individuals now settle their personal feuds without resorting to arguments of physical strength or sharp steel. For, then, humanity will have created international jurisdiction and a power to enforce its laws. (Individuals Quotes)
When most individuals or most companies are talking about trying to create healthy habits, the key is to identify which habit or habits seem most important. (Individuals Quotes)
I learned that a healthy society is made up of loving, trusting individuals, and that these individuals in turn protect their environment, become stewards of our land, air and water, and they make peace, rather than war. (Individuals Quotes)
A free society, to be truly worthy of that name, owes healthy, competent individuals the right to end their lives on their own terms. (Individuals Quotes)
What I’m really focused on is connecting people around shared interests, so together they can make good stuff happen. I’m more focused on helping people discover their power as individuals, but through those connections with one another. (Individuals Quotes)
A heck of a lot more accountability comes from individuals or the church doing it than the government, that signs off on helping people at 5 o’clock, because it comes from the heart, not from a badge or a mandate. (Individuals Quotes)
My upbringing involves individuals who helped me along the way. I don’t think I would be here today without that support. (Individuals Quotes)
It is quite possible that societies - much like individuals - collectively repress information, concepts, and ideas which would produce high anxiety levels if dealt with consciously. (Individuals Quotes)