Inevitable Quotes

Text Quotes
Violent statements and threats cannot provide a solution to the problem. They can only exacerbate feeling and make a clash of forces inevitable (Inevitable Quotes)
I’m obviously very keen on the theater and I think it’s inevitable that some of the orchestral and chamber pieces have got dramatic elements which might even suggest an unspecified dramatic plot of some kind or other, even though it’s not in my mind at the time (Inevitable Quotes)
It is impossible to get anything made or accomplished without stepping on some toes; enemies are inevitable when one is a doer (Inevitable Quotes)
In trying to make something new, half the undertaking lies in discovering whether it can be done. Once it has been established that it can, duplication is inevitable (Inevitable Quotes)
When you have kids, you see life through different eyes. You feel love more deeply and are maybe a little more compassionate. It’s inevitable that that would make its way into your songwriting (Inevitable Quotes)
Aging is an inevitable process. I surely wouldn’t want to grow younger. The older you become, the more you know; your bank account of knowledge is much richer (Inevitable Quotes)
I find in working always the disturbing intrusion of elements not a part of my most interested vision, and the inevitable obliteration and replacement of this vision by the work itself as it proceeds (Inevitable Quotes)
Painting... in which the inner and the outer man are inseparable, transcends technique, transcends subject and moves into the realm of the inevitable (Inevitable Quotes)
Instead of saying that globalization is a fact, that it’s inevitable, we’ve also got to demonstrate that while the growing interdependence of the world economy is indeed a fact, it’s not uncontrollable (Inevitable Quotes)
I’ve probably given myself enough time to prepare for this meet and we’re all different athletes so I can’t take their results as what’s going to be inevitable for me (Inevitable Quotes)
The greatest fear that haunts this city is a suitcase bomb, nuclear or germ. Many people carry small gas masks. The masses here seem to be resigned to the inevitable, believing an attack of major proportions will happen (Inevitable Quotes)
Any event, once it has occurred, can be made to appear inevitable by a competent historian (Inevitable Quotes)
The whole conviction of my life now rests upon the belief that loneliness, far from being a rare and curious phenomenon, is the central and inevitable fact of human existence (Inevitable Quotes)
In a world where change is inevitable and continuous, the need to achieve that change without violence is essential for survival (Inevitable Quotes)
It has appeared that from the inevitable laws of our nature, some human beings must suffer from want. These are the unhappy persons who, in the great lottery of life, have drawn a blank (Inevitable Quotes)
There is no such thing as an inevitable war. If war comes it will be from failure of human wisdom (Inevitable Quotes)
It is absurd to expect the inclinations and wishes of two human beings to coincide, through any long period of time. To oblige them to act and live together is to subject them to some inevitable potion of thwarting, bickering, and unhappiness (Inevitable Quotes)
We have to remind ourselves constantly that we are not saviours. We are simply a tiny sign, among thousands of others, that love is possible, that the world is not condemned to a struggle between oppressors and oppressed, that class and racial warfare is not inevitable (Inevitable Quotes)
I was only twelve, but through the slow, inevitable burn of a thousand sunrises and sunsets, a thousand maps traced and retraced, I had already absorbed the valuable precept that everything crumbled into itself eventually, and to cultivate a crankiness about this was just a waste of time (Inevitable Quotes)
Belief in one’s identity as a poet or writer prior to the acid test of publication is as naive and harmless as the youthful belief in one’s immortality... and the inevitable disillusionment is just as painful (Inevitable Quotes)
She now knew her death was inevitable, and with that acceptance came liberation. The courage of the condemned (Inevitable Quotes)
Experiment! Meet new people. That’s better than any college education... By adventuring; about, you become accustomed to the unexpected. The unexpected then becomes what it really is... the inevitable (Inevitable Quotes)
The truth isn’t so simple. Death may be inevitable, but love is not. Love, you have to choose (Inevitable Quotes)
We’re so busy resigning ourselves to the inevitable that we don’t even ask if it is inevitable. We’ve got to have courage, to take our future into our hands. If the law is oppressive, we must change the law. If tradition is obstructive, we must break tradition. If the system is unjust, we must reform the system (Inevitable Quotes)
That which you manifest is before you. The visible becomes inevitable. Your car goes where your eyes go (Inevitable Quotes)
Yes, a war is inevitable. Firstly, there’s you fellows who can’t be trusted. And then there’s the multitude who mean to have bathrooms and white enamel. Millions of them; all over the world. Not merely here. And there aren’t enough bathrooms and white enamel in the world to go round (Inevitable Quotes)
If we look for ways to get rid of necessary pain, we’ll be disillusioned or misled. For people who define real change as the elimination of inevitable struggle, the final chapters will be terribly disappointing (Inevitable Quotes)
I am a lover and have not found my thing to love. That is a big point if you know enough to realize what I mean. It makes my destruction inevitable, you see. There are few who understand that (Inevitable Quotes)
My body melts into his hard one until his strong arm, coiled around my small waist, is all that hols me upright. I don’t know if I’m bad for him, or him for me. All I know is that this is as inevitable as an incoming tsunami, and I’m just bracing for the swim of my life (Inevitable Quotes)
That’s the problem with all of this. No matter how hard I try, I can’t make it perfect. I can’t keep it in a bottle, can’t ignore reality. Chemicals are involved, the kind scientists try to synthesize and put into pill form, and they’re making tremendous advances every day. They’re winning the war against love. It’s probably inevitable now. There are only two ways to see the world: either no one and nothing is connected to anything, or we are all a random series of carbon molecules connected to each other. Tell me if there’s room for love in either of those scenarios (Inevitable Quotes)