Infectious Diseases Quotes

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A health system that lacks commodities for managing high-mortality infectious diseases and the main killers of mothers and young children will not have an adequate impact. By the same token, even the best-stocked delivery system will have an inadequate impact if it fails to reach the poor (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
When I came to University of California, San Francisco to work on infectious disease, I looked around to different options, and malaria was particularly interesting and fascinating to me. It’s amazing that after 100 years of study of this little parasite, we’ve not been able to effectively control it. (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
I really do think cancer will largely be a solved problem. I think most of the infectious diseases like malaria - our foundation is very involved - once we’re finishing polio eradication, then starting up this malaria eradication, and getting that done as fast as we can (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
The worst elements in Mexico are being pushed into the United States by the Mexican government. The Border Patrol knows this. Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
We have grown accustomed to the wonders of clean water, indoor plumbing, laser surgery, genetic engineering, artificial joints, replacement body parts, and the much longer lives that accompany them. Yet we should remember that the vast majority of humans ever born died before the age of 10 from an infectious disease (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
Wars are not fought for territory, but for words. Man’s deadliest weapon is language. He is as susceptible to being hypnotized by slogans as he is to infectious diseases. And where there is an epidemic, the group-mind takes over (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
China and other members should join efforts to combat serious infectious disease, such as bird flu. To enhance the cooperation on the prevention of bird flu is an important target of the organization, which includes Russia, China and four Central Asian states (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
Any idiot would know women’s needs are simple. All we want is your basic millionaire brain surgeon criminal lawyer great dancer who pilots his own Lear Jet and owns seafront property. On the other hand, things being what they are today, most of us will settle for a guy who holds down a steady job and isn’t carrying an infectious disease (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
We’ve gone from a preponderance of acute and infectious disease as a source of premature death to chronic diseases, which are the preponderance of the burden of illness in most of the world. That puts a much higher premium on the prevention of chronic disease than ever in history (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
In all, 86 per cent of the increased life expectancy was due to decreases in infectious diseases. And the bulk of the decline in infectious disease deaths occurred prior to the age of antibiotics. Less than 4 per cent of the total improvement in life expectancy since 1700s can be credited to twentieth-century advances in medical care (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
Why are infectious disease doctors the best ones to date? They are the most cultured and sensitive (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
Sadism is not an infectious disease that strikes a person all of a sudden. It has a long prehistory in childhood and always originates in the desperate fantasies of a child who is searching for a way out of a hopeless situation (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
The tourist transports his own values and demands to his destinations and implants them like an infectious disease, decimating whatever values existed before (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
In low-income countries, the main problems you have is infectious diseases (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
Infectious diseases introduced with Europeans, like smallpox and measles, spread from one Indian tribe to another, far in advance of Europeans themselves, and killed an estimated 95% of the New World's Indian population (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
It’s time to close the books on infectious diseases, declare the war against pestilence won, and shift national resources to such chronic problems as cancer and heart disease (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
We shall not defeat any of the infectious diseases that plague the developing world until we have also won the battle for safe drinking water, sanitation, and basic health care (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
Among all forms of mentation, verbal thinking is the most articulate, the most complex, and the most vulnerable to infectious diseases. It is liable to absorb whispered suggestions, and to incorporate them as hidden persuaders into the code (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
I have seen this happen in recent years with regard to pharmaceuticals and vaccines, where, working together, we are improving access to medicines and vaccines for infectious diseases in the poorest countries (Infectious Diseases Quotes)
At times in my life, I have been utterly lonely. At other times, I’ve had disgusting infectious diseases. Try admitting these things in our culture (Infectious Diseases Quotes)