Inferior Quotes

Text Quotes
Tommy had felt alone in a crowd before, even inferior to everyone in a crowd, but now he felt, well, different. It wasn’t just the clothes and the make up, it was the humanity. He wasn’t part of it. Heightened senses or not, he felt like he had his nose pressed against the window, looking in. The problem was, it was the window of a donut shop (Inferior Quotes)
He has made me wary of chronological snobbery. That is, he showed me that newness is no virtue and oldness is no vice. Truth and beauty and goodness are not determined by when they exist. Nothing is inferior for being old, and nothing is valuable for being modern. This has freed me from the tyranny of novelty and opened for me the wisdom of the ages (Inferior Quotes)
If nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such cases all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile (Inferior Quotes)
We must, if we are to be consistent, and if we re to have a real pedigree herd, mate the best of our men with the best of our women as often as possible, and the inferior men with the inferior women as seldom as possible, and keep only the offspring of the best (Inferior Quotes)
We carry our past with us, to wit, the primitive and inferior man with his desires and emotions, and it is only with an enormous effort that we can detach ourselves from this burden. If it comes to a neurosis, we invariably have to deal with a considerably intensified shadow. And if such a person wants to be cured it is necessary to find a way in which his conscious personality and his shadow can live together (Inferior Quotes)
Racism is a blight on the human conscience. The idea that any people can be inferior to another, to the point where those who consider themselves superior define and treat the rest as subhuman, denies the humanity even of those who elevate themselves to the status of gods (Inferior Quotes)
While under precapitalistic conditions superior men were the masters on whom the masses of the inferior had to attend, under capitalism the more gifted and more able have no means to profit from their superiority other than to serve to the best of their abilities the wishes of the majority of the less gifted (Inferior Quotes)
What happens is that the system builds many inferior blood vessels in the eye to take the place of the vessels that are dying. And those blood vessels are not up to the task. And they bleed. They hemorrhage and they cover the eye inside with blood (Inferior Quotes)
Few persons who have ever sat for a portrait can have felt anything but inferior while the process is going on (Inferior Quotes)
There is no more reason to believe that man descended from some inferior animal than there is to believe that a stately mansion has descended from a small cottage (Inferior Quotes)
The main cause is a pernicious falsehood propagated against her being, namely that she is inferior by her nature. Inferior in what? What has man ever done that woman, under the same advantages could not do? (Inferior Quotes)
There is no nature which is inferior to art, the arts imitate the nature of things (Inferior Quotes)
The trained nurse has become one of the great blessings of humanity, taking a place beside the physician and the priest, and not inferior to either in her mission (Inferior Quotes)
When we have attained success, we see how inferior it is to the hope, yearning and enthusiasm with which we started forth in life’s morning (Inferior Quotes)
Inferior thinking and writing will make a name for a man among inferior people, who in all ages and countries, are the majority (Inferior Quotes)
The art of war consists in being always able, even with an inferior army, to have stronger forces than the enemy at the point of attack or the point which is attacked (Inferior Quotes)
When we expect transformation to occur through external experiences, we are opting for an inferior model of spiritual formation (Inferior Quotes)
In the final analysis, a race or specie is not judged superior or inferior by its accomplishments, but by its will and ability to survive (Inferior Quotes)
Luminous quotations, also, atone, by their interest, for the dulness of an inferior book, and add to the value of a superior work by the variety which they lend to its style and treatment (Inferior Quotes)
To gain one’s way is no escape from the responsibility for an inferior solution (Inferior Quotes)
All duties are matters of conscience, with this restriction that a superior obligation suspends the force of an inferior one (Inferior Quotes)
He that said it was not good for man to be alone, placed the celibate amongst the inferior states of perfection (Inferior Quotes)
The intellect of woman bears the same relationship to that of man as her physical organization; it is inferior in power and different in kind (Inferior Quotes)
That man scorches with his brightness, who overpowers inferior capacities, yet he shall be revered when dead (Inferior Quotes)
Why not exploit, enslave, or exterminate a class that everybody is taught to regard as inferior? (Inferior Quotes)
But suppose God is black? What if we go to Heaven and we, all our lives, have treated the Negro as an inferior, and God is there, and we look up and He is not white? What then is our response? (Inferior Quotes)
The professional military mind is by necessity an inferior and unimaginative mind; no man of high intellectual quality would willingly imprison his gifts in such a calling (Inferior Quotes)
It is only the inferior thinker who hastens to explain the singular and the complex by the primitive shortcut of supernaturalism (Inferior Quotes)
We love kitties, good bless their little whiskers, and we don’t give a damn whether they or we are superior or inferior! They’re confounded pretty, and that’s all we know and all we need to know! (Inferior Quotes)
The claim to equality, outside of the strictly political field, is made only by those who feel themselves to be in some way inferior (Inferior Quotes)