Infinite Love Quotes
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Text Quotes
My love is deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, both are infinite (Infinite Love Quotes)
Every field and flower fades, but love is infinite (Infinite Love Quotes)
I’m sure that love exists, even infinite, eternal love (Infinite Love Quotes)
Deep at the center of my being there is an infinite well of love (Infinite Love Quotes)
Jesus conveyed the impression of complete love, compassion, kindness, and infinite patience (Infinite Love Quotes)
I find myself frequently depressed - perhaps more so than any other person here. And I find no better cure for that depression than to trust in the Lord with all my heart, and seek to realize afresh the power of the peace-speaking blood of Jesus, and His infinite love in dying upon the cross to put away all my transgressions (Infinite Love Quotes)
Love is the infinite placed within the reach of poodles. I have my dignity! (Infinite Love Quotes)
When we love, we see the infinite in the finite. We find the Creator in the creation (Infinite Love Quotes)
Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you with an infinite love (Infinite Love Quotes)
Infinite Love is who we really are and who we refuse to be. This refusal is our most essential tension (Infinite Love Quotes)
As an American, and especially as a Christian, I am convinced that a love for our own people is not a bad thing, but love doesn’t stop at borders. Love is infinitely boundless and all about holy trespassing and offensive friendships (Infinite Love Quotes)
Infinite Love is a weapon of matchless potency. It is the ‘summum bonum’ of life. It is an attribute of the brave, in fact it is their all. It does not come within the each of the coward. It is no wooden of lifeless dogma but a living and life-giving (Infinite Love Quotes)
Hope is in the name of God, the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hope is when you compare your suffering to the infinite, immeasurable love and grace of God (Infinite Love Quotes)
You have no more anger when you are all love, bliss, infinite existence. . . (Infinite Love Quotes)
Out of love for His Father and for us, He allowed Himself to suffer beyond the capacity of mortal man. He told us some of what that infinite sacrifice required of Him. (Infinite Love Quotes)
Love, Arthur, is a poodle’s chance of attaining the infinite, and personally I have my pride (Infinite Love Quotes)
New York was no mere city. It was instead an infinitely romantic notion, the mysterious nexus of all love and money and power, the shining and perishable dream itself. (Infinite Love Quotes)
I saw also that there was an ocean of darkness and death, but an infinite ocean of light and love, which flowed over the ocean of darkness. (Infinite Love Quotes)
To infinite, ever present Love, all is Love, and there is no error, no sin sickness, nor death (Infinite Love Quotes)
The most powerful forces in the universe are infinite. Love, imagination, intuition, stillness. Then why should we define our soul? (Infinite Love Quotes)
True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, ... (Infinite Love Quotes)
The whole image is that eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions God’s infinite love. That’s the message we’re brought up with, isn’t it? Believe or die! Thank you, forgiving Lord, for all those options. (Infinite Love Quotes)
Every beat of your heart sends the message of love over the boundary of infinite time (Infinite Love Quotes)
Who can measure the love Christ felt for a lost world, as he hung upon the cross, suffering for the sins of guilty men? This love was immeasurable. It was infinite (Infinite Love Quotes)
In consequence of our limited ideas of the sufferings of Christ, we place a low estimate upon the great work of the atonement. The glorious plan of man’s salvation was brought about through the infinite love of God the Father. In this divine plan is seen the most marvelous manifestation of the love of God to the fallen race (Infinite Love Quotes)
Conversion is the act of joining our hands to the pierced hand of the crucified Saviour. The new life begins with the taking of Christ’s hand, and His taking hold, in infinite love, of our weak hands (Infinite Love Quotes)
The whole image is that eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions God’s infinite love. That’s the message we’re brought up with, isn’t it? Beleive or die! Thank you, forgiving Lord, for all those options (Infinite Love Quotes)
I was never able to get through Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. I’ve never been able to make it through. and I love the Smashing Pumpkins, they’re one of my favorite bands ever, but I’ve never been able to listen to the whole thing all the way through (Infinite Love Quotes)
Our infinite sadness can only be cured by an infinite love (Infinite Love Quotes)
Marvellous mercies and infinite love (Infinite Love Quotes)
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