Infinitely Quotes

Text Quotes
One possessed a thousand and three women (in Spain alone), the other only one. But it is multiplicity that is impoverished, whilethe entire world is concentrated in a single being infinitely possessed. Tristan no longer needs the world--because he loves! While Don Juan, always loved, cannot love in return. Hence his anguish and his frenzied course (Infinitely Quotes)
It’s impossible to represent a saint [in Art]. It becomes boring. Perhaps because he is, like the Saturday Evening Post people, inthe position of having almost infinitely free will (Infinitely Quotes)
A Japanese proverb says fall seven times, stand up eight. We can also say this: Hate zero times, love infinitely! (Infinitely Quotes)
Between a dead-hero and a living-no one, always prefer the latter, always prefer the life! Being no one is infinitely better than being dead! (Infinitely Quotes)
As far as mental development is concerned, we should never be complacent. We can develop our minds infinitely - there is no limitation (Infinitely Quotes)
Reality is infinitely diverse, compared with even the subtlest conclusions of abstract thought, and does not allow of clear-cut and sweeping distinctions. Reality resists classification (Infinitely Quotes)
Books are in no hurry. An act of creation is in no hurry; it reads us, it privileges us infinitely. The notion that it is the occasion for our cleverness fills me with baffled bitterness and anger (Infinitely Quotes)
Mr. Christ, I read you as an infinitely patient entity who, as they say, often works in mysterious ways, a rebel unafraid to take the tougher, less traveled paths. Seems to me you’re playing the long game. Is that why more states are coming out in favor of marriage equality? Is that why the Affordable Care Act is now with us? (Infinitely Quotes)
God isn’t a noun but a process...a continual, infinitely creative outpouring of love and light onto all living things. (Infinitely Quotes)
I knew I could write infinitely about relationships. That’s the most beautiful, most confusing, most rewarding, most heartbreaking thing in our lives - and not just romantic relationships: that’s all relationships. (Infinitely Quotes)
Once I realized the emptiness of life apart from knowing God, when I embraced God and the truth of the gospel and the truth of the Bible, it was a no-brainer decision to see that that was a treasure that was infinitely more valuable than some sort of an atheistic Hollywood party life. (Infinitely Quotes)
A woman is a highly developed, deeply intelligent, infinitely complicated being. And it needs to be carefully tricked into doing things. (Infinitely Quotes)
But naturalists are now beginning to look beyond this, and to see that there must be some other principle regulating the infinitely varied forms of animal life. (Infinitely Quotes)
There is not, in my opinion, anything more mysterious in nature than this instinct in animals, which thus rise above reason, and yet fall infinitely short of it. (Infinitely Quotes)
The next time you check your moves in the mirror and reflect on how special you are, consider that somewhere in this universe or in another parallel universe, your double might be doing the same. This would be the ultimate Copernican Revolution. Not only are we not special, we could be infinitely ordinary. (Infinitely Quotes)
Like everything which is not the involuntary result of fleeting emotion but the creation of time and will, any marriage, happy or unhappy, is infinitely more interesting than any romance, however passionate. (Infinitely Quotes)
A pool is water, made available and useful, and is, as such, infinitely soothing to the western eye. (Infinitely Quotes)
Jesus may ask of you far more than you planned to give, but He can give to you infinitely more than you dared ask or think. (Infinitely Quotes)
Life is infinitely complex, and I feel like we live in a culture that really seems to want to simplify it into sound bites and bromides, and that does not work. (Infinitely Quotes)
Human beings are infinitely worth studying, especially the peculiarities that often go along with outstanding gifts. (Infinitely Quotes)
I’m encouraging these women, like Cheryl Strayed, to take the jump to writing for the screen. She is adapting her book Tiny Beautiful Things for us. They’re infinitely capable of tackling the format. (Infinitely Quotes)
We know truth for the cruel instrument it is. Beauty is infinitely preferable to truth. (Infinitely Quotes)
If God is not a personal being for me like my earthly father, He is infinitely more (Infinitely Quotes)
I learned long ago that being Lewis Carroll was infinitely more exciting than being Alice (Infinitely Quotes)
Being infinitely amazed, so do I give thanks to God, Who has been pleased to make me the first observer of marvelous things, unrevealed to bygone ages. (Infinitely Quotes)
God is infinitely valuable. I can’t think of anything that would have a greater impact on your life than for you to believe that. (Infinitely Quotes)
For even the best of peace training is more theoretical than practical experience ... indirect practical experience may be the more valuable because infinitely wider. (Infinitely Quotes)
We have never observed infinity in nature. Whenever you have infinities in a theory, that’s where the theory fails as a description of nature. And if space was born in the Big Bang, yet is infinite now, we are forced to believe that it’s instantaneously, infinitely big. It seems absurd. (Infinitely Quotes)
Why limit yourself to the experience of your own relatively brief time on earth, according to your biological clock, when the whole realm of the human experience reaching back infinitely far is available to you? (Infinitely Quotes)
Black holes are pretty scary when you ponder them. They seem nihilistic, infinitely destructive on an inconceivable scale, notwithstanding the ideas of Hawking radiation. (Infinitely Quotes)