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Influence Quotes

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There is no more potent antidote to the corroding influence of mammon than the presence in the community of a body of men devoted to science, living for investigation and caring nothing for the lust of the eyes and the pride of life  (Influence Quotes) Every man has a right to his own opinion. Every race has a right to its own action; therefore let no man persuade you against your will, let no other race influence you against your own  (Influence Quotes) The lasting pleasures of contact with the natural world are not reserved for scientists but are available to anyone who will place himself under the influence of earth, sea and sky and their amazing life  (Influence Quotes) Our fears are an amazing gift of the imagination... a way of glimpsing what might be the future when there’s still time to influence how that future will play out  (Influence Quotes) Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use  (Influence Quotes) The higher education so much needed today is not given in the school, is not to be bought in the market place, but it has to be wrought out in each one of us for himself; it is the silent influence of character on character  (Influence Quotes) One person can make a difference. You don’t have to be a big shot. You don’t have to have a lot of influence. You just have to have faith in your power to change things  (Influence Quotes) If I had influence with the good fairy... I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life  (Influence Quotes) I don’t want to have a bad influence on anybody, but there’s no point in my giving up cigarettes now. I won’t die young  (Influence Quotes) Mere communion with nature, mere contact with the free air, exercise a soothing yet comforting and strengthening influence on the wearied mind, calm the storm of passion, and soften the heart when shaken by sorrow to its inmost depths  (Influence Quotes) We don’t have to feel negative about weeds. They’re a part of life. We need to see them, acknowledge them, focus on the solution, and immediately do whatever it takes to eliminate their influence from our lives  (Influence Quotes) The best part of being on the platform that we are is being able to influence and affect so many people  (Influence Quotes) The traditional notion of an architect having a vision of a building and then drawing it either on paper or on a computer and then constructing it isnt really how architecture works, and in reality, the computer has a lot of influence on design  (Influence Quotes) The aim of being a good designer is to have an influence. If you design furniture or lifestyle, you should influence the way people evolve globally. It’s good to have an influence  (Influence Quotes) I realized that influence was inextricably linked to impact-the more influence you had, the more impact you could create.... The ability to make things go viral felt like the closest that we could get to having a human superpower  (Influence Quotes) I cannot believe that a republic could subsist if the influence of the lawyers in public business did not increase in proportion to the power of the people  (Influence Quotes) The kind of hero worship you have, when a parent is lost early and you don’t know all their faults and misgivings, is a very strong influence  (Influence Quotes) It’s the biggest economic influence in a woman’s life whether she can decide when and whether to have children or not  (Influence Quotes) He must put his whole life into his work, who would do it well, and make it potential to influence other lives  (Influence Quotes) We must not forget that … monetary policy all over the world has followed the advice of the stabilizers. It is high time that their influence, which has already done harm enough, should be overthrown  (Influence Quotes) Every corporeal substance, so far forth as it is corporeal, has a natural fitness for resting in every place where it may be situated by itself beyond the sphere of influence of a body cognate with it  (Influence Quotes) Music and visual performance have to influence each other. Designers and musicians have to be the nexus of all things pop culture, so I think about designers when I’m making music  (Influence Quotes) If you could help millions of people, you can certainly make millions of dollars. I try to influence everyone I know to be a giver because the person that benefits most by giving is the giver  (Influence Quotes) The objective of false prophets and teachers of whatever stripe is...the influence and control of the minds of men  (Influence Quotes) Art is one of the few products that is almost a totally emotional buy. It is a mystery what contributes to a person’s personal taste. However, being educated about the artist and his/her career may influence your decision regarding a purchase  (Influence Quotes) Just listening carefully to what the musicians are really doing, putting the music in the right time... I became aware of the degree to which time, and therefore duration, was important in music and in art. It had a direct influence on my painting  (Influence Quotes) The purifying influence of public confession springs from the fact, that by it the hope in lies is forever swept away, and the soul recovers the noble attitude of simplicity  (Influence Quotes) Plato... says a multitude can never philosophize and hence can never recognize the seriousness of philosophy or who really philosophizes. Attempting to influence the multitude results in forced prostitution  (Influence Quotes) I had always been considered such a nonentity where human relations were concerned that the idea that I might have an influence, even a corrupting influence... penetrated my heart with a fierce little sting of pleasure  (Influence Quotes) The real work of feminism is to empower a woman and to give her language to express a new value system for the world. The new feminism must create both the process by which we generate influence and the influence itself  (Influence Quotes)
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