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Influence Quotes

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If an interaction is too weak to be detectable or to exert influence in any way, then by any operational definition, it doesn’t exist  (Influence Quotes) One can only influence the strong characters in life, not the weak; and it is the height of vanity to suppose that you can make an honest man of anyone  (Influence Quotes) One is more certain to influence men, to produce more effect on them, by absurdities than by sensible ideas  (Influence Quotes) Writers, especially when they act in a body and with one direction, have great influence on the public mind  (Influence Quotes) Moral influence means persuading another that one can make that other more uncomfortable than that other can make oneself  (Influence Quotes) Once in a blue moon a captain imposes his influence not just upon his opponents, but on a generation of cricketers, by the sheer force of his personality  (Influence Quotes) Let other dance styles inspire and influence your own and remember that there are no boundaries. Dare to be original  (Influence Quotes) It is my view that a vegetarian manner of living by its purely physical effect on the human temperament would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind  (Influence Quotes) It was the last weakness he meant to indulge in; and a man never lies with more delicious languor under the influence of a passion than when he has persuaded himself that he shall subdue it tomorrow  (Influence Quotes) The most favorable moment to seize a man and influence him is when he is alone in the mass. It is at this point that propaganda can be most effective  (Influence Quotes) If you want to influence him at all, you must do more than merely talk to him ; you must fashion him, and fashion him in such a way that he simply cannot will otherwise than you wish him to will  (Influence Quotes) Some time this century, the day will arrive when the human influence on the climate will overwhelm all natural factors  (Influence Quotes) The first duty of an historian is to be on his guard against his own sympathies; but he cannot wholly escape their influence  (Influence Quotes) Marx profoundly affected those who did not accept his system. His influence extended to those who least supposed they were subject to it  (Influence Quotes) The influence of consumerism has led us to confuse institutions for people, means for the mission, and programs for the Spirit’s power  (Influence Quotes) Is it not absurd when a human being tries to find happiness somewhere outside himself, and thinks that wealth and birth and the influence of friends… is of the utmost importance?  (Influence Quotes) Changing behavior is less a matter of giving people analysis to influence their thoughts than helping them to see a truth to influence their feelings  (Influence Quotes) Nothing is so contemptible as habitual contempt. It is impossible to remain long under its control without being dwarfed by its influence  (Influence Quotes) Words being arbitrary must owe their power to association, and have the influence, and that only, which custom has given them. Language is the dress of thought  (Influence Quotes) Be it true or false, what is said about men often has as much influence upon their lives, and especially upon their destinies, as what they do  (Influence Quotes) There is no power like oratory. Caesar controlled men by exciting their fears, cicero by... Swaying their passions. The influence of the one perished; that of the other continues to this day  (Influence Quotes) There is no influence so powerful as that of the mother, but next in rank in efficacy is that of schoolmaster  (Influence Quotes) At present cats have more purchasing power and influence than the poor of this planet. Accidents of geography and colonial history should no longer determine who gets the fish  (Influence Quotes) Whose powers shed round him in the common strife, or mild concerns of ordinary life, a constant influence, a peculiar grace  (Influence Quotes) The influence of woman will ever be exercised directly in all good or evil. Give her, then, such light as she is capable of receiving  (Influence Quotes) Curiosity, or the love of knowledge, has a very limited influence, and requires youth, leisure education, genius and example to make it govern any person  (Influence Quotes) The day that witnesses the conversion of our ministers into political and philosophical speculators or scientific lecturers, will witness the final decay of clerical weight and influence  (Influence Quotes) Of all the cankers of human happiness none corrodes with so silent, yet so baneful an influence, as indolence  (Influence Quotes) Power and courtly influence form an intoxicating draught even when raised to the lips of an ascetic and a saint  (Influence Quotes) Contrast increases the splendor of beauty, but it disturbs its influence; it adds to its attractiveness, but diminishes its power  (Influence Quotes)
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