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Influence Quotes

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If the union between England and America is a powerful factor in the cause of peace, a new Triple Alliance between the Teutonic race and the two branches of the Anglo-Saxon race will be a still more potent influence in the future of the world.  (Influence Quotes) It is manifestly vital to the success of the anti-slavery cause, that the authority and influence of proslavery, especially of slaveholding, ministers should be destroyed.  (Influence Quotes) I don’t believe in the meteoric culture of anxiety, generally. Obviously, some people have it, some people are crippled by it, but most of the novelists I’ve ever known are in love with influence. They thrive on it.  (Influence Quotes) Well I think the media has a very powerful influence on almost anything and everything we do because the general public gets their perception of what is going on in things they don’t have immediate access to from what they get through the media.  (Influence Quotes) God determine the appointed time and boundaries of influence for every man  (Influence Quotes) My mother was a huge influence on me - she was a free spirit and helped me appreciate, from a very early age, that everyone is different.  (Influence Quotes) I’m inspired by many things, from landscapes to textiles. Art and architecture always influence my design process.  (Influence Quotes) The traditional notion of an architect having a vision of a building and then drawing it either on paper or on a computer and then constructing it isn’t really how architecture works, and in reality, the computer has a lot of influence on design.  (Influence Quotes) I spent two years in the Army. And my older brother, who was also a great positive influence on me, encouraged me to think about law school, and I said - well, I didn’t have any money.  (Influence Quotes) I don’t believe in very many things, but art is definitely one of them. And at the top of that list, film and art influence our world’s culture much more than many of us understand and fully respect.  (Influence Quotes) Entertainment and art have power. Our culture is molded more so by entertainment than any other influence.  (Influence Quotes) Punk’s influence on music, movies, art, design and fashion is no longer in doubt. It is used as the measurement for what is cool.  (Influence Quotes) We’re able to influence younger generations on design and art. They might not have realized they were an artist.  (Influence Quotes) Probably the biggest influence on my career was the late John Hersey, who, while he was at ‘The New Yorker,’ wrote one of the masterpieces of narrative non-fiction, ‘Hiroshima.’ Hersey was a teacher of mine at Yale, and a friend. He got me to see the possibility of journalism not just as a business but as an art form.  (Influence Quotes) I wanted my art to deal with very formal concerns and to deal with very material concerns, and to deal with antecedents and art history, which for me go very far beyond just the influence of African-American artists.  (Influence Quotes) There’s no way the writing staff of ‘Game of Thrones’ haven’t read ‘The Art of War.’ There’s definitely an influence on ‘Game of Thrones’ from this book in both a general way and on the character of Lord Baelish and his strategies.  (Influence Quotes) I don’t think that artists of any kind would or could sacrifice their artistic freedom by being more responsible with their influence on people, especially young people.  (Influence Quotes) Someone asked me the other day, ‘What’s the biggest influence on your filmmaking career?’ And they started naming filmmakers. I went ‘Naw, it’s Jesus actually.’  (Influence Quotes) Ask everyone whether they’re an actor or a doctor or a teacher or whatever is entitled to his or her opinion. But unfortunately, because actors are in the public eye, whether we want it or not, sometimes our opinions carry more weight or influence than they deserve.  (Influence Quotes) Al Davis has been the biggest influence in my professional football life. I mean, he was a guy that gave me an opportunity, one, to get into professional football in 1967 as an assistant coach, and then at the age of 32, giving me the opportunity to be the head coach.  (Influence Quotes) Conflicting legislation and regulations, overlapping mandates, unwillingness to enforce land use, elite capture, entrenched attitudes, and lack of incentives to influence behavior are rife in many resource-rich countries.  (Influence Quotes) Your values, as guiding principles, will influence your attitude towards yourself, life, other people, work and even challenges or success itself. Your values are a product of your beliefs.  (Influence Quotes) Weedflower’ was already in the copyediting phase when I heard about the Newbery award, so it didn’t really influence my writing of that book, but since then, I have become more aware of having an audience.  (Influence Quotes) Every single one of us has the unique opportunity to create awareness and influence change  (Influence Quotes) My first album, ‘Get Lifted,’ was a hip-hop soul album that had some of its roots in the church, as far as the sonic choices, in the way that I sing and write songs. I have always had that as part of my background and part of my influence when I am making music.  (Influence Quotes) At the outset, I want to say that the suggestion that the struggle in South Africa is under the influence of foreigners or communists is wholly incorrect. I have done whatever I did because of my experience in South Africa and my own proudly felt African background, and not because of what any outsider might have said.  (Influence Quotes) It’s not enough to picture their outward appearance. Give them a background and sphere of influence.  (Influence Quotes) I’d like to be more of a bad influence than a role model. I’m getting lots of boys to wear eye-liner again which is good.  (Influence Quotes) I’m concerned about the insidious influence of the media’s bad messages that undermine the lessons parents try to instill in their sons and daughters.  (Influence Quotes) Scarlett, I’m a bad influence on you and if you have any sense you will send me packing - if you can. I’m very hard to get rid of. But I’m bad for you.  (Influence Quotes)
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