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Influence Quotes

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By the accusation of liberal bias ... the institutions that conservatives revere - the military, corporate America, organized religion, and the powerful conservative groups themselves - will be able to escape scrutiny and increase their influence.  (Influence Quotes) We have allowed an unholy alliance of government - the new monarchy - and corporate influence - the new aristocracy - to take control of events in a way that would have made our Founders shudder.  (Influence Quotes) I was not going to surrender to the status quo and corporate insistence that ordinary people have no power and influence.  (Influence Quotes) Jimmy Meng sought to be a power broker in the halls of justice. But the influence he sought to peddle was corrupt, and his power was illusory.  (Influence Quotes) [The spirit of party] opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.  (Influence Quotes) To change one’s field of influence is to change the course of one’s life  (Influence Quotes) I’ve had shows as a painter, as a photographer, I’ve done shows as a sculptor. I’ve done a lot of different things and it all comes from experiences that you have in your life, in your creative environment. They all help - I don’t even know if they help; maybe they make it worse but they all influence each other, for sure.  (Influence Quotes) As well as being a creative genius, Vidal Sassoon was a formative figure of the Sixties. Along with the Pill and the mini-skirt, his influence was truly liberating.  (Influence Quotes) Your credit score affects the interest rates you’re offered on credit cards and loans, can be used to vet your job application, and in some states may influence your insurance premiums.  (Influence Quotes) Leaders create influence with the clays of criticism others throw at them. They don’t take offence; they take corrections.  (Influence Quotes) Your thoughts and actions not only influence your mood, but the moods of all you cross paths with. Thinking lovingly. Do lovingly. Be a messenger for love.  (Influence Quotes) From the American retelling of Romeo and Juliet in West Side Story to the Japanese adaptation of King Lear in Ran, Shakespeare’s cultural influence is virtually limitless.  (Influence Quotes) Culture and technology exist in a dynamic reciprocal relationship. Culture comprehends technology through the means of narratives or myths, and those narratives influence the future shape and purposes of technology. The culture-technology circuit is at the heart of cultural evolution.  (Influence Quotes) I think that cultural influence is very deep, it is not on the surface and this is true in every culture.  (Influence Quotes) I don’t care what anybody says, there’s nothing like the cultural influence of hip-hop. For me, hip-hop culture is involved in everything - it’s in me, in who I am, in how I dress, how I talk. It’s in my son and my wife.  (Influence Quotes) It doesn’t matter what your cultural conditioning is, it falls into question under the influence of the psychedelic. And for most people that’s frightening.  (Influence Quotes) One thing that is not to be underestimated is American cultures influence on the rest of the world  (Influence Quotes) A large majority of Americans believe that corporations exert too much influence on our daily lives and our political process.  (Influence Quotes) The idea of allowing corporations to have unlimited influence on our democracy is very dangerous, obviously.  (Influence Quotes) So, when dark thoughts my boding spirit shroud, Sweet Hope! celestial influence round me shed Waving thy silver pinions o’er my head.  (Influence Quotes) After people like Lennon and Dylan, I think David Bowie brought a very modernistic intelligence and the necessity for change. I think he was completely positive, certainly through one and a half decades of completely overriding influence, in the best of popular music, and I take my bloody hat off to him!  (Influence Quotes) The things that concern us during the day are going to influence what we experience during the night.  (Influence Quotes) I think when you think of death as being part of the life cycle and recognize that death is an inevitability for our species because the world has to be renewed with each death, then the hope becomes when it is renewed it will be renewed by people on whom I have had some influence for good.  (Influence Quotes) It’s very rare that someone gets the death penalty for charges of conspiracy, for his influence, for his Svengali-Rasputin act.  (Influence Quotes) Even heads of our own security agency said, you know, we need to take a deep breath on this. This really doesn’t seem to be happening [that Russians are trying to influence American domestic politics ].  (Influence Quotes) I am deeply interested in the progress and elevation of journalism, having spent my life in that profession, regarding it as a noble profession and one of unequaled importance for its influence upon the minds and morals of the people.  (Influence Quotes) My mom has obviously had a powerful influence on my life and her voice can describe certain things that I couldn’t see in myself.  (Influence Quotes) Trends in fashion, design and pop culture are taking on more global influence, and of course, one thing that’s always in style is color.  (Influence Quotes) I start looking for adjectives in news reporting, and if there are too many of them, if they’re all sort of repeatedly designed to influence my thinking in a certain way, I start getting concerned. I’m leery of people trying to paint a picture in a certain way.  (Influence Quotes) We and God have business with each other, and in opening ourselves to God’s influence our deepest destiny is fulfilled.  (Influence Quotes)
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