Information Quotes

Text Quotes
Eighty percent of the information we receive comes through our eyes. And if you compare light energy to musical scales, it would only be one octave that the naked eye can see, which is right in the middle (Information Quotes)
There is no communication with any public whatsoever. The artist can ask no question, and he makes no statement; he offers no information, and his work cannot be used. It is the end product which counts (Information Quotes)
No matter what information you have, no matter what you are doing, you can be wrong (Information Quotes)
Several generations of high school students have grown up ignoring and disbelieving everything they’ve heard from government and police about drugs, including information that was factual and valid, because they discovered for themselves that most of what has been taught to them was simply not true (Information Quotes)
In principle, there’s nothing wrong with the concept of an infographic. What concerns me is the types of things that people are doing with them. They get far off topic, or the fact checking is really poor. The infographic may be neat, but if the information it’s based on is simply wrong, then it’s misleading people (Information Quotes)
Doubt is the vestibule which all must pass before they can enter into the temple of wisdom; therefore, when we are in doubt and puzzle out the truth by our own exertions, we have gained a something that will stay by us, and which will serve us again. But, if to avoid the trouble of the search we avail ourselves of the superior information of a friend, such knowledge will not remain with us; we have not bought but borrowed it (Information Quotes)
For the mind is capable of dealing with only one kind of food; it lives, grows and is nourished upon ideas only; mere information is to it as a meal of sawdust to the body; there are no organs for the assimilation of the one more than of the other (Information Quotes)
The internet helps with information exchange in general so it’s obviously easier to check out tracks and whatnot from different genres. I think people are a lot more open to music in general because it’s being communicated easier (Information Quotes)
We still have books because they are so brilliantly suited to the way human beings absorb information and at their best, they are among the most beautiful things we have (Information Quotes)
I have a bunch of information in my head that I’m not afraid to put in song or onto a canvas. Into any conversation (Information Quotes)
All I can do is repeat what I think is the best information that anybody ever gave me (Information Quotes)
I don’t use photographs because photographs don’t give me the kind of information I need (Information Quotes)
Some books are not read in the right way because they have skipped a stage of opinion, assume a crystallization of information in society which has not yet taken place (Information Quotes)
I’m kind of a homebody, and the rhythm of my thinking and work is starting at home, going out and coming back, bringing back news, bringing back information, applying it (Information Quotes)
Education is this funny thing. You deal for several years with organized information, and then you go out into the world and you never see any of that ever again. There’s no more organized information (Information Quotes)
My attention is the most valuable resource I have. I can protect it with an information diet (Information Quotes)
People don’t think in terms of information. They think in terms of narratives. But while people focus on the story itself, information comes along for the ride (Information Quotes)
I will ask questions that are so wide and open they will feel the need to speak for a week. Then from the information that they give to me, I will mould solutions designed specifically for them (Information Quotes)
Wherever despotism abounds, the sources of public information are the first to be brought under its control. Where ever the cause of liberty is making its way, one of its highest accomplishments is the guarantee of the freedom of the press (Information Quotes)
You have no choice but to operate in a world shaped by globalization and the information revolution. There are two options: adapt or die (Information Quotes)
It’s a truism that denials never quite catch up with charges. Honest journalists who may have mistakenly printed false information know that the most prominent retraction never quite undoes the damage done by the original publication (Information Quotes)
It is misleading in a crucial way to view information as something that can be poured into an empty vessel, like a fluid or even energy (Information Quotes)
I think there’s been a reaction to the user generation source of travel information (Information Quotes)
You cannot give the vice president the authority to declassify specific information and then turn around and say he can just give carte blanche to an assistant of his to declassify whatever he wants (Information Quotes)
I wanted to be an artist, but at age 11, somehow all this musical knowledge and information and love for music that I had came out, and then suddenly it was very clear that I wanted to be a musician of some sort (Information Quotes)
Information is antifragile; it feeds more on attempts to harm it than it does on efforts to promote it (Information Quotes)
The brain’s strong point is its flexibility. It is unsurpassed at making shrewd guesses and at grasping the total meaning of information presented to it (Information Quotes)
There is a lot of information out there. To the degree that your life changes, it is made useful or useless (Information Quotes)
As children, we are remarkably aware. We absorb and process information at a speed that we’ll never again come close to achieving... we are learning about our world and its possibilities (Information Quotes)
Photographs and reality are just night and day. In reality, the information is all there. A photograph is just kind of a hint (Information Quotes)