Ingredient Quotes

Text Quotes
Communication is a very important ingredient for a healthy married life (Ingredient Quotes)
If people are really excited about their music, and that’s their primary motivation, then that comes through in demo tapes. That’s the most important ingredient (Ingredient Quotes)
An enlightened citizen is an indispensable ingredient of the infrastructure of democracy (Ingredient Quotes)
Simple intervention - the time spent with a patient - is a very powerful ingredient of the patient-doctor contract. The evidence is against the traditions such as surgery for back pain being true - the evidence says it doesn’t work (Ingredient Quotes)
Love is this divine ingredient. It alone describes what can be our perfect relationship to our Heavenly Father and our family and neighbors, and the means by which we accomplish His work (Ingredient Quotes)
It is possible to be at the top of Christian service, respected and admired, and not have that indispensable ingredient by which God has chosen to work in His world today - the absolute sacrificial agape love of the Eternal God. (Ingredient Quotes)
Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships. (Ingredient Quotes)
Love is an essential ingredient in all miracles as it is only love that heals. Techniques don’t heal. Where there is an open heart there is the energy to bring through miraculous and magical energy. Love is the great transformer. (Ingredient Quotes)
Super-stardom doesn’t scare or excite me. It’s just another ingredient added to my world. (Ingredient Quotes)
The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are. (Ingredient Quotes)
If you can’t taste an ingredient, you have to ask yourself why it is there (Ingredient Quotes)
I try to eat super clean: No processed sugars, no corn syrups, nothing frozen in a box that you can microwave. If I read the ingredient label and I don’t know what something is, I assume it’s bad. (Ingredient Quotes)
There’s no way I’m going to stand up for bad ingredients. We love seasonal ingredients. It’s a false dichotomy to say that modern cooking is at odds with that, but some people want to have a great ingredient and no technique. (Ingredient Quotes)
The mystery of being human and, certainly, of being a Catholic lies in our embracing together the imperfect state known as the human condition. First and foremost, if we could ever be perfect or do things perfectly, we would eliminate mystery, an essential ingredient in the good life and the spiritual life. (Ingredient Quotes)
Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life. (Ingredient Quotes)
Belief is the essential ingredient for success, thus if you believe, you can achieve, for real you will achieve. (Ingredient Quotes)
Once you start cooking, one thing leads to another. A new recipe is as exciting as a blind date. A new ingredient, heaven help me, is an intoxicating affair. (Ingredient Quotes)
I envy those Hindus and Buddhists who have in their religion philosophy and ancestor worship which build in the believer a continuity with the past, and that most important ingredient in the building of a nation - memory. (Ingredient Quotes)
Love is the fundamental building block of all human relationships. It will greatly impact our values and morals. Love is the important ingredient in one’s search for meaning. (Ingredient Quotes)
Money is a very fundamental ingredient in anyone starting up a new business (Ingredient Quotes)
The most important ingredient of leadership is character. Most of the proficiencies can be learned, but what’s inside you is something that’s difficult to change. (Ingredient Quotes)
Coconut oil has always been my favorite. Any dry spots I have I’ll put coconut oil on them because it’s a natural ingredient and it works better than anything. (Ingredient Quotes)
Curiosity has ... proven to be a great ingredient in resilience, a trait particularly valuable in an extended economic downturn. Resilient people aren’t made of steel; they just provide themselves with more options, and those options come from a curious mind. (Ingredient Quotes)
I think the idea that you know who your inner self is on a daily basis, because... you know. What’s good for you 25 years ago may not be good for you now. So, to keep in touch with that, I think that’s the first ingredient for success. Because if you’re a successful human being, everything else is gravy, I think. (Ingredient Quotes)
The third important ingredient for achieving peak performance is attitude. Attitude is how you deal with the inevitable adverse situations that occur in the markets. Attitude is also how you handle the daily grind, the constant 2 steps forward and 2 steps back. (Ingredient Quotes)
I tend to be a person who, when I get interested in something, I get obsessed by it... What happens to me is that I will fall in love with a particular ingredient or a particular dish... Once I make the decision that something has intrigued me enough to draw me in, there is no end to it. (Ingredient Quotes)
Adventure can be an end in itself. Self-discovery is the secret ingredient... (Ingredient Quotes)
Understanding the true causes of the Depression, as well as the real economic record of the United States in the 1930s, is an essential ingredient in anyone’s economic and historical education. (Ingredient Quotes)
Sometimes it’s interesting to see something that you’re not used to seeing, which is the main ingredient of life, and it’s removed from the usual entertainment. I think it’s important to give the opportunity to people to witness the life of somebody who was not public. (Ingredient Quotes)
A man’s love for a woman is not defined by his availability in bed, but by every ingredient he adds to improve the taste of the relationship. (Ingredient Quotes)